Okay, so I actually started reading the manga for Rosario Vampire... and finished it, so this will be taking place in the manga verse.
Tsuna slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the darkness of his bedroom. He shifted a bit, the weight on his chest a lot heavier than usual. He looked down and nearly jumped, but only smiled after he realized what the weight was. He wrapped his arm gently around the slim shoulders of his bedmate, her moonlight silver, pink tipped hair waving a bit as she snuggled deeper into him. He was still getting used to that.
Sure, they'd been together since middle school, but being the leader of a mafia married to a pediatrician/Dark Lord meant he spent a lot of nights in bed alone.
"Penny for your thoughts." He heard her say, the male chuckling lightly as his wife looked up at him, her glittering ruby eyes locked on him.
He smiled softly down at her, kissing her forehead. "Didn't mean to wake you."
"Wasn't asleep. Now," she shifted herself so that she straddled her husband, a small smile on her lips. She was still in her scrubs, being too tired to change as she got home from a thirty two hour shift, but damn, she made those scrubs look good. Not an easy feat. "What were you thinking about?"
Tsuna put his hands on her hips, lifting a brow. "Moka, are you trying to get me to talk or seduce me?"
Moka smiled more and bonked the mafia don on the forehead. "I'm too tired for sex. I just wanted to know what was on your mind."
The man's smile shifted a bit, becoming softer as his chocolate brown eyes burned with a flame she knew all too well. "I was thinking about how we got here. Remembering what life was like before you."
She smiled broadly at this, her smile weakening a bit as she looked down at her hubby's bare chest and the numerous scars that covered it. One in particular.
Tsuna noticed this and slipped his fingers between hers, grasping her hand gently. "Of all my scars, I think that ones my favorite."
"You got it because you were trying to protect me."
"Which is why it's my favorite."
She smiled lightly and leaned down to kiss him gently. He smiled up at her, returning the kiss several times, making her giggle as he started to sit up, kissing her chin, cheeks and neck.
He looked back up at a lightly blushing Moka, his rough, calloused hand sliding a bit under the top of her scrubs. "Tsuna, baby, I just told you…" She stopped as she realized his hand hadn't travelled any further up, resting on her flat belly. Her hands covered his, her blush gone. "Hyper intuition again?"
"That and I found your pregnancy test."
She laughed at this, her laugh being quieted by her husbands lips. She tilted her head a bit as she kissed him back. "You're not mad?"
Tsuna looked at her, confusion written on his face. "Why would I be? We're going to be parents. Just hope I'm better then my dad."
"You will be."
The young woman pulled her scrubs off, albeit a bit awkwardly, then laid her head back down onto Tsuna's chest, listening to his heart beat. "It's so weird, how we got here. I thought you'd be dead long before this point."
"God knows your father tried." They both laughed at that.
The mafia boss began thinking back to it all, how they met, and how they fell.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, otherwise known as 'Dame Tsuna', snored softly, his face buried in his arms. He'd been up late doing paperwork for yet another massive pay out for several buildings destroyed by his renegade Cloud Guardian. He wouldn't return calls or help with a job, but when it came to fronting a bill, he was all too happy to exploit the Vongola.
The young boss didn't bother looking around the room. He knew what he would find. Five empty seats. Gokudera had gone back to Italy to keep the home front stable until Tsuna could make it out there himself, taking his new girlfriend, Haru, with him, Yamamoto had gone into the mountains with his dad for a couple of weeks, Chrome and Enma had moved to Italy with Gokudera, and Kyoko… Kyoko wasn't talking to him.
It had only been a couple of months since the Representative Battle of the Rainbow and Tsuna was not only bored. He was lonely again. It seemed being lonely was so much worse once you finally know what it's like to not be alone.
An eraser bounced off his head, the boy jumping and swinging his arms around in defense. The class started laughing at him as his face flushed a deep red. "Well, how nice of you to join us, 'Dame-Tsuna'. I know that you're a sad excuse of a student, but why make it worse?" His asshole of a teacher said, causing Tsuna's eye to start twitching. "Anyway, class, we have a new student joining us today. Make her feel welcome."
The door opened and a beautiful young woman with a bombshell body, gentle, emerald eyes, and almost knee length bubblegum pink hair that was pulled into a pony tail. Around her neck was a black leather choker that seemed to have chains circling it. She smiled to the class, but Tsuna could easily see through the façade. She bowed to the class. "My name is Akashiya Moka. It's nice to meet you all. I hope we get along."
Tsuna was speechless. Even Kyoko wasn't as pretty as this girl. Her eyes flicked around the room of now whispering students, finding herself wanting to shrink and disappear until her eyes settled on him for a few seconds. He smiled kindly at her, a bright blush crossed her cheeks before she looked away again.
"Unfortunately, the only open seat left is the one on Dame-Tsuna's right side. Try not to let his pathetic state rub off on you, Akashiya-san." Anger flashed in the girls eyes for a moment before she smiled and asked where Tsuna sat. The teacher pointed to him and she nodded, walking over to her seat, trying hard to ignore the comments of the other students.
'With looks like that, think she might be a model?'
'Doubt it.'
'She's probably some snooty brat that gets off on using that body to get people to do what she wants.'
'What's with her hair?'
'Gotta be a dye job.'
'No way, that'd cost a fortune.'
'Maybe her family is rich.'
'Great, rich and snooty.'
The sound of splintering wood quieted them down, though none of them could find the source. But Moka did. She gasped lightly as she looked at her neighbor, the so-called 'Dame-Tsuna' gripping his desk so hard that his fingers were puncturing the wood, his eyes turning to a burning orange. He must have noticed her staring as he released his death grip on the wood quickly, covering the marks with his arm.
He smiled up at her, his eyes brown once more. What was that? I didn't sense any yoki coming from him and yet the strength he'd need for something like that isn't human.
Rather interesting for a human.Ura said. Of course only Moka could hear her. She didn't answer, instead just getting her study materials out and listening to the lesson. Even as she tried, she couldn't keep her eyes on her paper, constantly looking at him.
It had been about four weeks since Moka transferred to Namimori. Kyoko still wasn't talking to Tsuna and everyone else was off training or being… themselves (Hibari and Mukuro) elsewhere in the world. The mafia don sighed heavily as he plopped himself down under a tree, pulling out the bento his mother made for him. He was about to tear into it when he looked up and saw something that made his skin crawl.
The TAS (Tsuna Attack Squadron as Hibari called them) were surrounding Moka. Tsuna hadn't spoken to the girl since she got there other than to ask for some notes on the days he'd been away for business with the Vongola. His knuckles began to turn white as his fist clenched. She looked scared, terrified as they sneered at her.
Tsuna stood up from his spot and walked over to them, two of the students turning around and looking at him before laughing. "Leave her alone. She's not bothering you."
The ring leader turned to Tsuna, a bit of fear sprouting in his chest as his greatest tormentor stepped up to him. "Look at that, guys. I think Dame-Tsuna has a new crush."
"Hopefully he doesn't try and confess to this one in his boxers."
Tsuna's face turned red in embarrassment, but he remained straight faced as one of the other bullies stepped up to him. "Why don't you make us leave her alone? Oh, wait, I know why. Because without your guard dogs you're just a little coward." He shoved Tsuna into the dirt and they all, minus the leader piled on top of him, the sound of blows landing filling the air as Moka screamed for them to stop.
The leader pushed her back against the tree. "Now, now, Moka-chan. No need to be degrading yourself associating with him. You'd have loads more fun with me and the-" He looked down to see Tsuna gripping his ankle tight. He kicked the younger boys foot off him, giving a part of Tsuna's exposed side a swift kick. He almost started laughing before he was sent sailing, landing hard a few feet away.
The bullies dispersed quickly after that, leaving Moka alone with her would-be savior. The boy slowly pulled himself out of the dirt, spitting a bit of blood into the dirt. The girl stiffened at the sight, her parched throat becoming very prominent right then. But, she shelved it, stooping down to help him up.
"I'm sorry. You got beat up for trying to help me, Sawada-kun." She said, unable to meet his eyes.
She looked up when she heard him laughing. She blushed at the kind and charming smile he had on his face. "I'm okay, Akashiya-san. I'm a lot tougher than I look. You okay?"
Moka blushed lightly. He was more worried about her than himself. She'd never met a human like that. And now that she actually looking, he was really cute. Like… a lions cub. But she knew from the first day she was here that there was a powerful king under that placid cubs façade.
It didn't seem like he was wearing a mask though. Almost like the cub and the king were two sides of the same coin. But, she could think on that a bit more later. "Don't you think we should get you to the infirmary?"
Ignoring the question, Tsuna turned a bit and kneeled down, picking up his bento then sitting next to where Moka had been before, opening his lunch and looking up at her. "I'm hungry. Would you like to join me?"
She smiled sheepishly as tears pooled in her emerald eyes. She nodded lightly and sat beside him. "After lunch."
He nodded in return, placing his bento between them. "After."
The final school bell rang, letting the students know it was time to go home. Moka was just trying to keep from bouncing off the walls. After taking Tsuna to the infirmary she asked him if he would mind walking her home. He smiled and said yes on the condition she help him cram for their math final, another class they shared. She decided she'd wait by the school gates for him and rounded the corner, gasping as she saw her new friend being held by his arms as the boys that had been harassing her earlier took turns hitting him.
"Think you're allowed to get between me and a girl, huh? Uppity little piece of shit!" The leader shouted, punching the male in the face, a bit of blood dripping from his lips.
Tsuna looked up and did something that shocked them all. He spat in the bullies face. This resulted in them beating him even harder.
"Stop it! Leave him alone!" Moka screamed as she ran towards them. Three of the six male group broke off, grabbing her. She could have easily gotten free, but she couldn't risk exposure. A vampire in school might put people off. Including her new friend.
The leader told his boys to hold Tsuna as he walked over to Moka. "Well, looks like you ignored my advice. You're only setting yourself up for failure by associating with trash like him, Moka-chan. But, if his well being is so important to you, then maybe we could come to a deal." He said, leaning in with a sneer on his face.
Moka shrank back in fear, but froze when one of the boys flew by them, the other not too far behind. A hand appeared on the bullies shoulder, yanking him back before punching him hard in the face, levelling him. The three holding Moka let go of her as they rushed Tsuna. What happened next even she couldn't believe and could only be described as a grade-A ass whooping.
When it was all said and done, they hadn't so much as touched Tsuna by the end of the fight. He looked up at her, startling her slightly. His eyes… they're orange again. He blinked and they were brown once more. Then the pain set in.
"Eta, eta, eta, that hurts!" He began rolling around in pain, almost making the vampire girl laugh.
Very interesting, indeed. Ura said.
Moka walked over to Tsuna, kneeling beside him before gently taking his hand and helping him to his feet. "Sawada-kun, if you can fight like that, why didn't you earlier?"
"Well, they were focused on beating me up earlier. Then they started focusing on you. I couldn't let them hurt you or I wouldn't have been able to die in peace." Moka giggled at this, putting her friends arm over her shoulder. She was really fighting the urge to bite him as she tried to ignore the smell of blood and sweat.
"Come on. You're walking me home, right?" Tsuna's blushing cheeks brought another smile to her face but he nodded all the same.
A few minutes into the walk, Moka decided to break the comfortable silence. "Sawada-kun?"
"You can call me Tsuna, Moka-san."
She nodded lightly. "Tsuna-kun… What exactly are you?"
She looked into his eyes, gasping as she saw the burning orange again, but this time, a soft smile on his lips. "I'm just a guy that doesn't like bullies."