Author has written 31 stories for Vampire Academy. If anyone's wondering where I've gone off to or why I haven't posted anything in months, the lack of updates is due to stupid computer issues because life sucks and can't let people catch a break. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Thanks bunches for always sticking with me guys you're the best readers a girl can ever ask for. Also if anyone is interested in roleplay, if the fandum doesn't matter or if you love Divergent as much as I do, then you ought to check out this forum created by Let Love Win because she's amazing and the forum is lots of fun and we need some new members. If you're interested, message me, Let love win or Empriss Gypsy or simply check out the link below! /forum/The-Divergent-forum/188564/ If you must know, I love anything VA related. I love helping and interacting with new people so shoot me a PM if you ever need help with story ideas or you just wanna chat. I also love trying new foods preferabley chocolate... :D According to my friends, I've got Lissa's sweet caring personality down. I like to think thatI've got Rose's selflessness. And my best friend is like Rose in the reel world but she can throw out some Zen lessons if the need be. It’s still unfathomable to me how many people do not know about pediatric cancer. Sometimes I find myself wondering why the whole world isn’t in an uproar over this. I just pointed out some completely random facts to my mom when she called me to watch something about breast cancer! Cancer of any kind is horrible, but cancer in children is a hellish nightmare. Cancer in children is a disgusting, scary beast. Cancer in children is dark. Cancer in children is definitely not rainbows and sunshine! People need to know about how horrible the treatments for the various kinds of cancers are. Ignoring it because it doesn’t affect you directly and pretending that these little kids like Ronan, Ty, Jack, Tanner, Ester, Chelsea, Lilly, the 46 children that would be diagnosed today and the 7 that will die doesn’t exist is not going to make Pediatric cancer go away! You want a reason to make a difference? You want a reason to fight for change? Well here it is. In the words of Maya Thompson, Awareness=Funding=Research=Cures, and Childhood cancer needs all the help it can get. Get mad, get angry and let’s make a difference. #fucancer #BecauseKidsGetCancerTo#timeforchange. I wish I could say I'm sorry for that little rant, but I can't. I'm not sorry, and every bit of it is true. You don't believe me? Type into google and find out. Don't ignore it, spread the word. Let's kick the bitch known as cancer to hell right where she belongs! Link to my story, |