Author has written 9 stories for Fairy Tail, Harry Potter, Prince of Tennis, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. About Me: I'm more than a little crazy Some people might say insane I'm also more than a little bit lazy And so if I don't update on time, please no pain? I write a lot of fanfictions, but most of them are never published, simply because I rarely have the time to. If you've read one of my fanfics, expect it to be updated around once a year, but I try to update a lot at once. I'm Back! As of... March, 2017: I have essentially drifted out of most of the fandoms I've written here. My sincerest apologies, but I'm not really interested in any of these stories anymore. My writing style and plans have completely changed in the last few years, so while I don't plan on permanently abandoning them, I'll be trying to wrap up all the stray stories I have floating around but no longer have much interest in (basically all the stories here). I take writing time out of my sleep time since my classes and professors are incredibly uncompromising at times, but while I was originally going to just delete everything, reading the kind reviews people have left me over the years changed my mind. I will be finishing these stories eventually. Thank you for your encouragements. And if anyone is interested in taking my stories, go ahead and feel free! I'm not abandoning them, but I've been reading fanfictions for awhile, and I got some great ideas from those I have read! Even if the story plots are bad (like mine), sometimes the ideas are great and I like being able to write down my thoughts. Feel free! :D (Although I'd prefer a PM so I can tell any readers I have about it! And maybe credit? *blink blink*) Stories Information: I don't plan on permanently abandoning these stories. They're half-begun and cliche and terrible, but I'll finish them eventually (probably). My plan is to convert most of these into drabble series as I no longer remember whatever plans I had for them, but I can rewrite some scenes I had written and post them. Since I'm planning on rewriting all of the unfinished works I have, this process could take a while. Thank you for your patience, however; I appreciate it! Reviews Reviews are a) love b) motivation and c) amazing. I seriously read each and every review and am extremely influenced by every single word you write. Even just a 'I liked it' is very appreciated! In fact, reading reviews of "The Strongest One of All" is what caused me to pull myself out of the 'oh god did I really write that I feel so terrible' into the 'oh god people actually supported me I feel so unworthy of their love' and into the 'I must not let my readers down!' to write a sequel. Therefore, please review; I sincerely appreciate it! Please read my stories! And please review! (And please don't flame me!!!!) |