
*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or anything just the plot for this story*


I woke up to the sound of his screams. I was instantly alert and running over to his bed shaking him.

"Adrian, Adrian. Wake up it is all a dream".

Slowly his eyes began to open. I sighed in relief running a hand through my hair, an old habit that had I had developed. He pulled the blanket up higher to cover his chin while closing his eyes again.

"It was about them. I dreamed about them again", he whispered.

I knew who he was talking about, his family. A couple of years ago they had all died in a tragic fire when the fireplace had caught on some carpet. Dimitri had been over that night and had died. But somehow Adrian had brought him back. Adrian was a Moroi, vampires with a magical element and very fast reflexes. The elements were water, air, fire and earth. But Adrian hadn't specialised in any of them. Or so they had thought.

That night something had made Adrian bring Dimitri back to life. There was a consequence though. They were now bonded. That meant that Dimitri could feel what he was feeling and know what he was thinking. It was kind of creepy at first but then you get used to it. A little later on they had found out that he specialised in a element called spirit. It was very rare but Adrian just happened to use spirit.

Dimitri was a damphir, destined to protect the moroi. Dimitri had known Adrian since kindergarten, he had seen Adrian being bullied and stood up for him, they had been inseparable This was really helpful since the damphirs were meant to be guardians or protectors for the moroi. Damphirs were half moroi and half human a rare match if it ever happened. Nowadays they were made from moroi's mixing with damphirs. Out of some weird genetic fluke that also seemed to produce damphirs. Damphirs didn't have the powers that the moroi did and they could stand the sunlight but they did have the same reflexes which became very handy when training to be a was only one moroi that Dimtiri wanted and that was Adrian.

Spirit had caused Adrian to have a certain darkness in him which had been driving him crazy. St Vladimirs (their school) had wanted to put him in jail because he was dangerous but Dimitri would have none of it and they had run away. For the past 2 years they had been living in hiding and the school had not found them yet.

I looked down at Adrian, he looked incredibly pale. When had he last fed I wondered.

"When did you last have some blood", I asked voicing my thoughts.

He looked at ceiling thinking about it for a moment and then he answered.

"I think about 2 days ago", he said. This was disgraceful. I rushed to our backpacks and found a sachet of blood. We had been stealing them from the hospital, just enough for Adrian to survive. I handed it to him and he ripped the lid of greedily and dowsed the thing in 2 seconds flat. He then excused himself and went to wash up. I went and sat at the window, gazing at the lush, green lawn of the college campus. We had been living here ever since we came 2 weeks ago. We have been constantly been on the move. Never staying in one place for more than a month.

Suddenly I heard some rustling in the bush. For half a second I was worried that it was a strigoi. These are evil vampires that are basically you typical vampires, no sunlight, stake through the heart etc. But I soon found out it was not as I spotted to brown eyes staring up at me watching. I quickly stepped back and ran to the bathroom door.

"ADRIAN GET OUT THEY'RE HERE", I didn't bother keeping my voice down as the obviously new I had seen them. He flung the door open and raced out grabbing everything that we could see. We raced out the door and down the stairs, grabbed the keys to the car and were out of there in a flash.

We jumped into the car and as soon as my seat belt was on, I shoved the keys in the ignition and we were off. Or so I thought, at this point in time the car was not moving but staying still. Frantically I jumped out and quickly noticed that one of the tires had been punctured. I swore under my breath in Russian and straightened myself. Only to be knocked down by a small figure. I only say small because I am about 6'7". I fell to the ground with a bang knocking the wind out of me for a second. I felt my arms being pulled behind my back and I turned my head only to have my eyes caught in the gaze of the brown ones I had seen before. I just stared, they were so... big. When she spoke her voice was calm.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way".