Well guys here it is finally, the long awaited epilogue 2. I'm sorry it took me so damn long! But you guys, you all make me so happy with your sweet reviews. You truly are some of the most amazing people ever thanks so much for always deciding to read my stuff you all make writing fanfiction the best thing ever!

I obviously don't own the Vampire Academy, come on surely nobody still thinks that? I've already said this what feels like a million times! There's a lemon somewhere in here, just saying!

I didn't know what love was until I met you.

Epilogue 2.

"Mama Ronan's climbing on the couch again and won't listen to me!" Luka yelled. I strangled a groan.

"Ronan, sit down." I said turning to fix him with a look. Instead of sitting down, he launched himself off the couch and could've just about given me a heart attack when he almost landed on the floor on his face. I was out of the kitchen and over there in a heartbeat ready to do damage control, but he was fine and had the hugest grin on his face and that mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Ronan Ibrahim Belikov," I said sternly. "How many times have I told you about jumping off couches?"

"Sorry, mama," He said sweetly, and I had to try not to melt as he flashed me that charming smile and wink of his. At 2 years old and an exact replica of his father, he knew exactly how to charm me. Ronan might look like Dimitri, but that was where the similarities ended. Because personality wise, he was a carbon copy of me, something my parents were always quick to point out.

"I love you, mama." He said simply because I hadn't said anything. That was it. I scooped him up holding him close to my chest.

"I love you too baby doll." I said and sighed. "Oh Ro, what am I going to do with you?" He giggled and kissed my cheek making Luka giggle.

If Ronan was a mini me in the body of mini Dimitri, Luka was just the opposite. He looked exactly like me, but he was calm and level headed like Dimitri. At only 4, he already liked books and was really good at learning to read them. He liked helping me out in the kitchen, both my boys did especially these days because I was pregnant with twins and on maternity leave from work. So, most mornings was a rush to make breakfast something they both always insisted that they helped with which always left a huge mess and getting Luka off to school, not that I minded. If Dimitri didn't have to rush off to work, he'd clean up the kitchen for me or Ronan and I would when we came home.

Luka was an amazing big brother to Ro, always looking out for him like he had just now when Ronan was climbing on the couch, or climbing on the counter or standing up in the cart when we went shopping. As I'm sure you can already imagine, my Ronan was full of energy and feistiness and completely adorable. He was impulsive like me and always doing crazy stunts and knew exactly how to charm his way out of trouble. It was for that reason he'd been dubbed baby danger by Lissa and Christian.

Luka was the cool breeze that tempered Ro's flames, but that wasn't to say that he wasn't known to jump into crazy situations too. After all, he was my son. He just had a bit more control than his brother and just as much charm. My boys might be very different, but where it mattered they were one and the same. They were my babies, the center of my world and had always been from the second I found out I was pregnant.

The relationship between them had always been something beautiful, Luka had been excited from the second Dimitri and I told him he was going to have a little brother or sister. He hadn't even been 2 back then, but that didn't stop him from rubbing my belly first thing every morning and singing to the baby at bed time. He'd always included Ronan in everything we did even before he was born. It was always a constant stream of questions and the baby this or the baby that and, mama, do you think the baby would like this?

That relationship only got more beautiful when we brought Ronan home. I expected the bit of jealousy and competition for our attention that I'd heard of from other parents, both colleagues and patients of mine, but that never came. Luka hardly ever left Ronan's side. He was always eager to teach him things and include him when he was playing with his toys. He always wanted to help when I was feeding him or giving him his baths, and, I let him. Because it became very obvious that they adored each other right away.

And now, I really couldn't wait for the twins to be born. It wasn't just about the punishing kicks I always got these days or the aches and pains that went into being almost full term with twins or the constant urge to pee and tiredness, but more about the fact that I couldn't wait to see what their relationship with the boys would be like. I could already tell that it was going to be something magnificent, because Luka was natural at being an older sibling and Ronan, well he was excited and had this adorable thing where he talked to my belly whenever a particularly hard kick would make me flinch or groan.

The sound of a car in our yard snapped me out of my thoughts and had Ronan jumping out of my arms to race to the front door, Luka on his heels. "Daddy!" They yelled and I chuckled and shook my head.

"That's not-"I broke off in the middle of my sentence because nobody was listening to me. Luka had opened the door both he and Ronan bounding out to meet who they thought was Dimitri. The second they saw the car and realized who it was, however, was when the madness really started.

"Aunty Lissa!" I watched from the doorway as my boys ran to her, both tackling her into hugs and erupting into giggles when she showered them with kisses. Their attention then turned to her car or rather to the kids struggling to get out of their car seats. Chuckling, I went down to give her a hand.

"Aunty Rosie!" Andrea yelled. "Help meeee!"

"Me tooo!" Yelled Erick. Chuckling I helped them both out of the car seats. The kids made an instant beeline for each other the radiant grins on their faces making my smile grow.

"Not that I'm not absolutely thrilled to see you, Liss," I said when we'd gone inside and the kids were making a racket on the floor with blocks and racecars. "But what are you doing here? Thought I wasn't going to be seeing you until later?"

"That was the plan," She said. "But I got bored and thought I'd drive out and see if you needed a hand. Plus try telling those 2 they were going to have to wait until later to see Luka and Ro." I laughed outright at that, because she was right.

Erick was 4 like Luka and of course, they were best friends. They were just as tight as Liss and I had been at their age. Andrea was a couple months younger than Ronan. She was the youngest for now as well as the only girl around here but she held her own quite well among all these boys. She and Ronan were particularly fond of each other and Liss and I often joked around about them actually dating at some point.

"You're a goddess," I said. "A saint, even." Lissa rolled her eyes, but I kind of meant every word. She had been here for just about 30 minutes and already she'd pulled off a miracle on my house. The place was now spotless. Granted I was kind of ruining that now seeing as how I was dripping water on the floor because my boys had thought it would be an amazing idea to splash so much in the bath that they got me drenched too, but the fact that she'd gotten a lot farther than I had all day was good enough for me. That might have been because the reasons the house was such a mess were currently picking out what they wanted to wear and waiting for me to help them get dressed, but I didn't care. It simply meant that I now wouldn't have to clean.

"Go get out of those clothes," Lissa said, ever the mother hen. Her tendency to always take care of everyone had always been a character trait about her that I'd always admired. It was one of those natural things that made her perfect for the field we were in. I admired it even more now since she had kids. Lissa was a natural born mama and aunt, and she was always the one who's house the kids always wanted to go to. And I didn't just mean my kids, I meant everyone else's too.

"Are you coming on to me?" I asked trying to look dead serious. "Because I'm sorry Liss but I really don't see you in that light. Plus you're kind of married to my brother and well you're the mother of his children..."

"Oh, shut up, Rose." She said laughing. "You know you've been dying to tap this since ages ago." I shot her a look of complete disgust both of us bursting into a fit of giggles which prompted a series of kicks in my belly. I groaned and placed a hand on my belly trying to calm them down.

"Mom-are you ok?" That was Luka. He'd no doubt come out to tell me that he'd picked out what he wanted to wear or that Ronan had done something and was now looking worriedly up at me with those dark eyes. Hell, even Lissa had stopped laughing and was watching me with concern.

"I'm fine, baby." I said. "Just a kick." I looked up at Lissa to let her know that I really was fine. She nodded as Luka reached for me to pick him up, not at all convinced that I was fine.

"Come on baby doll," I said scooping him up and kissing his head. He was such a little worry bug. "I'm fine I promise. Let's go get dressed, ok?"

Hours later, I was surrounded by my family and friends in Olena's back yard and wearing a gorgeous sundress and strappy shoes that Lissa had insisted that I wore. Admittedly, I hadn't known why until we had gotten here. Streamers and balloons and a huge banner that announced in huge bold lettering that Dimitri and I were having not one but 2babies clued me in pretty fast to what was going on, however. And the look I got from Lissa and the Belikov girls and Jill, Sydney and Sophie my friend from high school told me exactly who had organized it.

They all looked so delighted, but imagine their shock when I burst into tears. I hadn't seen Dimitri since we'd gotten there, but he had obviously seen me and was suddenly at my side.

"Roza? Baby, what's wrong?" I tried to answer, I really did, but his concern, the look in his eyes and on the girl's faces only made the tears come faster. Dimitri wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest just so I didn't have to look at any of them so I could calm down. I breathed him in, the delectable smell of his aftershave and him and slowly started to calm down. When I was sure I wasn't going to burst into tears again, I sniffled and lifted my head.

"I'm fine," I said because they were still looking at me with that worry and concern and because I saw my parents and Christian trying to make their way to us now too. "Hormones I just-you guys…" I squealed and flung myself out of Dimitri's arms so I could tackle the girls into hugs. "This is amazing thank you!"

"That's more like it." Jill said excitedly a grin on her face. "Now come on, let's go get this party started."

"I've only ever seen this place look more beautiful than it does now once before," I said later to Dimitri. We were sitting on the steps to Olena's house looking out at the garden. He had his arms wrapped around me his hands on my belly and I was leaning back against his chest while he cooed beautiful Russian words to our babies. The kids were asleep upstairs and everyone had long since left.

"Oh? And when was that?" He asked rubbing my belly but as I turned my head to look at him, I knew he knew.

"The night you made me your wife." I said looking into his eyes. He held my gaze and took my face in his hands kissing me softly. I kissed him back my eyes drifting close and body reacting like gasoline on tinder.

You see, one of the things about being pregnant and hormonal was simply this. Every time Dimitri touched, kissed or looked at me in a certain way, I had the most freaking intense urge to jump him. Oh, alright. Maybe it had always been that way, but now it had gotten worse, something he knew well and always played to his advantage. He pulled me closer but I pulled away only for an instant.

An instant which I used to crawl into his lap and straddle him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pressed my lips to his again. He responded just as passionately, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me tight against him. I groaned at the feeling as the kissed deepened.

Even fully clothed, there was no hiding the beautifully sculpted body beneath, and I longed to be pressed against him. I longed to run my hands over his chest and down his stomach. I longed to feel those hands on my body. Groaning softly I pulled away from his lips and looked up into dark, dark eyes which regarded me with such heat and intensity that I felt my panties grow wet.

"Baby," I gasped. "I need you. Now." He smirked and picked me up kissing me the whole way to the bedroom.

When he laid me on his old bed, I pulled him down with me. He hovered above me still kissing me, still looking at me with those dark eyes. I reached for his shirt, and the next thing I knew, I was laying naked on my back beneath him and he was slowly entering me. I had absolutely no idea how that even happened and neither did I care because his lips were wrapped around my nipples, his tongue doing sinful things to me.

"Oh, god," I gasped out, my hands tangling in his hair. I wrapped my legs around him urging him to move his hips. The second he did, I was lost to pleasure so intense that it took my breath away. I was lost to all things him. It was like everything was now magnified, especially that electricity that had always been between us. Every touch, every move of our hips, every brush of his lips against my skin turned the blood in my veins to fire.

"My god, you are so beautiful baby," He said and even though he was speaking English, his words seemed to caress my body. Growling lowly I flipped us, Riding him hard. He gripped my hips, slamming up every time I sank down. He sat up slightly, drawing my nipples back into his mouth and as he bit down I was done for.

I screamed his name as I was swept up on that tide of pleasure, too far gone to remember there were other people in that house 2 of them being my children and the other being my mother-in-law. Not that I cared, how could I when release had taken him too and he was murmuring my name like a prayer shooting jets of hot come into me? I came again gasping and milking him for everything he gave, then I fell forward on his chest when it was over. His arms wounded around me and we just laid there holding each other until we could breathe normally again. Then, I burst into giggles.

"God, Dimitri, we're never going to hear the end of this. Olena is going to give me hell." He laughed along with me then claimed my lips in a kiss so soft and tender that I closed my eyes and melted.

We made love again, slowly and reverently this time, and I was reminded with every kiss, caress and heated, love-filled glance why I married him and why we were so good together. Dimitri had been my first everything, but I knew he was going to be my last, too. I had found and married the love of my life. I was the mother of his children. Dimitri Belikov was my forever.

*sniffles a little.* my god, I can hardly believe that was the last chapter. Thoughts, you guys? You all know how to reach me! And you know I can't end this with saying thank you. Thank you for all of your amazing reviews. Thank you for being some of the best people ever. Most of all, thank you for reading and putting up with my shittty update schedules and computer issues!

Review lovelies, and do I have to point out that I'm not yet done with fanfiction? I've got other stories that I'm working on, Amor Prohibido with the amazingly fabulous Let love win or Moni as she prefers, and In the rain which I have been dealing with writer's block for but I'm determined to get over, so if you're not reading them, then please drop by! I've got other ideas too but I'm thinking I need to be done with my current works in progress first or at least In the Rain. So I hope to see you all there!

