Dragonfire719 chapter 19 . 11/13/2016
Shame you quit this. Ah well, I respect your opinion.

(SPOILERS to antone reading this)
Although, the latest chapters have more mind fucks than humanly possible. . . Okay, maybe an exaggeration but. . Mana is the Earl because THAT makes perfect sense. Mana and Nea were once the same person. Naked babies drawn. Mana went nuts (made his face bleed by dragging his fingernails over his flesh-OH GOD that is bloody-) and blew up his face. Mana devoured his brother. (literally how that us phrased) Nea calls Link scary. Everyone has memory problems. Allen was alive 35 years ago and somehow aged backwards. Adam, the previous Earl, fell in love with someone aparently. Johnny is still alive. Lots of exposition that has the entire fandom (literally EVERYONE) going WTF?! 0_0

D. Gray man in a nushell.
leonebrion chapter 19 . 8/21/2015
This was hilarious. I loved this. It's a shame you're not continuing. If you just held out, maybe DGM will get better. It's finally off it's hiatus.
RandomFandoms14 chapter 17 . 6/4/2015
Hoshino is my role model. No seriously. She's just THAT good at trolling peeps. I'm going to be a troll when I grow up.
RandomFandoms14 chapter 13 . 6/4/2015
... Anyone gonna make a Hoshino-is-effin'-high club? No? Then allow me to make it.
Welp chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
I would've screamed had I woken up with the way Kanda did.
aeva elementia chapter 19 . 9/11/2014
This is so wrong, yet so right :D
I sputtered several times on the bus while reading this- people were looking at me funny!
langelos chapter 19 . 1/22/2014
this is beaUTIFUL
thank you for posting this!
ISeeClearly chapter 19 . 1/22/2014
Oh, I'm sad it's over :( Your summaries always gave me endless laughter!
Have fun with the rest of things you do! :-)
God Of Cake chapter 19 . 1/21/2014
Haha hilarious chapter, to bad it's over since there's two More DGM chaps, oh well.
natcat5 chapter 19 . 1/21/2014
"Someone invent the tanning booth"
Ha, I've missed this almost as much as I miss the actual manga.
jenchough chapter 19 . 1/21/2014
Superb. Sad it's the last one. I wish there was a triumphant return of Lenalee for you (and Allen) to rejoice over, but alas. Will look forward to your other works. Cheers!
Requiem of memory chapter 19 . 1/21/2014
...huh? XD
jenchough chapter 18 . 1/21/2014
i know you had said that there are some missing chapters here and there but is here any hope for us seeing CAPSLOCK DGM CH. 206-208? i know those aren't that great with all the johnny lovin' going on but i was kinda looking forward to seeing what you'd do with kanda's return and him prodding komui with his shenanigans (drinking out of lenalee's hands). having said that, i will take what i can get of this wonderful series and by wonderful series, i mean yours.
Sillage chapter 16 . 11/15/2013
I distrusted Creeper Cardinal at first sight. He looks too damn much like Shou Tucker from FMA. It can't be a coincidence. I call plagiarism, seriously.
kim-onka chapter 18 . 9/4/2013
Oh, Johnny. I think no one needs to tell her that. It's just her nature as a troll.

I barely remember what went on in these chapters, but I am sure it was just like that. Definitely it was like that. I was glad to see Kanda preening, but everything else just doesn't make the tiniest bit of sense. You have the gist of it. Thank you for the ever-entertaining update.
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