Author has written 13 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist. Hi there, long time no see! I have been away from fanfiction for over a year. Life kept me busy. I'm a university student now, for starters! Lots of exciting things have been happening in real life but that has unfortunately kept away from writing. However, I have a promise to keep: I won't keep any projects incomplete. I strive to complete what I start, so even if there are not many updates for a story/stories you like, don't worry, they have not been abandoned. I still adore my fandoms, including FMA and the new ones that crept out from the void to drag me in! Thank you for your patience! Have a lovely day :) My disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or its characters. They belong to Hiromu Arakawa and the respective companies. I am grateful to be able to create a story from this beautiful concept. |
0-mirage-0 (15) Akarri (11) Arathe (26) BelloftheSea (28) | hikarikimiko (4) Jyxxie (28) Nike Femme (6) RainFlame (31) | Sevlow (16) Winds of Water (28) WingedWolf101 (16) |