Author has written 6 stories for Legal Drug, Fullmetal Alchemist, Firefly, Supernatural, and Covenant. Hey there! You may have noticed that I like to skip around and look at different genres(different shows and books). I have so many story ideas, but not enough time to write them all (by the by, if anyone really wants to write but is having a hard time coming up with an idea, I'm willing to share)! I also like so many different genres that I am likely to keep jumping around as one or the other catches my attention. I don't have a beta, but I do try to edit my stories carefully. Mistakes will still leak through, so please be kind. Still, having a beta is about more than having a spell-checker; its about getting ideas and feedback during the writing process--not to mention having some one remind you to write the next installment! So if anyone really wants to be a beta (all of you aspiring editors out there), please let me know! You Were There (complete): First, I want to thank everyone who read and/or reviewed this story. It was the first fanfic I'd ever posted, and all the kind comments really gave me the courage to continue posting. Secondly, several people have asked if I would be posting more Legal Drug fanfics. I would honestly like to, but I'm having a hard time coming up with new ideas for the storyline--plus I'm kind of pissed at CLAMP for putting it on hiatus! If they ever publish book 4, I'll probably write some more, but until then... Red West (a doorknob): Thank everyone who read this story and posted reviews! I'm sorry to say it, but I think this story is dead (at least for me). I offered to let another author pick it up, but I'm not sure if she did...the offer stands if anyone wants to finish this story their way; just give me credit for the parts I wrote. Broken Dolls and Baby Birds (hiatus): I don't see too much Firefly slash in this archive, but I'd hoped to catch those who are interested in Mal/Simon with this story. I like Kaylee and Simon together, but I just like Mal and Simon better--I think it's a more interesting dynamic. I don't like Mal/Inara at all--I just don't think they work, even though I like both characters separately. I am trying to write it tastefully and I'm trying to stick as close to the characters as possible--so I'd really appreciate any input on how you think I'm doing at that. I may separate these stories at some point, but for now they are all posted together. You've probably noticed that I intended to have another installment in the series, but--I got a day job! The horrors! No time, and so many other fandoms I love. Anyway, hope you like it! I'm currently focusing on personal things (and said day job), but hope to have a chance to come back and finish this story at some point. Watchers (In progress): I loved the first two seasons of Supernatural, but I'll admit that I was disappointed with the turn the show took in season 3. My fanfiction lost some momentum, becuase the show never quite seemed to get back to where it was before. To me, characterization is of ultimate importance, and they changed Sam's character in ways that did not always make sense to me--it made him much harder for me to relate to and have empathy for. They did a better job with Dean, but the relationship between the brothers suffered badly. I'll always have a special place in my heart for Supernatural, but it's no longer my absolute favorite :( I'd like to finish this story, but it will probably wait until I have more free time and the umph to go back and marathon out seasons 1 and 2 again (not to mention re-read what I have thus far). A Psychological Profile of Sam and Dean (complete): I wrote this about half-way through season 3, giving my interpretations of their characters at that point. Based on what's happened since then, I was right in some ways and wrong in others (ex, although I predicted that Sam would have some kind of self-destructive break-down, I completely missed the idea of addiction for him). I may go back and add more later, but it's completed for now. Maleficence (Hiatus): I'd really like to complete this story, but, again, have limited time for writing. I probably shouldn't have posted this one until I had more written, but I did. Sorry! I kind of fell out of this fandom because there's really not much out there about my fav character, Pogue--which really surprised me. Although he wasn't the main character in the movie, he's the one that really grabbed my attention and stood out to me. And I was sure the slashers would pick up on the same Pogue-Caleb man-crush that I saw. C'est la vie. Personal: I'm a 28-year-old working stiff. I enjoy reading and writing (obviously) and I also like to paint, so if you're curious, check out my Deviant Art page ( http:/// ). There's a good bit of Supernatural fanart there. Fanfic Philosophy: When I fall in love with a fandom, its generally the characters I like. So ooc bothers me, unless there's a really good reason for it (like a complete au). On the other hand, fanfic is the perfect place to explore characters and give them more depth than they already have, or just to reinterpret their characters just a bit. There can be a fine line between ooc and a unique perspective on a character, but it's an important line, so I always try to keep my, in character. As for relationships, I find them annoying at times. If it's canon, of course it's fine, but when I'm reading a fanfic about a crime drama, the fact that 9 out of 10 fanfics are romances with absolutely nothing do with crime irritates me to no end. Being single isn't the end of the world, people! Of course, I have my own favorite pairings and don't mind some well-written romance that occurs naturally in the development of a story, but--well, there's a reason I don't watch Dallas; I don't want to read it either. I watch crime dramas and action-adventure shows, and, dammit--I'd like to read about crimes and adventures, too! So, don't expect romance for the sake of romance from me, although it may develop with an adventure story, or be there in the backrgound at times with my OTP's. Also, you may have noticed that I lean toward slash, so be warned. The thing that I hate most about fanfic is the Sues. Mary Sue and her brother, Larry Stu, irritate me to no end. And while most Sues are introduced as love interests to main characters, I consider any OC that takes over a fic to be a Sue. That includes siblings, other hunters, and damsels in distress. Because that's what Sues do; they become the central character in every story. And they're always 'perfect'. They're invariably unbelievably attractive with wangsty pasts and cool abilities. They're smarter than everyone else, even the canon characters who either adore or hate them (or hate them because they adore them), and they're almost always 'fiesty' (read: bitchy). If they're not 'fiesty', they're weak and helpless and canon characters have to constantly save them (even though the Sues are smarter and have cooler abilities). And no, multiple Sues never improve the situation. Having a pair of 'perfect' sisters who are equally bitchy does not make any story better. Writing perfect characters is a bad move, because perfect people aren't relatable, likable, or believable. We all have flaws, and its our flaws that make us interesting. And then there's the little fact that if I wanted to read about original characters, I would read original work. I'm reading fanfic because I want to read about the characters I already love, not see them abused by OC's. Of course, this is all my own personal opinion. I don't want to make Sue fans or writers feel bad, but I did want to state my opinion on the matter (venting!). I know that many people love Sues, and that's perfectly all right. So I guess the moral of this little rant is don't expect any Sues from me. OC's, yes, as villains, catalysts, and cannon fodder, but no Sues. Ever. That's all I can think to rant about right now. I mostly just wanted to update the story info, but my keyboard ran away with me. Now my cat's laying right in front of it and making it hard to type, so adios. |