How To Seduce Hermione Granger

By: TheFifthCharmedOne

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Summary: George has dared his twin to seduce Hermione, and, being Fred, he can't back down from a dare. However, when real feelings begin to appear, can he keep up with the game he's begun, or will he be stuck in a stalemate? High Teen Rating - you have been warned. Hermione/Fred and Harry/Ginny, with George/OC.



Chapter 13: The Meaning of Forever

Swallowing thickly, Hermione tried to remain calm as she walked through the halls of the Ministry, her shoes clacking on the stone floor. Images of Kingsley Shacklebolt hung from the ceiling, showing his smile and waving to the public. When Cornelius Fudge had been Minister, all of his images were his smug or entitled face. It was a nice change.

I never realized how much I liked it here. She thought, looking around as though she had never seen it before.

"You'll be fine." Fred said quietly, taking her hand and holding it tightly. She smiled nervously at him.

They came to the room of the hearing, and Hermione's heart clenched painfully. Fred wouldn't be allowed to join her, so he waited outside.

Feeling as though a huge weight was pressed against her shoulders, she walked into the room.

One chair sat in the middle of the room, and, walking slowly toward it, Hermione looked around. Minister Shacklebolt had yet to arrive, but she recognized other colleagues staring at her. Some looked surprised, others not so much.

"Hermione Jean Granger." A voice rang out. "Muggle-born witch, considered the brightest of your age by many, well known and respected for your part in the downfall of the Dark Lord Voldemort." Ever since the end of the war, more and more people had stopped fearing his name. "You were hired to work for the Department of Magical Law, correct?"

"Yes." Hermione said.

"Do you know why you are here today?"

"Because I have been taking a lot of time for myself."

"Care to explain why you have put other things before your work?"

Hermione opened her mouth to reply, but Minister Shacklebolt entered.

"That's enough, Mafalda. I believe it is my job to question the accused." The word accused made Hermione feel like a criminal, and it was not a feeling she liked. Kingsley looked at her and winked.

Feeling slightly better, Hermione sat in the chair, ready to face the future.

"Based on the evidence and the lack of reasonable defense, we, the Committee, have decided to terminate your position here at the Ministry of Magic."

Hermione's entire form crumbled, but she managed not to show it. Putting on her brave face, she said loudly and clearly:

"You know, I always liked my job here. I always felt welcomed and happy. I felt I was doing the right thing, fighting the good fight. Sure, I had moments where it was really stressful, but most of the time, I enjoyed myself. I've always been a dedicated worker, and being here was no different, despite what you may think. However, just because my job has been terminated does not mean I regret anything that has happened between the time of my hire and now. Not even the time I took away from my job, because I spent that time with someone I love. Because of him, I've learned the meaning of forever." She paused, looking every single person in the eye. "I thank you for the opportunity and experience this position has given me, but that's where it ends. Magic is might."

Fred was outside as soon as she got there, but instead of crying, she smiled.

"How did it go?"

"They sacked me." she replied, and Fred's encouraging smile disappeared. "It's okay, though. I'm okay with it."

"Really." Fred didn't sound convinced. He wasn't ready to believe that Hermione Jean Granger, the picture of a bookworm and a type A personality was ready to give up on something so easily.

"Really." She stood on her tiptoes and pecked him on the lips. "That is, if the job at your shop is still open."

"As far as I know." Fred replied with a chuckle and a grin. "You're sure you're okay, though?"

"Absolutely. I don't need them." She took his hand. "I have you."

How to Seduce (Girls Like) Hermione Granger

A List by Fred Weasley

1) Don't ever take a dare from your brother(s). It worked for me, but probably not for you.

2) Don't rush things. Girls like Hermione don't take well to being rushed.

3) Little sisters only make things worse. Don't trust them!

4) Don't be afraid to reveal embarrassing secrets - such as a cinnamon allergy. It may save your life.

5) Don't make an enemy out of the girl's best friend. You might end up with stomach stitches for a few days.

6) Only kiss her if she leans in first. Otherwise she'll run, and you'll be back to where you started.

7) Only touch her if she doesn't complain. Do something simple like a massage or playing with her hair. Watch sunsets with her. It could be worth your while.

8) Don't kiss other women. It will come back to bite you in the ass.

9) Playing pranks can have hilarious - or painful - consequences. Proceed with caution.

10) Don't hide your relationship - ever. That's all you need to know.

11) Every once in a while, do something that will rock her world.

12) Support her.

13) Reread #12

"Fred, what are you doing?" Hermione walked into their shared room and peered over his shoulder. She saw her name in the title.

"Nothing." he folded the paper quickly and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I saw my name on that parchment, Fred Weasley." Hermione's eyes narrowed.

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, love." He leaned down and kissed her chastely. Hermione, expecting this, prepared herself and kissed him back...but when she was going to wrap her arms around his neck, she grabbed the paper from his pocket instead.

"Got it!" she hooted, and Fred's eyes went wide.

"Devious little minx," he muttered. Hermione grinned, but the smile disappeared as Fred advanced. "Give it back!" he poked her sides, and Hermione struggled not to laugh. She was terribly ticklish, a fact Fred knew and would take full advantage of.

"I want to see what you're working on." she said insistently.

"Give it back!" he repeated, grasping for the paper.

Fighting him off, she opened the paper and began to read it.

She couldn't help herself - she laughed as soon as she read the first line.

"Who are you expecting to give this too?" she asked, smiling up at him. He thought she'd be mad, but she was happy.

"No one in particular. It was just a way to get my thoughts out. A lot's happened in the past few months, a lot has changed."

"You can say that again." she laughed, and looked into his eyes. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

Their kisses became more feverish and Hermione felt her need growing, pooling like warm butter in her stomach. Her knees felt limp, like jelly. She idly wondered why food was such a good comparison when considering the effects of lust.

"Hermione," Fred said huskily, his voice no louder than a whisper, but the need and desire spoke volumes. She felt his fingers brush against her sides and she involuntarily rolled her hips, an action that made her flush in embarrassment. It was as though her body was thinking for itself.

"I'm not sure I'm ready." Hermione said quietly, and she hated the look of disappointment that momentarily crossed Fred's face. She swallowed, allowing herself to be free, just this once. "But if we wait until I'm ready, you'll probably grow bored of me." She looked up at him and saw a faint anger in his blue gaze.

"That would never happen, Hermione, don't you understand that yet?" He kissed her cheek softly, nipping at her jaw. "You are the most amazing girl I've ever known." Hermione flushed from his praise, and slowly met his eyes. "I love you. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you."

Hermione really looked at him in that moment, and saw the honesty in his eyes.

"I love you too." she said, and with that, she kissed him.

The next morning, when Kat came out of her and Hermione's room, the brunette's bed was already made, and the French girl could smell breakfast being prepared. When she came out to the kitchen, Hermione was humming.


"Okay, what's up?" Hermione turned, startled, and smiled. Still humming, she poured some coffee into a mug and took a sip, hiding said smile. Kat got the message. "Oh! It finally happened?"

"Finally." Hermione affirmed. "And I feel great!" She raised her arms, forgetting about the cup of coffee in her hands momentarily so that some splashed out and onto the floor. This didn't even bother Hermione, she simply put the cup down on the counter, whipped out her wand and got rid of the spill.

"How did the hearing go?"

"They sacked me." Hermione's smile dropped for a moment, only a moment, and then it was back.

"Mies." Kat said sympathetically. "Well, those idiots don't know what they're missing."

"I know." she told her what she had said to them on her way out, and Kat grinned. "And guess what?"

"What's that?" Kat asked, taking Hermione's coffee from the counter and sipping it.

"I already have a new job."


"Downstairs. I'm working for the twins."

"Me too. George asked me the other day." she paused. "Do you think they need the both of us?"

"Definitely." Hermione said. "They need all the help they can get."

"We take offense to that!" Fred and George said together, walking into the room. George kissed Kat rather heatedly, but, never to be outdone, Fred turned his good morning kiss into a full snog.

"Get a room, would you?" George said. "Honestly, Hermione. I don't know how you can handle him."

"I manage." Hermione looked up her boyfriend and grinned. He returned the sentiment.

And so life continued for the two couples. Hermione and Kat began work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes that morning and proved to be just what the twins needed. Their attitudes and good people skills brought more and more customers into the shop, so much so that Fred and George were able to buy Zonko's from the old man when he retired, promising to take care of it.

Verity wrote to them, and they offered her an assistant manager position at their new shop. She happily accepted, having moved on from George and was now dating a childhood friend.

Almost a year to the day of Hermione being sacked, Fred asked for her hand in marriage. She accepted, dancing around the room and humming. George quickly followed his twin's lead, and Kat and Hermione shared their wedding date on June 10th. She could remembering thinking that when one door closes, another one opens. It was a good thought.

"Funny how a dare began this whole thing, isn't it?" Fred said as he sat in bed with his new wife, rubbing her slightly pregnant stomach.

"Well, it is you. Can't exactly expect a traditional relationship." Hermione teased. Fred pouted, and Hermione rolled her eyes. "But I stick with what I said that day in the Ministry. You taught me the meaning of forever, Fred, and for that, I'll always be grateful."

"Can't you just say you love me?" Fred put his head in her lap, and she laughed, bending down to kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And that, Fred thought, thinking back to that list he had written so many months before. Is How To Seduce Hermione Granger.

No, not Granger.

Weasley. Hermione Weasley.

I like the sound of that.

A/N: Haha! After not updating for about...oh four months...I'm finally back! And done! Yep! You've just finished the final chapter of How to Seduce Hermione Granger, my first ever multi-chaptered Fred/Hermione fanfiction!

For the record, Kat did get back at George for the prank that brought them together. I just didn't put that in here so you could figure it out for yourselves.

Thank you all so much for your support and reviews! I had a lot of fun writing this, and it means the world to me that you enjoyed reading it as much as you did. So, thanks.

If you're interested, I am working on another story, Diamond in the Rough. It's a time-travel story, and it's Fremione, with Jily and Sirius/Marlene, so if any of those things tickle your fancy (yes I did just say that) then give it a look.

Thanks again, and please review on your way out!
