
She goes by their rooms one by one. Lavi's is unfamiliar, sparsely furnished but for the piles of books littered about. She wonders if he has read them all, if she can flip through a volume and still feel him in the pages.

"I wish that you would stop hurting yourself."

She tenses, looks up to see Marie's serious expression as a thousand things he could be referring to flit through her mind. She smiles, even though he can't see it; with Marie, it always feels like somehow he can see without needing his eyes.

"I'm not"

Kanda's room feels like home. Her safe haven, not often visited but never forgotten. Always there for her to run to should she need it. Horribly empty.

"I wish that you would stop hurting yourself."

She wishes that she knew how to stop.

They are just empty rooms, and every time she enters she manages to see less and less of the men she loves in them. As if she is sapping away their essence herself by visiting so often. But she has to keep moving, and her feet have to take her somewhere. They are set in their pattern.

"You weren't in your room last night."

A pause. "And how would you know, Inspector?"

He seems agitated. "Inspector Leverrier wanted to speak with you, and you didn't respond to the summons sent via golem."

Of course not. The golem hovered pathetically behind her closet door as she made her trek, only to be released when she returned in the morning.

"I couldn't sleep. I took a walk."

Allen's room isn't one that she had seen before. Not because it was so closed off, like Lavi's, but because whenever he was at the Order he would be somewhere else. Eating and chatting with Jerry in the cafeteria, down at the training grounds with whoever else was home and able bodied, lending a hand to the beleaguered science team. There is only one unused bed in it now— she wonders when Link took his things back.

Most things are gone now. Evidence, perhaps. All that stands out is the bed and a stained glass panel for a window with a cross in it. She finds it a little creepy, but… right. She isn't quite sure of the reason when she stares at it for too long and finds herself crying.

It's hard to say how much time she spends there, or in any of the rooms. At first she limits herself to looking, tiptoeing along and lightly brushing her hand over the dusty sill, the sleek sheets. But eventually she grows bolder.

Despite his schedule, Komui makes time to look for her, when word reaches him that she is missing. He is not surprised to find her asleep in a traitor's bed.