Disclaimer: For the last time, I don't own Hellsing!

Rating: R-ish

A/N: Here it is: The seventh and final chapter of Shine. It took awhile because frankly I embarrassed myself while writing it. I tried to practice with the lemons with "Impure thoughts", but I'm still kinda newbie at it. So...No complaining!

Thanks to: Nepenthe my invaluable beta, Jamie Bunyi who helped me to format all the chapters, and looked over the older ones, Princess Destiny who is just generally cool, all my reviewers and everyone who gave me inspiration!

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Seras ran, her muscles aching in protest to the inhuman strain she was putting them under as she tried in vain to raise someone on her headset. The young vampire blanked her mind against the pain in an attempt to transcend those limits; Seras Victoria was quite inhuman.

She ran on, her delicate vampiric senses picking up the acrid stench of smoke and the tang of fresh blood on the air. There was no doubt a massacre going on tonight.

Finally she found herself pushing through the crowd gathering around the tower of London. Low in her throat she snarled at the one who protested at her intrusion; bloody morbid thrill seekers all of them.

Then she saw him, Commander Fargasson standing defiantly before all of London as if to challenge her authority. She started to run to him, barely biting back her call to him as he pinned her in place with a single look. This was his choice.

His words were drowned out by the sudden rushing sound in her ears; something terrible was about to happen she knew. And then he was falling gracelessly to the pavement, a fine spray of blood misting out behind him as the single bullet pierced his skull.

Seras screamed and pushed through the final barrier of the police blockade, the fierce fire in her eyes momentarily stopping anyone from impeding this one woman. As if in a trance she fell to her knees before the commander's body, and gently placed his head in her lap. Her mind tried desperately to form a link with his, but every bit of his wan life-force was already quickly leaving his body.

Tears filled her crimson eyes as she leaned over and licked a tiny trail of blood off his cheek. It was still warm and sweet, contrasting starkly with the rigid yet dependable man that so reminded her of her late Father. Gently she laid him back down and stood. In tasting his blood, a part of him would always remain with her.

The fire sprang back into her eyes as she rushed over to the abandoned Hellsing supply vehicle. She was pleased to find it contained everything she wanted: Her Halconnen and a spare uniform. Quickly she donned the crisp blue outfit and loaded up on spare ammunitions. Hefting the deadly anti freak cannon she hopped back out of the armored vehicle, being greeted with a host of gasps in the process.

"May the grace of God and her Majesty the queen go with Seras Victoria of the Hellsing organization, amen." Swiftly she turned and fired the halconnen into an adjacent building; the bright flash and rain of smoke serving as the perfect distraction for her to rush through the outer gate of the tower.

Seras dashed thru the outer courtyard of the tower, her vampiric senses screaming at the amount of blood and death she felt around her. With more calm and precision than she thought she possessed, she unloaded her pistol into the former members of the SAS.

Her eyes shown with an unearthly glow as one after the other these mutant freaks attempted to attack this frail looking girl, and quickly met their demise. As young as she was, the blood that pumped thru her undead heart was ancient and powerful; these lowly freaks would only get the one lesson in the folly of underestimating her.

Discarding the empty pistol, Seras hefted her halconnen into the ready position as she ran. Her boots clicked loudly on the cobblestone path as she made her way for the inner tower. Without batting an eyelash she pivoted mid step and fired from the hip as a grotesque freak attempted to ambush her from a tree.

"You're all devils!" She screamed as his already lifeless corpse fell to the ground in a burst of dust.

'Police girl, enjoy this. Enjoy this massacre; this alone will make you strong!' The voice of her sire echoed in her head as she turned to fire another shot.

"Master!" Seras gasped, happy to know that she wasn't alone here. But still...

"He said I should enjoy this, how could I enjoy this? Could I be enjoying this?" She asked aloud as she ran on.

"Seras Victoria!" A strongly familiar voice called to her. She turned sharply, momentarily stunned to be confronted with the "man of her dreams", or nightmares as it were.

With only a moments hesitation she began to aim her cannon at him, but that moment was enough for the man to strike out at her with unearthly speed. Seras found herself on her back, pinned beneath this man with his haunting ice blue eyes boring into her.

"We are the same;" He said, echoing what he had said in her dreams "Join me Seras Victoria. As you are now you are a slave, little better than a ghoul."

Looking into his eyes made her head hurt and she realized he must be trying to break into her mind. Angrily she spat at his face. She was disgusted to see him lazily lick it off.

"Alucard's blood runs in my veins!" The declaration gave her strength as she bucked off this man who in life must have been very beautiful; but now he was just cold and twisted to her eyes.

With an almost cat-like hiss she threw herself at him, swift kicks and blows driving him off balance but not landing. Finally a sharp kick connected with his side, the answering sound of crunching ribs music to her ears. With that cold emotionless smile he swatted her back, making her lose her footing and drop to one knee.

"You are very beautiful Seras Victoria," He said as his bones continued to twist and pop sickeningly, until before her stood a hideous bat-like monster.

"Please me with your beautiful face." The man-beast said in a slightly distorted voice.

Without missing a beat Seras slid the ammo case off her shoulder, giving him her most seductive smile.

"My, you've become very handsome," She purred as her hand slipped into the obscured ammunitions bag.

"You can only admit your feelings when you're beaten. I like that." He said with a sickeningly fangy grin.

Seras smiled back, her fingers wrapping around the assuring weight of a 30mm depleted uranium shell.

"Go to Hell!" The fledgling vampire cried, rushing the freak with more speed one would think she possessed, and shoving the shell in the beast's mouth with brutal force.

"But before you do, apologize to my comrades along the way!"

He gasped as the round lodged in his mouth began to pulse with heat. Seras jumped back as it exploded, a fine spray of blood coating her like a morning shower.

She closed her eyes for a moment, reveling in the heady thrill of the kill. The sharp aftertaste of blood and smoke roused her senses into a state of ultra awareness, perhaps her Master was right.

"Master!" She gasped as a stab of worry slashed through her. Something was wrong! Quickly she hefted her discarded cannon and ammo-case and ran for the inner sanctum of the tower.

Seras reached the final stretch with no resistance, but her senses where still going haywire with visions of impending doom.

As she neared the place the link with her Master felt strongest, her eyes flicked to a familiar red hat. A lump formed in her throat as she recognized the uniform of Commander Pickman. His hands still wrapped around his gun, and her Master's hat covering his face. Seras only wished she had time to grieve now.

With a breathless huff Seras threw the doors open to the place she knew her Master was, the feelings of dread almost overwhelming her as she feared what she would find.

There he was, torn apart and facing that terrible purple freak that had killed Helena. A look of worry graced his face as that monster taunted him about the lack of bullets in the gun that was currently leveled at his face.

With a gasp Seras tore into her ammo pack, producing the clip of mercury alloy bullets she had thought to bring.

"Master!" She cried out to him, starting to blindly run towards him.

"Police girl! Get out of here!" He barked harshly.

Seras froze, not at his words but at the dazzling beam shooting from the glowing glyphs on the walls. Galvanized to the spot, she could only watch as in a split second it sliced through her middle.

The young vampire cried out, shocked at the brilliant pain unlike any other she had ever felt. Still clutching the ammo clip she fell onto her knees, her blood cascading down her front and pooling on the floor.

Willing herself to ignore the pain, she reached out, attempting to gather her strength to throw him the bullets. With a slight tug, the clip flew out of her fingers and into his waiting gun. Without any hesitation he fired several rounds into the monster's head.

Seras' vision wavered as the freak turned invisible, just his eyes and the strange marks on his body remaining. Her blood rushed in her ears as she watched in horror as the bullets were expelled from him, and into her Master. As if in a dream she noticed someone was screaming, as the elder vampire seemed to melt to the ground she realized it was her.


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Blood dripped down her face from a combination of pain and grief as she dragged her injured body the few meters that separated. It seemed like miles to her screaming flesh.

"Master..." Seras sobbed as she finally reached him, the pain momentarily forgotten as she looked down at his pale face. His eyes opened, not really focusing on anything as he spoke to her.

"Police girl, I am your Master. You should have listened to me." He said in a voice not nearly as strong and sure as it should have been.

"Seras..." The word slipped from his lips in a sigh as his eyes closed again.

"No!" Her eyes sparkled with tears as his head began to sink into the viscous pool of his blood. With shaking hands she picked up his severed head, cradling it tenderly to her chest.

"...Master" She whispered softly, leaning over onto her side.

"Alucard, my Master." She could feel his life force, their mental link fading. Her finger tips touched his cheek, bringing her face close to his.

She wished she had kissed him, just once. She gently licked the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Even if you drink Alucard's rotten blood now, you will never become a normal Nosferatu," Incognito taunted.

"You bastard," She snarled at him, red eyes shining with hatred.

"The blood in your body will all run out soon. You're already dead, so there is nothing for you to be scared of." But she already knew that, she knew she would wither away.

'Get out of here Seras Victoria' He whispered weakly into her mind. But again she disobeyed him. She would never leave him. Seras closed her eyes, hoping they would never open again.

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"Seras…" A melodious voice tickled her ears. "Seras Victoria," the voice said more insistently. She recognized it from somewhere, Seras thought as she opened her eyes.

"Helena!?" She gasped; the intense eyes locked with hers were unmistakable. This was the first thing she noticed that was out of place, she obviously should not be talking to the recently deceased vampire girl.

The second and quite perplexing thing that was wrong was Helena's appearance. The young girl was…well a "girl" no longer; before Seras Victoria sat a young pale haired woman.

Helena smiled softly and sat down in front of her, arranging her skirt artfully on the sun warmed grass. This was another thing missing from the puzzle; where was she? Seras' brain felt fuzzy, and she couldn't seem to remember what she had been doing.

"You shouldn't be here Seras," The other vampire said staring fixedly at her.

"Where is here?" Seras asked, desperately trying to grasp at the threads of memories that seemed to be slipping away. The bright sun felt so good on her face, she just wanted to curl up and rest on the grass.

"Seras…" Helena shook her head sadly, "One day you can join me and the rest of your comrades here, but not today." The now much older Helena's eyes flicked over across the clearing to a copse of trees to where a shadowed figure lay sleeping against a giant oak tree.

Seras' eyes followed, the silhouette looked somehow familiar.

"Daddy?" The word slipped out in a hushed whisper.

"Seras!" Helena said firmly, drawing her gaze back to her. "This is not real, you can't come here yet. Your Master still needs you. You promised me you would be a good servant to him."

"Master!" Seras gasped, as if the elder vampire had previously escaped her thoughts. That was right! She had promised to stay by his side no matter what. Even if…She cast one more longing look over at the trees before nodding to the young woman in front of her.

"Yes I-I wish I could stay…But I know I can't." The young blonde shook her head, trying to clear the fuzziness out of her brain. Her vision was starting to swim, and she could hardly keep her eyes open.

"I'm always with you Seras, we all are." Helena leaned forward, brushing aside Seras' messy strawberry locks and leaning forward to press a feather light kiss on her forehead.

'See you again.' The voice echoed in Seras' mind as she laid her head on the young woman's lap, and quickly slipped back into inky blackness.

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Seras stirred. It had suddenly gotten warm… so warm. Her eyes fluttered before opening, half remembered visions of sunny fields slipping away as her eyes slowly focused.

"My…Master?" he was alive and standing before her, smirking wickedly.

"Yet another beautiful moon tonight." His laughter echoed off the stone walls of the tower as he slowly faded away, his grin last to go as if he was the Cheshire cat.

Seras smiled softly, rubbing the tears from her face vigorously.

"He's not human," she whispered. But then, she had always known he was more than one could even fathom.

Her Master.

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The battle was over, and he had won. His powers were truly terrifying. Seras just smiled, she was so proud of her Master. But still, her heart was bursting alternately with both happiness and regret.

On one hand, the Hellsing organization was in shambles. Most every soldier she had known, and the many she had never gotten the chance to know were dead. Fargasson and Helena were gone, Walter in the hospital, and Sir Integra was a personal "guest" of the Queen's prison.

Her thoughts flicked once again to her brief exchange with the older woman at the tower.

"Where is Alucard?" A visibly pale and weakened Integra had asked Seras outside the tower. Seras smiled softly, her arms resting lightly on the Hellsing heir's shoulders to help steady her.

"He will win! No matter what, my Master... will win!" Seras said, eyes shining with exuberance as she watched the spectacular display atop the tower unfold.

For a moment they stood in silence, Integra looking between the fight and Seras.

"Are you in love with him?" The older woman asked evenly. Seras made a small choking sound and looked at her with shock, was it so obvious?

"I-I don't know." She finally answered, honestly not knowing what to call this emotion. Admiration, quite obviously, affection, undoubtedly, but was this strange heavy warmth in her heart love? Never having experienced such feelings, Seras could only assume if it wasn't, it was close.

"Do you...?" The young vampire asked meekly the question that had plagued her for weeks.

Integra raised an eyebrow and looked at Seras like she had gone quite mad, but didn't say anything for several seconds.

"I....respect him. But I don't think a human could ever truly love..." She trailed off, glancing back at the display above the tower as she gingerly touched her neck wound.

"A monster?" Seras finished for her, silencing the woman's protests with a shake of her head. Silently they watched until the fight was ended, and Integra turned herself into the Queen's men; her duty to see the evil here silenced finished.

Seras had slipped into the shadows, easily avoiding the police, and had made her way back here to where she found herself now, at the entrance to her room. She pushed open the heavy wooden door, her mind still mulling over the thought. She was a monster; she accepted that even if she wasn't the same kind as the freaks they killed, she was a creature of the darkness none the less. And her Master...was the only one who would ever truly understand that.

Seras sighed as she entered her room. It was going to be hell rebuilding Hellsing. But these days she felt she could do anything. Maybe even start being truthful with herself for once.

She sat down at the table with a wince. It was much better, but her stomach was still paining her. Still... she felt curious warmth with the realization that she had helped her Master.

'Police girl.' She heard his voice inside her head before he appeared next to her.

"Master!" She cried, visibly startled.

"Humph," he gave her tattered, bloody clothing a once over before handing her two bags of chilled blood.

"Hungry?" He asked with a fangy smile.

She suddenly realized she was ravenous. Seras snatched up one of the bags, sinking her fangs in and drinking deeply. Regenerating was thirsty business.

"Good girl, drink up." He said lightly with a teasing tone. He was back in his normal clothing and looked none worse for wear. Nothing seemed to faze him, even dying.

Seras was grateful for the blood. Walter normally brought it to her, but he was in the hospital. She smiled at Alucard, starting on the second bag, the sweet red liquid infusing her sore limbs with new life.

"Police girl," he started, sitting his lanky frame in the chair next to her. "Why did you disobey me?" he asked, looking at her over his glasses.

The strawberry-blonde headed vampire sat the empty blood bag down, at a loss for words. Did he mean coming to help him in the first place; or refusing to leave his side? She had a feeling he was speaking of the latter.

She looked down at her lap, letting her hair cover her blush-tinged cheeks, not quite sure herself. How did she explain that she couldn't imagine being without him now? How she would gladly die...

"Master, I could never...." she trailed off. The young vampire knew she couldn't have just left him, no matter what happened to her.

"Police girl...." he purred deeply, suddenly out of his chair and standing beside her. His fingers lightly caressed the delicate skin of her neck and the tiny silvery scars his mark and the paladin's blade had left.

The blood was quickly going to her head, she felt so weak and light headed at his nearness. His fingers slid under her chin, gently forcing her to look at him. For the first time she realized his hands were ungloved.

"I'm waiting, Seras Victoria." She nearly trembled as a ripple of heat went through her.

"M...master," her eyes were wet with unshed tears, but she couldn't seem to voice the words she wanted to say. The words that just a few moments before, when she thought she had lost him, she would have given anything to have the chance to say.

Despite her inability to speak, her moist eyes told him most of what he wanted to know. His burning red eyes flicked to her mouth, where a smear of blood lingered from her feeding.

"Hmm, you're a messy eater, Police girl." He was so close, she could feel his breath. Seras closed her eyes as his tongue snaked out and removed the blood, but then whimpered as he quickly pulled away.

"I couldn't go on.... If you weren't with me," she finally answered. The heady sensations of him being still so close and his gentle touch made her head spin, and her body tingled from being teased with his musky sent and slight warmth seeping into her. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination or the back feed from their link, but it seemed whenever he was pleased she could always tell. Just having him near her seemed to spark a warmth inside of her, almost like her heart was beating once again.

"I'm with you, now tell me what you want," his dangerously low tone made her shiver.

"P-please," she tried to force herself to speak, but her tongue seemed to have turned to lead in her mouth. He gave her a fangy grin, making it clear she would have to say it.

'Master!' she thought desperately, 'I need you!' He grinned became even more feral, his eyes seeming to glow from within. Part of her hated him when he was aloof like this, but his mystery was also one of his greatest charms. But whatever his faults (many and glaring as they were) she could never actually seem to recall them when he was this near.

"What do you need from me?" he asked teasingly, making her remember how easily he could see inside her mind. That thought finally made her snap, realizing he likely already knew.

"Master, for God's sake just kiss me already!" Seras finally burst out, she couldn't take this anymore and she was ready to claw his eyes out if he teased her anymore.

With that finally said he swooped down on her like a silent shadow, kissing her with a greater softness one would think the elder vampire capable of. Finally kissing him, she lost another piece of herself to him. As much as she loved this gentle meshing of lips, she had waited too long for this! Roughly she grabbed the lapels of his coat, and dragged him down to claim his mouth in the hot passionate kiss her body ached for, knocking his hat and glasses off in the process.

Alucard was so surprised by his little fledgling's aggression; he nearly fell on top of her. As her tongue swept through his mouth, his hands slid down her back to firmly cup her behind. He pulled her against him, making her wrap her legs around his waist as he carried her over to her bed.

If she wanted to play rough, then so they would. He dropped her on the mattress with a slight bounce; she stared up at him, eyes glazed with lust as he crawled over her like a predatory cat.

Seras licked her passion reddened lips before tugging him down for another kiss. This time he savaged her mouth, his tongue exploring and caressing every inch and corner. Their bodies intertwined as the Nosferatu ground down into her. When they broke apart she was panting as if she had been running. Seras squirmed briefly, then gasped and moaned as his lips dipped down to one ear and began to explore it. She had never noticed her ears being especially sensitive before, but now the nerves there were screaming with excitement, making her almost mindless.

She suddenly became quite desperate to divest him of some of his clothing. She slid off his blood red overcoat, and untied his cravat before starting to work on the long row of buttons on his suit. Seras fumbled with them, as Alucard distracted her, running his fingers up her thighs, and nipping at her ears and neck.

Finally parting his jacket, she nearly screamed when faced with an even smaller row of tiny white buttons on his immaculate dress shirt. Seras growled, and after the first few buttons roughly ripped it apart, the little disks pinging off the stone floor. He grinned maniacally, his already inflated ego boosted by her impatience.

"All good things, Seras," he whispered. His voice was thick with desire, it made her insides quiver.

Her fingers hungrily ran over his firm chest, taking in his lean muscles and smooth white skin. As her fingers trailed lower, and teased the soft black hair trailing down from his bellybutton, he stopped her; grabbing her hands, he placed them over her head and pinned them there.

"My turn," Was all he said, as quickly, and one handed no less, he made short work of her blood stained blouse.

"Mmm very nice," he murmured, his hand cupping one perfect satin clad breast. She whimpered and squirmed against him, his slight teasing making her nipple pebble under his skilled fingers.

"M-Master! Please!" She gasped pleadingly, pressing more firmly against him.

At her slight struggling he let go of her hands, and effortlessly parted the brassiere with a slight rending of fabric. He growled, using both hands to cup the large beautiful orbs. It had been so long since he had... He was already straining against his trousers. The vampire shifted slightly, pressing his arousal against the cradle of her thighs. His fledgling let out a soft moan and bucked against him. He chuckled, as his long tongue flicked out to tease one perfect pink bud, before drawing it into his mouth and applying gentle suction.

"Ah, Master!" She arched, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Gods, she was on fire.

Alucard absently kicked off his boots, before trailing his hands down her stocking clad legs, taking them with him. When her boots were off, he slowly made his way back up. He nipped lightly at her breasts once more before pulling away, leaving them damp and cold in the open air. She was watching him, crimson eyes flaming with desire. God she was breathtaking was all he could think.

His fingers slid around to her behind again, and quickly found the zipper. He grinned fangily as he tugged her skirt down over her hips; she merely arched up so he could slide it down her legs.

Their eyes never broke contact; watching him undress her had to be one of the most erotic things Seras had ever experienced.

His nimble fingers danced over her inner thighs while his tongue slid provocatively over her stomach; his touches erased any thoughts she might have had as she arched instinctively. He made sure to also pay extra attention to the quickly mending wound on her abdomen; the one she had so gladly taken for him.

Finally his hand found its way to her panty-clad crotch, his fingers teased her through the moist cotton, before roughly ripping away the tiny scrap of cloth, and divesting her of her last barrier; well...almost her last

Seras could only whimper her fingers now clutched into the linens as he parted the folds of her delicate flower. She was so wet, he immediately thought; but he would more than gladly assist her with her current need.

His eyes were now fixed there when he shifted backward a bit on the coffin-bed, dropped to his stomach, urged her legs further apart, and suddenly lowered his face between her thighs.

Seras held the breath she no longer had to take, as his tongue lashed against her. She gasped and nearly bucked right off the bed; her body went tense, arching upwards as he did things she had hardly imagined anymore doing, much less to her.

Her fingers dug harshly into the bed. Never had she imagined anything could feel quite so wonderful....

Finally he drew back and sat back on his knees, watching the instinctual erratic rise and fall of her glorious chest. Seras slowly opened her eyes, and dazed smile lighting her face. She was never as lovely as right at this moment.

She shakily sat up, her body still weak and quivering. The young vampire's arms found their way around his neck, as she draped herself against him. Seras let herself just enjoy the moment, and in a way this simple embrace was more intimate than anything else they had shared.

Seras' lips found their way to his again. For a few moments it was just the soft meshing of lips, and the gentle pressing of their bodies against each other. Then with the simple caressing of tongues, they were once more caught up in the heat of passion.

The blonde vampire's fingers slid between them, making their way down to the rather impressive bulge that was pressing against her. His deep growl was captured in her mouth. His fangs carefully grazed her lips as she tentatively explored him thru the overly confining cloth. Deciding it was not the smartest thing to tease him with his fangs near such delicate skin, her fingers shakily started to undo his belt. She made short work of it, tossing it in the general direction of the growing pile of clothes.

Seras then realized his pants were a rather intricate button fly design, how fitting of her old fashioned Master. She made a small whining noise in the back of her throat, before Alucard stilled her hands and undid them himself. It wouldn't do to ruin two pieces of clothing in one night.

The fledgling vampire smiled shyly, remembering her earlier impatience, as he helped her remove both his trousers, and she was pleased to see, black silk boxers. She had always known he was a boxer man.

There he sat in front of her in all his naked glory. Seras stared at him for a few moments. This was the first time she had really seen a naked man. This was so very different from the back-seat fumbling of youth.

Her fingers glided over his velvety skin a few times, before he laid her back on the bed. Again his lips ravished her skin, her lips, ear, neck and breasts all received meticulous care as he worked to bring her back to the passionate inferno she had been at before.

Consumed by the sensations nearly overwhelming her, Seras wasn't really aware of his moving until he was on top of her. Her arms moved automatically around his neck, her mouth pressing against the salty skin of his shoulder as she felt him nudge against her still slick, aching flesh.

'Forgive me.' He whispered into her mind, in what would be the first and likely last apology she would ever hear him utter. Then all of a sudden he was surging into her with an abrupt thrust that crossed the last barrier between him. She was now his, body and soul.

Freezing fully inside of her Alucard dropped his head to her chest as they both lay still as granite for a moment. Then he lifted his head and peered at her cautiously. 'Are you all right Police girl? Relax and the pain will leave in a moment,' he told her as he shifted slightly, testing their fit as he shook his head slightly.

"Yes," she breathed, shifting carefully to wrap her legs around his hips in an effort to ease the discomfort she was feeling. She realized how carefully he was treating her, but it still hurt.

She whimpered softly, squirming slightly around him. He gasped and dug his fist into the pillow. Pleasure seized the whole of him, violent and intense.

He moved with all the gentleness he was capable of and then some. Her breath caught, and he captured her surprised "oh" in another long kiss.

The driving pleasure of the kiss sent her into a deep swoon, the searing pain melting into shimmering shivers. She twisted, and a hot slap of fire rewarded the movement.

"Seras," he could only say her name. The pleasure spilled into his drugged senses. Never had he felt less control nor needed more. All the force of his will went into assessing her lovely face. "Police girl, am I still hurting you?"

She managed to shake her head. It was so hot and wonderful. "A-Alucard," she felt so feverish, so..."Kiss me..."

He did and it was heaven, or as close as a monster like him could ever be. She lost her consciousness on the shimmering sea as he carried her higher and higher. Her movements silently voicing her need for more. He was infinitely more than happy to oblige.

As their tongues hungrily dueled, he escalated their dance, her body starting to accept and to crave him. Her nails dug into his shoulder, the exquisite bite of pain only enhancing his pleasure. He tore his mouth away from hers, nipping at her shoulder and collar bone in retribution.

Seras gasped, her eyelashes fluttering as she tried to match his rhythm.

As she screamed her release, her muscles fingers clinging to him, and after a few more moments so did he to join her. With a feral growl, he sunk his fangs into her neck, her heavenly sweet blood flooding his senses and making his head spin.

She trembled, the combined pleasure of her climax, and her Master's bite extending the exquisite feeling. With a groan he released her neck and collapsed on top of her. Seras whimpered in contentment, and nuzzled against his shoulder. This was more than she could ever have dreamed of.

"Master..." she whispered breathlessly. They shared a kiss, basking in the after glow. She could taste her blood on his lips. This didn't bother her. It was almost romantic in a way. They had both given and taken. But of course, he had more of hers than he could imagine. In that moment as she lay there with him, she could swear she felt the beating of her heart for just an instant before she slid into exhaustion.

Alucard sighed, again for the umpteenth time that night he was glad he had taken her in. His sweet little fledgling would be a source of a type of pleasure he hadn't partaken in, in a long time for many years to come.

He almost lovingly laved the wound on her neck, making Seras quiver around him. Yes, he grinned, a fine choice indeed. But as old of a being as he was, he was not one to launch into flowery declarations of love at the first chance. No, perhaps those would come in time. After all, he thought with a contented sigh, they had eternity together.

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Phew, sorry that took so long to get out. I had immense trouble writing it. I tried to make it as perfect as I could, while staying fairly in character. It may seem like Alucard is a tad OOC, but frankly it's hard to picture him in any romantic scenario. I just couldn't see an "old-world gentleman" (yeah right) like Alucard doing anything but being gentle with her, her first time. I liked the way this wrapped up, but I might (MIGHT) do a little sequel or something to it if enough people bug me.

Next up: Diary of a Police girl. A romantic (kind of) comedy Seras/???

Dec 3 – I finally got around to actually doing a slight rewrite of this chapter. Just a smoother paring of the lemon really.