Author has written 3 stories for Hellsing, and Final Fantasy VII. My name is Torahiko and I'm a Hellsing otaku. Perhaps not THE Hellsing otaku, but I'm climbin' my way up there. I have alot of interests, anime being a huge chunk of them. But I also like takes a large breath 1337 (leet), aikido, anthros, bdsm, biking, blading, board games, chess, clubs, concerts, dancing, ddr, drawing, drums, dungeons and dragons, electronica, erotica, fanfiction, forums, gaming, guitar, hard rock, hentai, japan, java, javascript, linux, literature, magic the gathering, mah jong, manga, meditation, movies, nature, online comics, online role playing, orchestras, painting, parties, poetry, porn, programming, raves, reading, sex, soccer, spanish, stories, sunbathing, swimming, taiko, theater, vampire the masquerade, vore, web design, writing, yaoi, and yuri. phew. Drop me a line. Let me know how my stories are. And read my online journal. Ja mata. -Torahiko- |