For Khar, because I love you man.
~*~Chapter 7~*~
Unexpected Incident
Stephen Pershing sighed as he straightened his tie for the fourth time this morning as he stared in the well-lighted mirror of his private bath, distracted by the sheer amount of incoming recruits Sir Integral Devries had arranged to have both herself and him, her most trusted servant, meet with this evening. To his knowledge, Hellsing had never established such a wide-spread search for possible candidates for any services, no matter how important or trivial the cause may seem.
Usually, one could automatically see which of the incoming candidates would be worthy of the Organization and its master, but this glaring prejudice did not always prove correct.
For usually, it was the few that seemed quite unlikely to make anything out of their miserable lives that would define and embody the spirit of Hellsing, unwavering in both spirit and loyalty.
The retainer himself had been one of those recruits.
In his mid-forties, Pershing did not seem like the most likely candidate for his position as the Hellsing Retainer. When he arrived at the manor years prior, he had been gruff, callous, and uncivilized, a common street urchin that wanted no more than to play with guns, but in a fashion much like his predecessor Ddollneazz, he was a former field agent with no family or home to return to after spending his youth in the service of the Organization, or so he had been told that was the case with the former retainer. He had buried his pride and begged that his patron knight would allow him to remain with Hellsing in any capacity, and in an instant of generosity, he was given a new duty and a new, better life.
He would not shrink from his duties, not now, not ever.
Today was quite important- Sir Integral Devries, in the ruse of finding new recruits, was actually searching for a man to produce the perfect heir. Pershing decided to help the girl make the final decision not solely on looks, and to decide if he could live with the man that would claim his dear patron knight.
Stepping from the vanity, Stephen Pershing smiled to himself. This would be like helping a sibling; protecting her from the evils of the world.
It was predictable, really. Sir Integral Devries had sent her near replica Argetni to the meeting instead of bothering herself with the triviality of interviews in order to sort through all candidates, making certain she would not end up with an incompetent or idiot as her husband. Argetni intimidated nearly every man she passed, and none were even allowed to know the truth about their inquisitor. Not that any of them had a clue that vampires really existed, yet.
Of course, some of the men would make qualified recruits, and they were hired immediately. General Fitzpatrick, a member of the British Air Force, had been honorably discharged when he could not fly anymore, was one such recruit, being handed a commanding position because of his laurels and the reputation that preceded him.
Along those same guidelines, most men had been turned away by the vampiress, saying that the 'filth' was not worthy of serving her master. None were religious enough, tall enough, strikingly handsome, any of the guidelines Sir Integral Devries Hellsing required.
Over dinner, the vampiress nursing a blood packet as the retainer ate a small plate of reheated rare roast beef left over from his Master's dinner the night before, decided that this effort was futile. The recruitment posters would come down the next day, and all appointments would be cancelled.
Before he had even eaten his dinner halfway, Argetni had disappeared in to the recesses of the shadows, leaving him alone in the kitchen to finish his meal in silence.
Stephen Pershing did not mind the solitary that came from his new life. It was much preferred to the cacophony of living in a back alley of London, begging for his meals as he would have been if not for Hellsing.
He allowed the minutes to pass as he picked at his meal; the final appointment was not for another half hour. Perhaps he should check on the master of the house, see how she was faring and if she would like some evening tea, inviting her to the final meeting.
Of course, that was what a good servant would do for his master. Quickly, he cleaned the kitchen before heading toward the stairs, the final recruit already sitting in the foyer nodded politely to him as he passed. It was just another well dressed soldier with blond hair and grey eyes, nothing spectacular about his appearance.
"Sir Devries?" He whispered as he knocked on the large doors of the master's office, gently pushing one open just enough to glance inside.
The master was enjoying a cigar as she absent-mindedly traced a finger over the paper in front of her. Her dress was a bit more informal than usual this night- a lilac blouse accented by a royal purple ascot with a matching knee length royal purple skirt. She was as pale as ever, mostly because she kept the same hours as her company, never seeing the light of day but on rare occasions.
"Tell me Stephen, what do you think the Vatican would do if I sent Argetni to Rome in order to attack their aged Iscariot leader?"
"Section Thirteen would surely fall if you allowed Argetni to unleash her full power upon them."
A smile spread across her glossed lips, her cheeks flushed with color as she stood from the desk. "I'll send her on an errand then. I assume you have the report about the recruits?"
Stephen nodded, grey eyes meeting blue. "While we have recruited a few good soldiers, including General Fitzpatrick the Royal Air Force, there has not been a man suitable for your husband to come through yet. Argetni and I have discussed that perhaps we should try again in a year to find a suitable match."
The woman nodded, standing from her seat. "I have heard Argetni's argument about such matters, and while I do hate to admit this, I believe she is correct. But come on. I'll join you for the rest of the night. It's not like I haven't done paperwork for seemingly forever."
"Of course, Sir." Leading the master from the office, both Stephen and Integral Devries headed down the stairs, the soldier waiting at the bottom staring in awe at the woman.
"Are you the next appointment?"
The man stood, hands folded in front of him as he bowed politely. "Y-yes ma'am. My name is Chester Win-"
"You are not Hellsing material. Please leave the grounds." Continuing on her way, Integral Devries walked to the front door, opening it for this Chester fellow.
"Praise Allah! Someone is finally answering the door! I am here to join Hellsing!"
The leader of Hellsing raised an eyebrow. "Stephen, do you find it amusing that a Muslim is answering a notice to a purely Protestant institution?"
"Yes, Sir." His answer came more of formality as he directed the dismissed guest toward the exit.
"Please, listen to me." The dark skinned man stated, stepping inside the manor before the door could be shut in his face once again. "My name is Tariq Seyed, and I wish to join. I will convert to your religion, I will be a mere servant if that is what you require, but please, do not let them send me back to Yemen."
Begging. If she had been in her other clothing, Argetni could have snapped this Tariq's neck, tossing him to the curb like the trash he was. But Integral Devries could not do such a thing if she wished to keep her mortal appearance.
Besides, he was taller than her, a truly amazing accomplishment for a mortal. He had to be 1.95 metres, a good attribute of a potential mate. There would be no short, feminine girls, if she had to be cursed with another female child. His nose wasn't too hooked like so many of his descent, and his skin was nearly chocolate in color. Beautiful, really.
"Stephen, bring him to my office."
"So you were born in Aden, Yemen, raised Muslim, you're twenty-eight, and have lived in various parts of England for seven years because of your affiliation with the United Nations military force. Your unit is recalling you to your home country, and living in the Western world has apparently killed all desire to return to the wretched desert.
"Tariq, I suggest you find some desperate woman and marry her."
"I know nothing but the military life, sir."
"The Royal Army is always hungry for fodder."
A smirk crossed her lips, a fang poking out from between. He was determined, she just had more practice in interrogation than he would ever suspect.
"The Royal Army would not find a suitable post for an Arabic Major."
"And what, pray tell, would Hellsing be able to offer you that any of the Royal Military branches could not?"
It was his turn to smirk as he leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, there are no dhampiric commanders inside any of the accepted military forces, Dame Integral Devries Hellsing, daughter of Sir Harker and Dame Integral Wingates Hellsing."
Impressive, this man knew some of the hidden history of the world. But that was not enough to explain his knowledge of the truth. Devries, in all recorded accounts, was fully human. Integral Wingates died in childbirth, a mortal woman carrying a mortal child. Devries had died before her secret could have been revealed to the general public. . . . .he was either incredibly fortunate with his guess, or he had formal training somewhere.
Amusing. Why didn't Kali employ someone that knew so much?
"And what gives you the impression that I am a dhampir, Tariq? I am curious, for no one has ever noticed the truth."
He shrugged, running a hand through his jet black hair, pulling some forward to hide his nearly black eyes. "Your eyes, your mannerism, and that tooth sticking from between your lips. In the East, we are taught to recognize such creatures, for they are much more of a problem." He chuckled, taking the lit cigar from her ash tray, holding it between his fingers. "And I have a sister that is a secretary in Kali."
Integral Devries laughed, for the first time in so many years in this façade. The man was devious, cunning, willing to risk everything for a chance to have what he desired. She commended such attitudes. "I think I could have a post that would suit you, Tariq Seyed."
A/N: Ok. . . .stupid, really stupid, I know. I'm trying to break out of this funk called writer's block by doing anything. And yes, there is a city in Yemen called Aden. I had a good chuckle as I discovered that, and had to use it for the irony. It's costal, in the old Arabia Felix, and kind of in the bottom corner of the country.
I do not mean to insult the Muslim religion, just seeing as how dear ol' Teggy would find it humorous to find one applying for her army, I had to add that in.
And yet I'm still not inspired to write anything else. *cries*