Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter. Hey everyone. One day I plan to become an author, so this is amazing practice for me, to not only come up with ideas, but try to write in different styles and get unbiased feedback. (despite what he says, my granddad is biased!) My reading on FanFiction is rather limited at present - I first read EastEnders - but was put off by bad grammar - no offence to those who have written good EE FanFics, I just haven't read them. No, instead, I am a major fan of Harry Potter - particularly Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger (Fremione) - much to my friends' disapproval. They are all solid canon fans - not that I hate the idea of Ron being with Hermione. Although, as some of my friends read my stories, they are (slowly) being converted! My first story is called A Chain Of Events, and is my baby! I am proud of it, so please read it (although it might be a while before it's finished because I have great plans for my firstborn) And, just in case my name doesn't tell you - in my world, Frederick Gideon Weasley NEVER DIED! (He also met a blonde girl who wrote Fanfictions under the name of IfOnlyFredWeasleyHadLived and was secretly in love with him. They married and had lots of clever, ginger children!) So, enjoy reading my FanFics, and don't be afraid to review me! I like to feel loved! Who knows, your review may inspire me to write faster! Love, IfOnlyFredWeasleyHadLived xxx |