Hey all! Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated. I'll admit I was a bit sad to write the last chapter, but I do always look forward to what you all think. So, please read, review, enjoy! Hopefully, I'll have another story up soon!
The Circle
War raged on around the Golden Trio as they fought for their own lives and the lives of the ones they loved. Just as they escaped the burning Room of Requirement with Draco Malfoy in tow, Percy and Fred rounded a turn, Death Eaters on their heals. Streams of red and green and white were emitted from wand tips as curses were flung by and at all parties.
This time, the war was real. That realization dawned on Hermione as a spell smashed into a wall, sending it crumbling to the ground.
Time slowed. Ron, she saw from the corner of her eye, raced forward toward his brothers. Arms pulled her away around a corner, away from Fred.
"No, we have to go back," she yelled over the din, finally finding her voice. She struggled against the arms. "We can't...I have to...Harry, please." They stopped moving, but Harry shook his head.
"We can't go back," he replied adamantly, leading her towards the Great Hall before disappearing under his Invisibility Cloak.
Hermione had seen this all before - the star chocolate. Hope built that the vision would hold true, everyone she loved would be okay.
"Harry Potter is dead!" a snake-like voice echoed from just beyond the front doors of Hogwarts. Her legs moved, one foot in front of the other, towards the enemy as fear built inside of her once again. She had to push through the forming crowd to see for herself if Voldemort was telling the truth. There before them all stood Hagrid with the limp and lifeless body of Harry Potter in his massive arms.
Tears blurred the scene before the young witch. It was a trick of her imagination when she blinked and Harry's body was gone. It was another trick of the eye when the battle began again and Harry Potter was battling Voldemort in the middle of the Great Hall. And it was over with a meeting of "Expelliarmus" and "Avada Kedavra."
Hermione was too afraid to turn around, to see if it was friend or foe who had fallen to his death. A cheer rose up, led by Neville Longbottom. The good guys had won.
Madame Pomphrey made quick work of transforming the area into a makeshift hospital. It looked exactly as it had in her vision, Hermione thought. The Weasleys stood crowded around a cot, George bent low by its side. Hermione quickly made her way to it, taking the spot next to Ron at the foot of the cot.
Fred's eyes opened just as Ron looped an arm around Hermione's shoulders. He caught her eye and smiled before turning to his twin to whisper something in George's ear.
"Alright, alright. Seems the patient needs some rest. So the lot of you can all clear off," George declared. Everyone began to move away, making their way to see friends or find out how they could help. George caught Hermione's arm. "Not you, Granger."
Hermione stopped, looking from one twin to the other. George, hand still on her arm, led her to the spot by Fred's side that he'd previously occupied before wandering off.
"So, you're okay?" she asked, her voice coming out small.
Fred smiled. "I'm okay."
Hermione looked down at her hands, her fingers twisted together nervously. What could she say? Why would he want her to be here by his side? "You're sure you're okay?" she asked again.
Again a smile lit his face. "Hermione, I'm fine. Few bumps, few bruises, couple gashes here, some aches there, but I'm fine."
"Good," came her automatic reply.
"I wanted to ask you something," Fred said. "About the truffles."
Hermione looked up, her "Prefects" face on. "This is what you're thinking about right now? You wanted my feedback on one of your stupid inventions?" She started to stand, but a hand pulled her back.
"I wasn't looking to have a focus group session," he replied, the usual Fred Weasley humor lacking in his voice. "I gave them to you for a reason."
"Did you...?" she started to ask, but he cut her off.
"I did," was his answer. "I needed to know it wasn't one-sided, that I wasn't going to get my hopes up about a future with you if you didn't see it that way too. So, I'm guessing it's safe to assume...?"
"It is," she replied, a smile gracing her features. She slipped her hand into his. "It's definitely safe."
He pulled her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss against it. "Wanna go on a date?" he asked, a laugh slipping into his comical voice.
She leaned forward, gingerly touching her lips to his cheek. "Don't you already know the answer to that question?" Hermione inquired.
"I do," Fred agreed. "I just wanted to hear you say it."
"Answer something for me first?" Hermione asked, receiving a nod from Fred. "What's the circle do?"
"Try it," was the only answer she received. Hermione detached her hand from Fred's and pulled out the small purse she'd tucked in her back pocket. Inside was the chocolate box with the one remaining truffle. Her eyes flitted from the candy to Fred and back. With a slight hesitation, she bit into the solid dark chocolate.
Nothing happened.
Confused, she looked back to Fred.
"You've come full circle," he said, indicating the shape of the candy. "You didn't need it to show you anything."
"Did you see anything when you tried the circle?" she asked, popping the rest of the candy into her mouth.
Fred nodded. "I saw this, us right here."
"Did I say yes?"
"You bet your bottom you did," Fred replied with a laugh. "So, can I get that yes now?"
Hermione set a serious look upon her face as she turned to fully face him. "Fred Weasley, it would be my honor to go on a date with you." She leaned down to kiss him once more on the cheek before her lips moved to his ear. "Thank you for my glimpse into the future."
The End.