Hi guys, Deathslayer Night here. You may be wondering-

"Jeez, it's been 4 years, why is he writing an update now?"

Well, since I was stuck in my home during quarantine, and now that the first year of college is now over (Yes, I'm in college now), I honestly didn't know what to do. Then I get an update in my email about this story, and that someone had commented on it. I read through the rest of the comments, and figured I should try to read over what I had done in my story.

After I read my story, I realized that it had so much potential to become a great Fairy Tail fanfic, despite the numerous grammatical errors and the sometimes cringey moments. So, I'm writing this update to let you all know that I am rebooting this story! I realized that there are plenty of things I could have done to better the plot. Also, since Fairy Tail ended I know that there are a lot of discrepancies that my original fanfic has in accordance with the original Fairy Tail, so I believe that rebooting would be the best option for me in this case. That is to say, most of the characters' personalities won't change, but the plot will be moderately different to adjust to the plotline of the original Fairy Tail.

I'd like to thank everyone who commented- even those who left critical reviews, since I believe those comments helped me better my story this time around.

The first chapter of the reboot story is out now and is linked down below, so go check it out! If the link doesn't work, then you can check to see if it's up on my profile. And don't forget to subscribe for notifications on my new reboot story!
