This is my first Fullmetal Alchemist story that's not a crossover, so I'm excited to see where this goes. Things to keep in mind; I type late at night, so if you see any mistakes, please don't hesitate to PM them to me. I don't have a specific update schedule, but at the end of the night (10 pm, central time USA), I'll update my profile and put next to each of my fanfics how many words I wrote that day.
Winry was not going to be happy with Ed. It had only been four months since he left Amestris and went west of Creta, but Ed's automail leg was already damaged. It wasn't that bad, really, just a scratch. Well, more like a large gash, but the slight damage did not hinder Ed's ability to move around with ease. Unfortunately, if the leg was not repaired soon, it could very well become a serious problem.
The reason the leg was marred in the first place was actually pretty stupid; Ed was walking up a street and got distracted by a book store display case. Since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, he veered into the street and was hit by a car. Thankfully, the automail leg took most of the hit, but Winry probably wouldn't agree with that.
What's done was done, and Ed was happy he was returning home; he'd get to see Winry and Alphonse! Although, Winry would most definitely clobber him with a wrench for breaking her precious automail.
The Cretan border was less than a mile away, and the train groaned before it's brakes began to squeal. As far as Ed knew, the next stop wasn't supposed to be at the border, but in Creta's capital. The train made a grinding stop, and Ed looked out the window casually. It looked like they stopped in the middle of a field since there was nothing around except for wheat. There should've been a platform of some kind if people were planning on getting on and off, but the only thing in sight was a meager dirt road and a military vehicle.
Several men entered the train car, all armed with rifles. "We need to see your passports." One of the soldiers announced. Ed felt relieved; this was only a checkpoint to make sure there were no illegal immigrants. Because there was only eleven people in all, this shouldn't take too long. Ed was the last person to be checked, and he lazily gave his passport to the large man.
"You are an Amestrian." The soldier stated as he carefully inspected the document.
"Yeah." This was already taking longer than the other passengers' inspections. He didn't have to go through this four months ago when he left. Maybe something had happened while he was gone.
"Come with us." The men congregated around Ed and they had their guns at the ready. Ed didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like it.
"No thanks. I don't need an escort home." Ed crossed his arms and scooted towards the window.
"It wasn't a request." At this point, the soldiers had their guns aimed at Ed, whose eyes were very wide now.
"I haven't done anything wrong." Ed raised his hands parallel to chest in defense. The man in front grabbed Ed by the arm and dragged him into the aisle. He grabbed a metal bracelet and clasped it shut around Ed's right wrist. The metal object was locked, and it had a small red button on it that looked like it was supposed to light up.
"Whatever you say, alchemist." The last word was hissed and the man's eyes were glowering.
"Whoa, I'm not an alchemist." Ed could feel the barrel of a gun pressing against his back menacingly.
"That's what they all say. Get moving, scum!" The treatment was unfair, and Ed growled wildly. Since he was severely outnumbered, there was no choice but to listen to the soldiers' orders. He was unceremoniously thrown into the back of the armored truck and was forced to sit on the floor. The men piled into the back and kept their guns aimed at Ed.
The train whistle blared, and the engine roared. Soon, the train went on its way and was out of sight. The car ride on the unkempt dirt road was bumpy, and Ed was leery of the shaking guns.
"I hope your safeties are on." He grumbled.
"Shut up." The man nudged Ed in the ribs with his thick-soled boot. The ride grew boring and ridiculous rather quickly. Without much thought, Ed scratched his nose and heard the guns clicking.
"I have a passport. I don't understand why-" He was jabbed in the side with a gun.
"Silence!" Ed sighed to himself and he decided it would be best to obey the threatening people, so he sat quietly on the cold floor. They drove for what seemed like hours until they parked in front of a large stone building.
The back hatch opened and more guards were surrounding the car like they were expecting a deadly brawl to break out. Ed was pulled out of the back and he was half carried to the building. He kicked his legs wildly, upset with the indignant mode of transportation.
"Stop resisting." A soldier spoke coldly. Ed did the opposite and squirmed even more. His papers were up to date and he had committed no crime in this country, at least that he knew of. More guards swarmed around Ed and helped carry him through the building until they reached the prison wing.
Their reluctant prisoner was tossed into a small cell with a wall of thick glass for observation.
"Bastards!" Ed proclaimed as the thick black door was slammed shut.
Nothing was going well. Ed pounded his fists on the glass window and shouted every derogatory word he knew on the top of his lungs. He even clapped his hands and touched the wall, knowing nothing would happen. It had been two days since Ed was stuck in the small cell, with only a few slices of bread and a pitcher of warm water for sustenance. Desperately, Ed started to kick the unbreakable glass with his automail foot.
A small crack formed, and the door to his cell abruptly opened.
"Come." Ed turned and saw two large men standing in the doorway, each holding a small gray device. Assuming the men were unarmed, Ed seized his chance and tried to run through the two men and he managed to push their grabbing arms away. He raised his hands in triumph and began to run down the dark hallway.
Ed was almost positive he was in the clear, until the light on the device began to glow and he doubled over in pain as he clutched his right wrist. He thrashed on the ground and tried to tear off the metal bracelet that was the source of the shocking pain. The two soldiers quickly bound Ed's hands together and one of them pressed a button on their device; the pain then ceased. He was carried by his armpits and he let his legs drag against the floor. Ed felt like he was struck by lightning.
He was carefully placed in a large room and was set down on a small bed. The door was shut and the lock clicked when the guards left. Ed was once more left alone, but at least there appeared to be things to do in this cell.
The bed was nothing special, but at least it had a mattress. There was a dimly lit lamp on top of a small bookcase, which also had a jug of ice water sitting on it. Ed stumbled over to the bookcase, still in a daze from the recent shocking. The books were nothing special; just a few mystery and romance novels. On the lowest shelf, there was a small can of oil and a white towel. Ed picked up the can and was surprised to discover it was automail oil.
Ed grabbed a random mystery book, the oil, towel, and sat down on his bed. He frowned as he cleaned his damaged leg carefully. Why did those soldiers take him to a nice cell, knew he had automail, and most importantly, why did they arrest him in the first place?
"You know, I requested everything in here specially for you." Ed zipped his head around at the familiar voice. He didn't even hear the door open, but a man with dark hair and eyes was standing in the room. Ed's eyes narrowed when he saw who the person was.
The colonel was not in his military uniform, and he had a bracelet identical to Ed's around his wrist. Mustang smiled slightly when he looked at his ex-subordinate. Ed quit the military shortly after Alphonse was returned to his body, so he and Mustang hadn't seen each other in nearly three years.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ed sounded angry, though his hatred was not necessarily aimed at the colonel. "Aren't you supposed to be in Ishbal?" Ed rolled his pant leg down and set the oil and book on the dresser.
"Yes, but something has recently come up."
"Like what? Why…wait, can you see me?" Ed noticed Mustang's eyes had followed him when he walked around in the room.
"Of course I can, Fullmetal." Mustang retorted obviously.
"Don't call me that." Ed's temper began to rise. "Truth took away your sight. What did you do?" He demanded, but Mustang hardly reacted to Ed's reddening face.
After Havoc had been healed with the Philosopher's Stone, Mustang was the next one to be fixed up. He always knew Ed wouldn't react well if he found out how he regained his eyesight.
"That is none of your concern."
"Fine. I'd still like to know why we're both here. I haven't done anything wrong." Mustang chuckled lightly.
"I'm here on military business. Since you're no longer on my team, I can't give you details. As for you, you're clearly guilty."
"Of what!" Ed shouted and he stormed over the idiotic colonel. Mustang noticed right away he and Ed were the same height; Ed might've actually been a little bit taller than himself.
"Being an alchemist."
"We both know that's bullshit. You were there when I gave my alchemy up!"
"Don't you read the newspapers, Fullmetal?" Ed's eyelids twitched with annoyance.
"Stop calling me that! And of course I read the paper. There's never anything exciting in them."
"You haven't been paying attention then. Have a seat." Mustang motioned to the bed and Ed grudgingly sat down on it, and Mustang pulled a chair out from the corner and relaxed on it. "I assume you know what this is." Mustang pointed to the bracelet around his wrist.
"Yeah. It's some sort of shocking device. Why are we wearing them?" Ed fumbled with the mechanism, desperate to find a way to pry it off.
"It's more than a simple punishing tool; it's specifically designed for alchemists."
"Then why do I have one? I'm not an alchemist anymore."
"Keyword being 'anymore'."
"Can you just tell me what this is all about already?"
"Impatient as ever, Fullmetal." Ed glared, but said nothing. "Creta has come up with this special technology that cancels out the effect of a transmutation. It takes the energy from alchemy and uses it against the alchemist in the form of an electric shock. Because you are a civilian, I can't disclose why I'm here."
"If I'm not in the military, then why am I being forced to stay in here?" Ed asked tiredly.
"The Cretans are against all alchemists. They want to live in a society where alchemy does not exist, and have already outlawed it. These soldiers think you have renounced your alchemy, but in their eyes, 'once an alchemist, always an alchemist'. Drachma carries the same resentment and has followed in Creta's footsteps."
"They outlawed alchemy?" Mustang nodded his head. "That's not right. Drachma has a powerful military, but they'd never get by Armstrong. Creta doesn't have a strong enough army to invade Amestris, so I don't see why you're here. Ishbal should be more important."
"I can't save Ishbal if Amestris falls." Mustang said simply and took a sip of water. Ed scratched his head and came to a sudden realization.
"If Drachma and Creta joined forces, they wouldn't have to worry about attacking Briggs. You're here to make peace with Creta, aren't you?" Ed asked accusingly while he yawned.
"I can't answer that." Mustang stood up and headed toward the door. "I'll try getting you back home as soon as possible. Try not to do anything stupid."
"I'll try not to." Ed responded with noticeable irritation. It's not like he could cause much trouble stuck in a prison cell. Mustang left and the door clicked. The light in the lamp flickered, and Ed went to sleep. He was glad that the bastard colonel had given him a more comfortable room, and Ed knew the colonel would sort this all out. Hopefully.
"Mustang, you know that boy, don't you?" Roy almost laughed at the question from the Cretan General. Edward was most certainly not a child, but he didn't dare point that out to the small group of people that sat before him. These were the soldiers directly involved in the anti-alchemy project, and if Roy made one little mistake, they would cast him out and invade Amestris. Ed was right; Drachma and Creta were allies and they were planning on a large attack if Roy failed this mission.
"Well, not personally."
"His passports say his name is Edward Elric. Isn't that the name of the Fullmetal Alchemist?" Mustang breathed quickly, but tried to look calm.
"Elric is not a State Alchemist. He quit the military two years ago, so he is no threat to us."
"According to our intelligence, Fullmetal was your subordinate, so of course you two know each other." Busted. Roy knew he had to take care of this misunderstanding quickly.
"At one point, I did know him. He has no military interests. Really, he's quite harmless."
"My men reported that seven of our soldiers were injured while apprehending him. This child doesn't sound harmless to me. Why did he resist when we were detaining him?" Roy mentally cursed at Ed's short temper.
"Just because he's harmless doesn't mean he isn't a little brat. He's mad because he honestly doesn't know what's going on." Roy knew that was true; he hoped the men would see he wasn't lying.
"Or maybe he's upset he was captured and didn't get the chance to attack us from behind. He was sent here for backup, wasn't he?" The General sounded angry, and Roy knew he was starting to lose the argument with the stubborn and idiotic leaders.
"No. I haven't even seen him for a couple years. I don't really care about him anymore." Breaking all ties with Ed seemed like the best way for the both of them to return home.
"Then why did you request that new cell for him?" Roy groaned at his own stupidity. Ed could've handled a few more days in solitary, but Roy had been shocked to discover his old subordinate was here. After all Ed went through in his life, Mustang didn't think it was fair for him to be locked up in a meager cell.
"No one deserves to be punished that harshly if they haven't done anything wrong."
"Don't lie to us, Mustang. It's obvious you still have some sort of relationship with the boy."
"I don't!" Now Roy was the one who was starting to sound angry. "I haven't even talked to the annoying brat in years!"
"I find that hard to believe."
"It's true." He growled.
"If you weren't the one to send him here, then someone else did."
"I highly doubt that. He's out west for his own personal research."
"Mustang, you are starting to test our patience and intelligence. It is inconceivable that a State Alchemist conveniently traveled through our country for only research. He was probably sent by your Fuhrer."
"That's ridiculous." Roy half-shouted.
"If you truly have broken all ties with the boy, I want you to prove it." The General nodded his head and a soldier sitting next to Roy handed him a small gun.
"What's this for?" Roy asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"Kill him. You shouldn't have a problem doing it if you don't care about him. Right?" The fate of Amestris was hanging on Roy's shoulders. Edward was simply going to have to be sacrificed to save millions of Amestrian lives.
"Understood, sir." Roy stood up and saluted the General, then he solemnly walked to Ed's cell.
Ed groggily smacked his lips together while he sat on the edge of his bed. It was still nighttime, but he wasn't sleeping that well. He just finished one of the novels and he was about to grab another one when the door to his cell creaked open.
"Bastard? What are you doing here?" Ed asked curiously when he saw it was the colonel. Mustang shut the door harshly behind him. The look in Mustang's eyes was starting to freak Ed out, so he grabbed a thick book defensively.
"Mustang, what's going on?" Ed could see a needle in his hands, and Mustang moved closer. Ed threw his book at Mustang's head to keep him away, but it was easily dodged. Ed backed up against the bookcase and tried to figure out what Mustang was up to.
"Edward," Ed knew immediately something was wrong; the colonel never called him by name. "I'm sorry. Please stay still for me." Ed did no such thing and the bookshelf toppled over from Ed leaning against it. Ed fell down and he wildly kicked his legs when Mustang was in hitting range. He managed to kick Mustang twice, but then he caught Ed's flesh leg and quickly stabbed it with the syringe and let the fluid enter Ed's bloodstream.
"Colonel!" Ed shouted. He was frightened and tired; not a very good combination. He grabbed the lamp and threw it at the colonel, which missed its target terribly. Ed's vision was starting to fade, and he could feel himself fighting sleep.
Ed could see Mustang pull out a silver object from his pocket and he had it aimed at Ed.
"If this is about that Riza comment I made, I'm sorry!" The gun clicked and Ed was frozen from a combination of fear and from being drugged. "Roy!" He screeched.
Mustang fired the gun.
Author's Note: Edited on 10/7/2016