Author has written 15 stories for Inuyasha, Card Captor Sakura, V for Vendetta, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fast and the Furious, Once Upon a Time, and Scandal. So, as everyone knows, school is back in, so more fanfiction! Yay! birthplace/ location: Atlanta GA Music: collective. Loves everything. hobbies: drawing, reading, MOVIES, anime main interests: hanging out with friends, AIM, tattoos, music..etc. anime(s): Big Inuyasha fanfiction lover. Card Captors, Vampire Hunter D, Yu Yu Hakusho...anything really. dislikes: people with no sense of humor/politics/video games. Stories still active: THE PROTECTOR!: Just Updated Family Portrait: next. FINAL MISSION: Updated! PLEASE NOTE: If I just updated one story, please believe I'm working my ass off to finish the others. Most likely, if I update a CCS fic, the Inuyasha ones are going to be next, followed by YYH. It rotates. thanks! |