Hello, my dear readers/followers. This is not a new chapter and though I know it's technically not what an update is supposed to be used for, I also realize how unreasonable it is of me to expect all of you waiting for a sequel to watch for one. So this is a note letting you know that the extra stories are being made. I just posted the third chapter, so you can go and enjoy side stories from this tale if you were interested in reading more. It's called Kanojo Ni Naru Hi Yuugi Another! It will include puzzle, puppy, bronze, and tendershipping. Maybe other stuff too.
I'd like to also say a big thank you to all those that have read the story and left a review. I'm super flattered by the responses I've gotten and take delight in going through and re-reading them on occasion. They have been a huge motivation for me and keep me writing.
Anyhoo, I'll end it here. Hope to see Y'all in the next one!
-King of Doors