Hey guys - a new story. Some of you may have read my previous works - for which I thank you. If you haven't, please do check out my profile.

I do not own Harry Potter, sadly.

Hermione was running late. She was meant to have been at The Burrow fifteen minutes ago, but she couldn't find her wand. And without her wand, she could hardly do anything. Sighing, Hermione glanced around her messy flat, hoping she'd be struck by inspiration as to where her wand could possibly be. Frowning, she headed into her bedroom, and shook her duvet out, a last desperate attempt to find it. Nothing. There was no choice but to Floo. Hermione normally didn't like doing it, she preferred Apparating to the front door – it was far politer, she thought, after all, she didn't live at The Burrow. Suddenly she caught sight of something sticking out of the book she was currently reading. Hurrying over to it she flicked the book open and there, in between the pages, lay her wand. Grabbing it and grinning, Hermione pictured The Burrow in her mind and Apparated directly into the middle of the field surrounding The Burrow.

It was a beautiful, clear day and the field was blossoming with wild flowers. Hermione smiled to herself as she heard laughter coming from the direction of the house.

"Hey, Granger!" a cheeky, cheery voice pulled her from her thoughts. "What are you doing here?"

Without turning round, Hermione reprimanded the young man. "Fred, please, do not call me Granger. My name is Hermione. Hermione. That is what my friends call me, not Granger. I've told you that a thousand times, Weasley. And as for why I'm here…I'm here to sleep with you and George, of course. We had such fun last time."

Fred gaped, and for once in him life, speech failed him. "Um…OK then. Can't remember a last time…" He trailed off, not entirely sure where this conversation was headed.

Hermione laughed at the uncomfortable expression on his face, and took pity on him. "I'm here for Sunday lunch, Fred, like I am every Sunday."

"Oh, I was going to say…" Fred was enormously relieved. "Not that I find the idea of sleeping with you disgusting, but sharing a girl with George – no. Not to mention the fact that Angie wouldn't be too pleased with him." He winced at how awkward it all sounded.

"It's fine, Fred. I get it – I was just mucking about anyway. Now, I'm starving – I haven't eaten a proper home-cooked meal since last Sunday – I'm the worst cook."

"I'm sure you're not that bad, Hermione. But as you evidently need to eat, let's go."

They headed off through the long grass together, laughing and joking about nothing. Upon reaching The Burrow, Hermione was swept up into a bone-crushing hug by Ginny.

"Hermione! It's been so long!" Ginny squealed.

"I know! How's school?" Ginny was now in her seventh year at Hogwarts, and had come back to The Burrow for Easter break. Hermione missed Hogwarts , but she knew she had made the right decision is not returning and getting on with her life instead.

"School's well, school. It's not the same without you, Harry, Ron and Neville though. At least I've got Luna to chat to." Ginny shrugged, then pulled Hermione's arm. "Anyway, come on! Mum's about to serve lunch; and everyone else is already in there. If we're not quick, all the food will be gone!" With these words Ginny tugged Hermione into The Burrow, Fred following just behind.

Getting to the table, Ginny immediately headed for the seat next to Harry and Ron, leaving Hermione to sit in one of the spare seats beside George. Percy entered from the living room and sat the other side of George, two seats away from Hermione. By the time Fred entered the kitchen, there was only one seat, which he promptly sat in, sandwiching Hermione between him and George, grinning at her as she did so.

"Right. Now everyone's here, please, tuck in." Mrs Weasley said, placing the last dish on the table and seating herself next to Mr Weasley . Everyone immediately hurried to follow her request, and quickly filled their plates up. Fred and Hermione both reached for the bowl of roasted potatoes at the same time, their fingers brushing over each other.

Fred drew his hand back. "Go on, Hermione you have them first. After all, you've not eaten in a week."

Hermione smiled at him. "Thanks, Fred. And I have eaten this week, just not very well."

"Whatever you say, Hermione, whatever you say."

She just rolled her eyes at him, and they both lapsed into silence as they ate.

As soon as the plates had been emptied, all the food eaten, Bill and Fleur stood up, hands clasped together.

"Fleur and I have an announcement for you all," began Bill. Everyone looked towards them in eager anticipation as Bill and Fleur shared a loving smile before turning to address those at the table.

"I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby!" Fleur rested her hand on her stomach, as Bill wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Congratulations!" cried Mrs Weasley. "I'm so happy for you both! My first grand-baby! When are you due?"

"Well, I'm thirteen weeks along, so the baby will be due in September," Fleur smiled.

Fred and George looked at each other and grinned manically.

"We can corrupt them!" they cried simultaneously.

"Oh no, you will not," said Bill, glaring at them threateningly. They just grinned back at him, trying to look innocent but failing miserably.

"Fred, George, will you please behave responsibly just once?" sighed Mrs Weasley.

"We do, Mum," started George.

"But winding up Bill is normally impossible," continued Fred.

"So, we must take advantage of every opportunity!" they finished together.

"Oh, boys, what would we do without you?" smiled Mrs Weasley fondly.

Fred and George both got up and headed over to their mother, giving her a hug.

"You'll never have to find out, Mum."

"Yeah, the war's over and there are no plans for another one just yet."

Mrs Weasley sniffed and pulled the twins closer to her. Ever since the war she'd been more protective of her children than ever, especially the twins, as Fred had nearly died during the Battle of Hogwarts and George had lost an ear.

"Mum," came George's choked voice, "you're strangling us!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, boys!" Mrs Weasley said, and released them at once.

"It's fine, Mum!" they chorused together, before going to sit back down.

"Hey everyone," Ginny started. "How about we all go to the lake for a bit? I mean it's such a nice day."

"Yeah, why not. It'd be good to just muck about," Harry agreed, with Ron nodding as well.

"Hermione, what about you?" asked Ginny.

"I would, but I have nothing to change into, and I'm loathe to transfigure more underwear into swimming stuff."

"You could always try skinny-dipping," Fred suggested gleefully, giving her a cheeky wink.

"Not in a million years, Frederick. Not in a million years. I'm fine with just sitting by the side."

"No you don't, Hermione," Ginny leapt up out of her seat and grabbed Hermione's wrist, pulling her from the table. "You can borrow one of my bikinis."

"But Ginny..." Hermione protested.

"No buts, Hermione Granger," Ginny cut her off. "You're borrowing one of my bikinis and that's that." Ginny had a no nonsense tone, so Hermione resigned herself to being dragged upstairs by the enthusiastic red-head.

Just five minutes later found Hermione standing on the edge of the lake, arms wrapped tight around her skinny figure.

"For God's sake, Ginny. I may as well have taken Fred up on his suggestion of skinny dipping. This is the skimpiest bikini ever, I mean, seriously."

"Stop complaining, Hermione, and come join us!" Ginny laughed, splashing water at the girl on the bank.

Hermione wasn't given a chance to retort, because at that moment two pairs of hands; very male hands, grabbed hold of her, lifting her up. One pair was gripping round her thighs, while the other pair was latched tightly around her waist.

She let out a scream. "Fred! George! Put me down this instant!"

"And why should we?" asked Fred, looking up at her.

"Come now, Fred, if Hermione wants us to put her down, then we should. It would be un-gentlemanly to do otherwise."

"Oh, I suppose you're right George. On the count of three, then?" Fred suggested.

"One," George started.

"Two," Fred continued, shifting his grip in anticipation.

"Three!" they chorused together, before unceremoniously dumping Hermione into the water.

She surfaced, coughing and spluttering. "Prepare for war, twins. Prepare for war!"

The twins glanced at each other before dive-bombing into the water, sending another wave over Hermione's face.

"Ooh, I'm going to get you back for that," Hermione threatened, swimming towards Fred and George and splashing them.

They retaliated and it soon became a full blown water fight, with the three of them laughing hysterically as they soaked each other.

Slowly, the fighting began to lessen and they just took to floating in the water, chatting about nothing. Harry, Ron and Ginny joined them, judging it now to be safe.

"So, how's your shop going?" asked Hermione, curious.

"It's going really well, thanks, Hermione," Fred replied.

"Yeah, now it's the holidays business has really picked up. It's always slower when the kids are at Hogwarts," expanded George.

"Any new products?" Hermione continued to question.

"We're actually working on something new at the moment. It's a potion that can replace a girl's foundation or face cream. She applies it unknowingly, then applies the rest of her make-up. When she looks in the mirror, she'll look absolutely fine. To everyone else, her make-up will look even more than she applied and she'll look ridiculous."

"Isn't that slightly harsh?"

"Not really. It only enhances any make-up she has on. If she doesn't wear that much make-up then it won't be too ridiculous. But if she's the kind of girl who trowels on the make-up usually, then it won't look ridiculous."

"Right...OK then. But, boys, if that potion ever gets its way into my foundation, there will be hell to pay!"

The twins saluted. "Of course, Hermione, of course. We understand absolutely."

Hours later Hermione was still at The Burrow. They'd long since come in from the lake, and now everyone was sprawled in various relaxed positions around the living room. The sky was growing dark as Hermione stretched and yawned.

"I really should be heading home," she said, looking around at her friends.

"Oh no, dear, you must stay the night. I've made up a spare bed in Ginny's room." Mrs Weasley said firmly. "The same goes for you, Harry and Ron. I've made up two beds in Ron's old room. And twins, your old room's made up." It was clear she would brook no argument, so the five of them all nodded their agreement.

Slowly they began to disperse, with Ginny and Hermione heading upstairs first, and the boys following soon after.

Hermione borrowed a pair of pyjamas from Ginny to sleep in, then headed to the bathroom. On the way she bumped into someone, heading back towards their room.

"Oh, sorry, Fred."

"It's alright, Granger, no harm done."

"What have I told you, Fred?"

"Sorry, Hermione."

"Better," Hermione squeezed past him and continued to head for the bathroom, pausing as he called her name.


She turned around but said nothing, just watched as Fred walked towards her. When they were almost nose to nose, he bent down and whispered in her ear.

"If you fancy visiting me and George tonight, well, the door's open."

Hermione rolled her eyes as a small grin crept over Fred's face.

"In your dreams, Fred, in your dreams."

"In your dreams, too, Granger, in your dreams too!" Fred joked, disappearing into his bedroom before Hermione could reply.

What did you think? Please tell me, and then maybe go check out my other stories, if you haven't already. It means so much to me when I get emails saying that I have new reviews.