Author has written 35 stories for Digimon, Digimon/Pokemon, Dogma, Misc. Anime/Manga, Pokémon, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Wars, New Jedi Order, and Harry Potter. Man, I really needed to update this profile. I tend to write many things, but my current favorites are Cowboy Bebop and Hellsing. The majority of my work is Digimon, as I was obsessed with the 02 cast. Granted, every single one of my Digimon fics is in dire need of a rewrite. How I loathe the badfics published under my name. . . . My personal favorites in this bunch are Disgrace/Dishonor/Disregard/San Graal, that Hellsing slightly AU tetrad, Rest In Pieces, that Cowboy Bebop Vicious lovely, Did My Time and Right Now, those psychological Malik weirdnesses, and Drops of Jupiter, the Koushimi that started it all. . . . . Currently, I have San Graal a future semi-AU story set in the Hellsingverse, Veneficus, Draconis, et Fetialis a HellsingxHP crossover with a twist that's co-authored with KharBevNor,and Perfection, a Fantastic Four Franklin/Valeria sibling fic. Thank you for reading, check out my works, and the works of those I have selected of others as listed in the favorites section, and review. Please, always review. |