Hello everybody here on my profile you will see many stories that contain crossovers, and other stories that are owned by other people but are revised, changed, and make they English better! The Main story that i'm working on right now is Not a Monster(Revised and Changed) It's a better version of Remake:Not a Monster - Note:The story is not mine Also, my updates usually come every day with a new chapter(Even the revised stories)The longest time that it should take is about a week In my revised stories tell me if my English is wrong then tell me in the comments, so I can change the story so that the English is better for the story and makes more sense. Disclaimer:I OWN NOTHING!!! ALSO CHECK OUT ANOTHER SITE AT AND MY PROFILE, https:///user/LittenGaming WHERE I WRITE MORE THAN HERE, I HAVE 4 STORIES THERE :) |