Author has written 20 stories for Naruto. UPDATED: 19/1/08 Butterfly in Reverse readers: Please Read! Butterfly in Reverse, that monster of mine, is officially on hiatus. I don't want to say that it's abandoned, but in all honesty the likelihood is that it will never be finished. There are a few reasons for this; the first being a quite intense period of writer's block around the time of the last update, that stuck until very recently. I was also ill in myself for a while early on, and as I got through that there was a serious lull in my interest for the Naruto series. I found myself determined then to at least get one more chapter out, but was unable soon after that to afford the internet while at school, and so have been relying on campus internet, which blocks all non-academic sites for some stupid reason. Thus my Livejournal account being dead for almost a year now. I am currently reworking some of the old fic of mine that hasn't been published on ffn, as well as a few Naruto-centric stories that might find their way on here. Other drabbles and unrelated fic is slowly finding its way onto my LJ, but it's still very hit in miss as to when I can find time/motivation to jump back in. My sincerest apologies go to my friends, who I have been unable to get in touch with for the most part and miss very very dearly; readers of Butterfly who have been patient and supportive beyond my deserving and those who've commented on my livejournal account, and recieved no answer. I hate to seem that rude, so I owe you all a huge apology. I want to take a minute to just thank all the readers of Butterfly who have waited patiently and encouraged me throughout, especially to the dear friends I made within the fandom, who I haven't managed to speak with in so long, but still think the world of. x dragon_bite x Fic List A (long) while ago someone asked about timelines, and how my fics were related to each other. Maybe this'll help? The 'Awesome Adventures of Jiraiya and Sakumo' Series Team Yellow Flash Akatsuki Crack And that's what informs how I write them, intentions and the rest of it. x dragon bite x |