Author has written 13 stories for D.Gray-Man, Yuri!!! on Ice, Beowulf, Resonance of Fate, Treasure Planet, and Homestuck. Pleased to meet you, fanfictionists. Though we may only aspire to the works of the true geniuses, we can still obsess over them bizarrely, and practice our own craft at the expense of their characters. The D. Gray-Man series is my most frighteningly ardent love and by far my most enduring, but I have a penchant for crack pairings and being tragically long-winded. Though seldom seen on-site, I'm open to criticism, suggestions, and lukewarm praise. Get in touch any time. Misery loves company. I'm on Twitter at ElyanWhite, on Ao3 at Elyan White, and on WordPress with original writing at Phantasmagorium. Come visit! NOTE: "Hymns for Dead Hearts" under massive revision right now, so sorry if writing is a little mismatched for a bit. Good day and good writing, Elyan Why I didn't sleep last night: D. Gray-Man (always and forever) |