This is the last chapter! I can hardly believe it. I adored writing this story, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine.

Two years later and Fred was slowly opening his eyes only to see his wife smiling at him.

Their romance had been a whirlwind one, with Fred proposing to Hermione just seven months after they had first started dating, at the spot where he had greeted her upon her arrival to The Burrow that fateful day all those months ago.

Mrs Weasley had been understandably delighted, and immediately launched into a fervour of wedding planning, ensuring that they got married six months later at The Burrow, in a beautiful ceremony that produced a whole cavalcade of tears. By this time Angelina had moved into the flat above the shop with George, and so Fred quite happily moved into Hermione's flat.

"Hey, love," he smiled, kissing her.

"Hey," she retorted, breaking the kiss. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." She pulled a neatly wrapped present seemingly out of thin air.

He sat up and took the present, eagerly shredding the wrapping paper. He unwrapped a book and flipped it open, looking at the first page, a shimmering silver square in the centre, and glancing at Hermione curiously.

"It's like a Pensieve. Whenever you have a memory you want to keep, you can put it in here. You can make notes on the page as well. To activate the memory, simply touch the page. Try it," she nodded to the first page.

He glanced at her and touched the first page.

He landed in the bathroom of their flat. Judging by the sunlight streaming in through the window, he guessed it to be sometime during the middle of the day, so he would be at work.

His attention was drawn back to what was going on in the room by the sound of an alarm on a mobile. The Hermione in the memory switched it off and nervously glanced over to the sink. Heading over to it, she took a steadying breath and picked up a thin object. She took one glance at it and gasped, her hand going to rest on her stomach.

Fred glanced over her shoulder at the object in her hands. It was a thin stick with a cross at one end. Glancing round the room, he caught sight of a box and a piece of paper. He walked over to it and read the instructions glancing back at his wife once he'd read just a couple of lines in.

Fred looked over at his wife as he landed back in the present. "You're pregnant?" he asked disbelievingly.

She nodded, biting her lip.

"Wow," he said wonderingly. "Wow."

"Are you OK with it?"

"OK? I'm over the moon, love. We're going to have a baby!" He couldn't hold back his joyous laughter as he leaned in to kiss his wife and rest a hand on her not yet swollen belly.

I know it's short, but I thought it would be a good way to end it. Tell me what you think, and remember, if you're reading this even if it's months after this story has been finished, you can still review, and it will still be appreciated, you'll still be loved.