Author Notes:

So, I'm sorry about not updating this or any story for all this time. My excuse is that I have been really lazy this past months. Yes, I said LAZY. So, I understand if you're mad. I don't blame you. But hey! At least now there's a new chapter! Hope you enjoy it.


"So, who is gonna be your date for tonight, bro?" A student holding a ladder asked a friend.

"I dunno, but I have my eyes on Sam." The friend replied.

"What? Dude! You know I like her!"

"And what? We both know you don't have the gut to ask her!"

"But-! No! You can't do that! I won't let you!"

"Hey guys." The said girl walked by their side while greeting them.

"Then prove it, though guy." His friend said before walking behind the girl. "Hey, Sam!"

The other guy looked at this with concern before letting go the ladder and running behind them.

The ladder started to move uncontrollably.

"H-H-HEY!" From the top of the ladder, Marco yelled while trying to keep his balance before falling to the floor with a groan of pain.

"Hey Marco, what's up?" Star greeted from behind.

Marco raised his head to look at his bestie. "Star, whatever you did now, I don't have time for it." He said while standing up.

"Hey, Diaz. Cut her some slack." Janna said as she approached at Marco from behind. "She hasn't got into problems since that detention party. Do you remember that?"

"I do. That's the reason why Principal Skeeves asked me to help with tonight's dance…" Marco explained sounding kind of annoyed. "Speaking of which, are you gonna come?"

"Nah, I don't think so. This dances are the worst!" Star exclaimed.

"Really?" Marco asked curiously.

"Bad food, bad drinks, no games and no dance!" Star said while raising one finger for each of the points she mentioned.

"No dance?" Marco asked with confusion.

"Yeah." Janna confirmed. "Turns out that the school has strict rules when it comes to couples, so they don't allow any of that stuff. And they have Skullnick in every dance to make sure of that." She said while pointing at the troll that they had for a teacher.

"And that's why I'm throwing a slumber party at my place instead!" Star exclaimed with excitement. "We were going to invite you, but you seem really busy!"

"And besides, this is for girls only." Janna said.

"But he's my bestie! I would have dragged you in there anyways!" Star reassured Marco with a playful attitude.

"Yes, I know…" Marco replied.

"Hey, Diaz!" Principal Skeeves called. "Go back to work!"

"Right away! See you later!" Marco said before leaving.

"Bye Marco!" Star said while waving goodbye.

"Have fun in your little dance tonight." Janna said teasingly before turning back to Star. "So, who else is coming to the slumber party?"

"Just friends! Jackie, Daron and Pony!"

"What? Pony?" Janna asked confused.

"You'll see what I mean tonight." Star told. "How about if we get some snacks for the party!"

"On it." Janna replied before the two friends left the gym.

Meanwhile, Marco was starting to realize what his friends told him. The snacks were bad, the decoration was too lazy and Miss Skullnick was already preparing an area only for boys and another one for girls.

"C'mon, Diaz! What are you staring at? These boxes are not going to move all by themselves!" Principal Skeeves shouted, bringing him back to reality.

"Coming!" Marco replied as he ran to the boxes and started to push, but these didn't moved an inch and Marco grew tired really fast. "What is inside this these boxes?"

"The gifts for the guests of this year, of course!" Skeeves stated.

"And that will be…?"

"Coupons for a free lunch in the cafeteria."

"Coupons?!" Marco exclaimed with surprise. "Then why is the box so heavy?"

Skeeves retrieved one of the big coupons and showed it to Marco. "Well, you can't expect stone coupons to be light, can you?"

Marco looked at this with a mix of surprise and confusion before asking. "Couldn't you get better gifts?"

"Excuse me?" The principal asked with confusion.

"Don't take me wrong, but who on Mewni would give this in a school dance or in any kind of party?" He asked.

Skeeves looked at him with confusion before he got a sudden smile on his face. "Oh, I've been waiting for this opportunity since I became principal!"

"Huh? What are you-?"

"So you think you can do better than me, is that it?" Skeeves interrupted.

"What?! N-no, no, no! I didn't-!" Marco tried to defend himself, but got interrupted once again.

"Well, let me tell you, that you are probably right! So here, have my list and take care of the dance for me!" Skeeves said cheerfully while giving Marco a to-do list. "See ya tonight!" Then, he walked away.

"No! Wait!" Marco tried to run after him, but Miss Skullnick grabbed him by his hood and raise him to eye level.

"Not so fast, Diaz." She said with her usual angry tone. "I heard everything. If Principal Skeeves wants you to organize this, then you better organize it good. Or else… Understood?"

Marco swallowed hard before nodding with his head.

"Good. Now get back to work." She said while placing him again in the floor. Then, just as like Skeeves, she left.

Marco looked at the list in his hands and let out a tired sigh. "This is gonna be a loooong day…" He told to himself.

A rat, who was watching him from the distance, quickly made its way out of there.

"Okay, so my parents are out, the food is ready and everybody should be here soon!" Star said as she and Janna poured the snacks in a bowl. "Thanks for letting us use your closet, Marco!"

"No problem, Star. But could you please go out while I change?" He asked, hiding himself behind a curtain while changing.

"Why so nervous? We're not looking!" Star stated.

"I don't trust Janna." Marco replied.

"I don't feel like seeing sad things right now." Janna said with a smug smile.

"What do you mean?" Marco asked with confusion.

"Nothing!" Star intervened, just in time if I may add. "Anyway, are you ready or what?"

"Yes, I think I'm ready…" Marco said as he pulled out the curtain, revealing his attire to the girls. A plain elegant suit.

Star looked at him for some seconds, admiring his attire while Janna looked in another direction with disinterest.

"So… What do you think?" He asked nervously.

"Marco… You…" Star said.


"…You have your zipper down." Star finished.

"Huh?" Marco said confused as he looked down. "Oh, shoot!" He exclaimed, fixing it up. "Thanks." He said with a slight blush of embarrassment.

"No worries! Now get going before Miss Skullnick gets angry at you." Star exclaimed happily.

That thought sent chills over Marco's spine. "R-Right!" He said as he hurried his way out of the closet. "See you later! And don't break anything!"

"I don't promise anything!" Star said as she waved goodbye at him.

"Well, now what?" Janna asked.

"Now we wait!" Star said while taking a seat on the floor.

"And how long?" Janna asked again before a portal opened outside of the closet, letting out Pony, Jackie and Daron.

"Hey, B-Fly! What's up?"

"…Make sure that table is set, I need the lights to point at the dance field at all times, cancel the basketball game and keep the hands off the snacks." Marco directed the few assistants while checking everything was in order.

"I can't help it, these are too good!" The guy in the snacks admitted and took another one.

Miss Skullnick took one of the snacks and checked it. "From where did you get these, Diaz? And what happened to the other snacks from this morning?"

"O-Oh! Sorry for not telling you, Miss Skullnick, but I made some little changes to… improve the dance?" Marco explained.

"Improve it?" She asked.

"Yeah… I just thought that if I was going to organize the dance, I might as well do it right."

"What do you mean by do it right?" Skullnick asked with a mad expression.

"S-Sorry! I meant, not as right as you would have done it!" Marco stated nervously, trying to not get the troll in front of him angrier.

"That's better." She said while swallowing the snack. "Oh my! These are really good!"

"R-Really?" Marco asked nervously. "Well, I'm glad you like them." He said before an idea crossed his mind. "Actually, there are more in the gym's storage room, and I need someone to take care of it." He said while looking at Miss Skullnick with a knowing look.

"Diaz, as much as I love these snacks of yours, I'm not gonna fall for that o-!"

"If you keep them safe, they're yours." He interrupted before she could change her mind.

"MINE!" She shouted as she made her way to the storage.

"Hope those are enough to keep her busy all night…" He told to himself as he saw how the guests started to arrive. "Well, here comes nothing…"

"And you're telling me Marco cooked this?" Jackie asked while treating herself with Marco's snacks.

"Yup! He also let us use his closet for the party!" Star exclaimed while grabbing a bunch of the snacks.

"This is a closet?!" Daron asked with astonishment.

"Who would have thought that Marco could be so modest, right?" Janna asked with obvious sarcasm.

"Hey! Enough about the dork! Let's start this party!" Pony Head exclaimed as she searched for something on her inside… However that works… She then retrieve a cube and placed it on the floor.

"Uhhh, what's that?" Star asked in a curious tone as she pointed at the cube.

"It's a game… or punishment…" Pony answered with sudden seriousness.

"Can't we do that with a bottle or something?" Janna asked.

"Na-ah. Trust me, girl, this is way cooler!" Pony exclaimed as she turned on the device using her tongue.

The device started to float before an echoing voice came out of it. "Tonight, only the truth will be told for us to know. But beware, if I lie is caught, I should doom you all!" A little statue came from the top. "Swear it to me."

"Uh… Is this safe?" Jackie asked with concern.

"Sure! I've done this thousands of times!" Pony said before inserting her tongue in the little statue's mouth. "Alright, who's next?"

"I'm not placing my pinkie in that thing now…" Daron stated as she looked at the saliva that Pony left in it.

"C'mon, girls! I mean, what could possibly go wrong with this?" Star asked with a smile as she placed her pinkie inside, the statue accepting her swear.

"Meh, works for me." Janna said before doing the same.

Jackie and Daron did this as well, and then, the statue withdrew itself into the cube.

"Alright, now… Let the truths be unfold!" The device said as it floated to the center of the room. "Now… Tell me… What's your hobby?"

The room fell silent for a brief moment.

"That's it? I was expecting something better…" Janna told with obvious deception.

"Don't worry, it just keeps getting better! Take this as the easy one." Pony Head stated.

"Well, I think my hobby would be hanging out with my friends." Star said, sitting around the cube.

All the others follow soon after.

"Mine's skateboarding. Everybody knows that." Jackie said with a cool smile.

"I like to look at myself in the mirror." Pony Head said while withdrawing a mirror and admiring herself.

"Really?" Daron asked with a confused tone before answering. "Well, I think my hobby is the same as Star's."

"And mine… I think it would be… "Borrowing" stuff from Marco." Janna said with a smirk.

The room went silent for a moment.

"Someone…" The cube said as it started floating once again. "Is lying!" Then, it let out some smoke that caused everybody to get incredible itchy. It grew to the point that they couldn't bare it in matter of seconds.

"S-Stop it!" Daron shouted as she scratched herself all over.

"Please, make it stop!" Pony said as she roll all over the rug, trying to scratch herself with it.

"Someone must say the truth first." The cube replied.

"A-Alright! Alright! I like to spy on people!" Daron admitted.

"True!" The cube exclaimed as the gas was quickly absorbed right back into it, ceasing the torture immediately.

"You like to spy on others?" Janna asked with surprise.

"Oh, girl! You are nasty!" Star said in a friendly manner.

"I knew this thing was not a good idea!" Jackie exclaimed.

"I'm with Jackie in this one. That was really unnecessary…" Daron said, feeling really uncomfortable after revealing her unusual hobby.

"But that's the POINT of the game! He asks you a question, you answer it and if you lie you get punished!" Pony stated.

"Well, I don't want to play this game anymore…" Jackie stated while standing up and walking towards the exit.

"Neither do I." Daron said, following Jackie.

Before they could reach the door, the cube floated and said with its echoing voice. "Not so fast! Nobody leaves before the game ends!" Then, it covered the entire room in a a bigger cube that look like itself, trapping everyone inside it.

Everybody looked at it with surprise.

"Now, shall we continue?"

Meanwhile, Marco's plan went down smoothly, everybody seemed to enjoy the changes that he had done for the dance. Even including an actual dance by getting Miss Skullnick off the way.

"Everything is going good so far…" Marco told to himself as he watched the dancing students from one of the corners of the gym. Suddenly, he spotted something.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a rat of Mewni watching him.

Marco confused turned to see it.

The rat reacted with surprise before it ran out of the gym.

Marco, confused, followed the rat outside.

The rat ran into to the recess field and got past a certain tree, and so did Marco.

But then, Marco heard a familiar voice that made him hide behind said tree.

"…and I don't want any of you fools to mess it up!" Ludo yelled. "I have wanted to get rid of that annoying brat of a prince for a long time!"

Marco grew concerned as he listened to the speech. But the next part sent a chill down his spine.

"If anyone ruins it, you'll get some of this!" Ludo shouted as he pointed at a rock and blasted it with his wand.

The blast reached the rock and completely destroyed it. But it also sent Ludo flying face first into the tree where Marco was hiding behind.

The tree shock violently on impact, sending down some of his leaves.

Marco gulped nervously.

"Okay… Let's just say you'll only get the rock part…" Ludo said as he recovered from the hit.

One of the rats approached Ludo and called its attention.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked with a bad mood.

The rat started to point at the tree where Marco was hiding.

Ludo turned his attention to said tree and walked towards it with his wand ready. "AHA!" He shouted as he pointed his wand behind the tree… where he found nothing. Ludo looked at this with a dumbfound expression for a bit before walking back with a mad expression and mumbling angrily.

From the top of the tree, Marco saw the little bird getting away, not getting his scared stare from his the villain's wand.

Suddenly, the pet hawk of Ludo grabbed him by his hood.

"W-Whoa! Hey!" Marco protested before the big bird opened its claw, letting him fall straight into the ground. Before he could react, the wand he was looking at seconds ago was aimed directly at his face, letting out an evil green light.

"Why, hello there, Prince." Ludo greeted menacingly as he loomed over him.

Marco looked with fear at his adversary.

"Ugh… That was horrible!" Star exclaimed before turning to her dimensional friend. "Pony what kind of sick truth or punishment game is this?!" She asked, slightly mad.

"Well… It's mine, so I thought it was a cool one…" Pony answered, finding the last punishment a little too excessive. "And we still have one more to go."

After a really embarrassing second question, that nobody wants to know about, the cube was ready to make its third and final question.

"Alright… Let's just get this over with…" Janna said as she walked over to the cube.

"And please, tell only the truth…" Jackie said, being mentally exhausted of Pony's game.

"That's what I like to hear!" The cube said before asking the most heard question of them all. "Now, for my last question… Who. Do you. Have. A crush on?"

"Really, dude? You couldn't think of anything else?" Daron exclaimed.

"It's okay. Just answer. But don't lie! I don't wanna be punished again!" Star exclaimed.

"W-Well… Who do you have a crush on, Star?" Jackie asked.

"Hmm… Well, Marco…"

Jackie held her breath and the other ones looked at her with surprise.

"…has a really hot friend called Tom Lucitor! He's my crush!" She exclaimed with a smile.

Jackie let out a silent sigh of relieve.

"Girl, for a moment Ii thought you were gonna say that the dork was your crush!" Pony said with a suspecting look.

"Why? Even Marco knows about it!" Star said.

"Anyway, I think my crush will be… MYSELF!" She exclaimed. "That's right, I love myself!" Then, she posed in an attractive way.

"Narcissism…" Janna told to herself before answering the question. "My crush is a vampire that I once summon by accident."

The room went silent as they looked at Janna.

"What?" She asked while wearing her usual smile.

"Well, I was expecting you to say that guy you always followed home…" Star said.

"Him? Nah, he's a loser. Plus, he's not a vampire."

"Alright…? What about you Daron? Who's your crush?" Star asked her friend.

"Isn't it obvious? It's Justin!" She said dreamily.

"Hey, nice pick." Star replied.

"Yeah, too bad he's Brittney's, though." Janna said.

Daron went out of her dreamy trance. "Brittney did what?!" She bursted.

"Hey, girl! Calm down!" Pony exclaimed with an annoyed expression.

Daron growled while her eye started to get a tic.

"Hey, I can help you with Justin later!" Star cheered, hoping to calm down her friend with this.

She succeded.


"Yeah, no biggie!" She said happily. "But let's finish this game first!" She then turned to Jackie, and her other friends did the same, too.


"So… Jackie. Who's your crush?" Janna pressed.


"Remember. Only the truth. Unless you want us all to get punished." Janna said.

"Umm…" Jackie let out as she was being watched by her friends and a pony head.

Blasts of green magic flew though the gym as the students ran away in panic. All of that with Ludo's laugh going along.

Marco was taking cover behind a table while he dialed for Star's phone.

"Come on, come on… Why don't you answer?!" He asked with concern before the table got blasted into nothing, leaving him exposed.

"There you are!" Ludo shouted as he aimed.

Marco dodged the blast just in time, but the explosion launched him some feet away. He then tried to stand and run, but Ludo didn't even gave him the chance.

The little bird blasted him again, getting a clean shot this time.

The blast was so powerful that it caused Marco to go through the wall of the gym, landing flat in his back on the storage's floor.

Marco groaned in pain as he tried to stand once again, but failed in the attempt.

"Huh? Marco, is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

Marco look in the direction of said voice and spotted the magical individual, looking at him. "Gl-Glossaryck?"

"Yes, what is it?" He asked as he kept looking at him with his usual relaxed mood.

"G-Glossaryck! I-I-I need-!" He tried to say, but he let out a growl when he tried to stand and the pain stopped him, causing him to fall again to the floor. "I need help…"

Glossaryck looked at the prince, with his unchanged expression. "Well, I guess it's time for me to do the plot's job." He told himself before floating towards him. "And how may I help you?"

"L-Ludo- He has a w-wand! He's destroying it all!" Marco stammered.

"And how may I help you? I think you can take him on your own, so I don't see why I could be of any help." Glossaryck repeated.

"B-B-But! Agh! L-Listen… I… I need…"

"You're going to tell me that you lost your wand, right?"


"That's why you have been pushing yourself so hard recently, isn't it?"


"Don't worry. I won't tell your mother." He said while looking down at him. "But I will tell you this. You can handle Ludo."

"B-But I don't have my wand! And he-!"

"Do you need a wand to cast magic?"

"…N-No… But-!"

"Then I don't see the problem."


"Ludo, the monsters and the other mewmans need the wand to cast magic because they lack your talent. They lack your abilities. You have the right to rule because you can wield magic without the use of a wand that wields it for you."

Marco remain silent.

"If you can't handle Ludo. Right here. Right now. Then maybe you have no right to rule at all and the other mewmans, your people, were right in doubting you."

"…N-No. I c-can do it!" Marco said as he raised to his feet once again with a lot of effort.

"Then prove it. Prove them all wrong!" Glossaryck said before Marco left the place, right to the battle.

Marco walked out of the storage.

"What is it, do you want more of this?!" Ludo shouted from the top of his spider with glee as he saw his opponent emerging.

Marco got in a fighting stance while taking heavy breaths.

"Alright, then have at you!" He shouted as he send a blast towards him.

Marco reacted quickly, he raised his hand and successfully picked up a chair with Levitato. He then threw it at the blast, which exploded alongside the chair.

"Hey! That's not fair! You have no wand!" He yelled rather annoyed.

Marco smiled sheepishly. After all those failed attempts, he finally managed to use it. With the same spell, he picked up another chair and threw it at Ludo.

The spider moved out of the way to avoid the chair.

"I don't care! I have a wand now! So I shall your head as my trophy tonight!" He yelled.

His army of rats didn't take long into aiding his call.

"PREPARE TO DIE!" Ludo yelled as he charged his wand with another blast.

"It's Marco! All right?!" Jackie exclaimed, not holding to the pressure of the magic box anymore.

"Truth!" The box exclaimed satisfied. The cage that was imprisoning them disappear and the box that caused them so problems turned itself off without punishing anyone in the last question.

Jackie looked at her friends. All of them were surprised, aside from Janna.

"I knew it." She said with her smug grin.

"Wait, you like Marco?" Star asked with surprise, still processing the information.

"Umm… Well…" Jackie tried to respond due the awkward situation. Which banish not long after.

"That's great!" Star exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Jackie, I have something to tell you!" Suddenly, Star's phone started to ring, informing her of the notifications. "Oh, that must be him!" She pulled out her phone and her smile slowly fell into a confused frown.

12 missed calls.

In that moment, a red light was bestowed upon her through the window.

She looked up and spotted a red full moon looming above her.

"Hey, Star…?" Jackie asked and suddenly, the moon went back to normal. "Are you alright…?"

"Pony, give me your scissors!" Star exclaimed.

A storm of green blasts flew its way towards Marco, but he managed to use Levitato to block the attack with a piece of concrete of the already empty and half destroyed gym.

The storm of blasts managed to blew the whole thing into pieces.

Marco, however, reacted fast and use Levitato to shot all of the fragments at Ludo. But his magic wasn't strong enough. Some of the fragments fell to floor and Ludo managed to blast away the remaining ones.

In the meantime, the rats were trying to approach Marco from any way possible.

Marco tried to fight them all before dodging the never-ending blasts of the angry bird.

A bunch of said rats were about to get to him, just as Ludo sent another wave of blasts.

This time, Marco use Levitato on the rats and used them to shield himself from the attacks.

"ARGH! STOP DOING THAT ALREADY!" Ludo yelled angrily as he saw his blasts being blocked again.

Marco sent the rats flying right back towards their master. They all fell on top of the little villain. But the enemies kept going on his way.

To be more precise, the eagle from above, and the spider from behind.

The prince of Mewni noticed this, so he grabbed the eagle with Levitato and slammed it downwards into the spider behind him. He then grabbed both and threw them towards the enemy.

Meanwhile, Ludo blasted away all the rats that were on top of him. "Grr... You're gonna pay for tha-!" His words stopped when he saw his two loyal pets being thrown at him. He let out a girlish scream and tried to get away, but the two wild animals hit him, ending up in top of their master.

Marco tried to catch up his breath while keeping an eye on Ludo… But the rats caught him off guard and attacked, swarming all over him. "H-Hey! Owch! G-Get off!" Marco tried to get them off with Levitato, but they were too many.

"GET OFF!" A voice shouted, calling their attention.

A rat turned to see only to be kicked in the face by Star.

Star had arrived with her whole slumber party as reinforcements.

"Nobody messes with my bestie!" She shouted.

"Excuse me?" Pony Head asked with an offended tone.

"I mean, my bestie which is not a flying pony head."

"That's better!" Pony Head exclaimed as she shot a beam of magic at the rats, getting them all off Marco. But it also hit Marco in the process, sending him just a few feet back.

"Oops." Pony Head said.

"Marco!" Star exclaimed and everybody made their way towards him. "Are you okay?!" Star asked with concern.

"Star…?" Marco asked weakly.

"Yes? What is it? Are you hurt? Do you need something? Maybe some cookies?"

"Cookies? Well… Now I know I'm not hallucinating…" Marco told in a sheepish way.

"Sooo… You're good?" She asked.

"Yeah… I'm fi-urgh!" Marco let out as he tried to stand, but his injuries didn't allow him.

"Dude, careful there!" Jackie said as she lend Marco her shoulder for him to stand.


Star smiled at the sight of the two being together. "Now, let's go back before that birdbrain wakes-!"

Suddenly a green ray of magic flew through the air, hitting a wall and calling their attention.

"Not so fast!" Ludo shouted. "The only place where that prince is going is to his grave! And I'm taking his head with me!" He then proceed to charge energy in his wand

"Guys… Run…" Marco said with concern.

"I agree!" Daron exclaimed.

"For once, I do, too!" Janna said as she grabbed the scissors from Pony Head and ripped open the portal.

"Hey! Nobody takes my scissors from me, girl!" The princess exclaimed with a mad tone.

"Who cares!" Janna said as she jumped right into the portal.

"Hey! Come back here with my scissors!" Pony shouted as she flew into the portal, chasing Janna.

Daron ran towards the portal and stopped for a minute to look back. "C'mon, hurry!"

Jackie and Star, who were supporting Marco, were going as fast as they could.

"Go! We'll catch up eventually!" Star shouted.

"Alright, if you say so!" Daron shouted back and, without hesitation, jumped right into the portal.

Meanwhile, Ludo's wand was still charging energy.

"What are you waiting for, dumb wand! Shoot! They're getting away!" Ludo yelled in desperation at his wand. But this one kept charging.

Marco looked at his adversary and saw the great amount of magic that the wand had already channeled.

"Star… We're not gonna make it…" He said.

"Of course we will!"

"Just hang a little longer, dude!"

Just as Jackie said that, the wand finished its charge and fired at them.

The force of the massive blast was so great, it launched Ludo backwards, knocking him out the moment he hit the wall.

Marco looked with horror at the blast of vicious green magic that was heading their way. Without thinking, he used his last strength to use Levitato once more to pick up his two friends.

"W-Whoa! Marco? What are you-?!" Before the confused Star could finish, Marco threw them out of the way.

Marco barely kept his balance.

They didn't reached the portal, but the blast will not get them.

The prince felt relieve when he made sure that they were okay.

"Marco!" Star shouted and, like her bestie, without hesitation, she stood up and ran towards him.

"Star! Wait!" Jackie shouted, and before she could do anything, Star had already reached Marco.

She grabbed his hand.

"Star?! What-?!" Marco exclaimed in surprise. The blast was just inches from them, so he did the only thing he could think of to protect her. He hugged her, hoping to take most of the impact.

The blast reached its target and a huge explosion was generated.

Jackie was sent flying backwards due to said explosion, she passed through the portal before this one closed itself.

The gym started to come down. The rats fled in the panic of the moment. Ludo's pets also fled from the place, not before picking up their unconscious master and taking him with them.

The big green explosion of magic was seen from outside of the school, where two agents were watching.

"What the heck is that?!" Twenty Four exclaimed with surprise and confusion.

Meanwhile, the inside of the gym was pure chaos as all the building went down.