Disclaimer: I do not own John Hughes' most awesome characters.

Author's Note: I really do love John and Claire, even if this did come out a bit darker than I at first had thought. Let me know what you guys think.


"Paris?" he asked dumbfounded.

"John, it wouldn't be for long. It's just an exchange program. Besides you could come visit me while I'm there."

"Yeah, me and my millions that I make at the record store."

"Come on John, I'm trying. This is a really great opportunity for me - "

He scoffed, "Yeah, a great opportunity to get far from away me, eh princess?"

"You know, I can't believe that you're being like this. I finally have something really good going on for me and you can't even pretend to be supportive?"

"Is that what you want from me? To pretend? So, I can be like everyone else in your life, is that what you want Goddess Claire? For me to bow down to every fuckin' whim, bow and scrape like all the other mindless drones that you like to worship at your feet?"

"Why are being like this?"

"This is who I am, sweets. You knew going into this that I wasn't going to be one of your little puppies. So, don't worry about me, ok? You go traipse off to Paris and find yourself some richie frog boyfriend who you can neuter. I'll get a game of my own started here."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Claire trembled in a small voice.

"That's what you want, isn't it?" he asked, more harshly than he intended.

"No. I just wanted you to-to, I don't know what I expected. I should have known you'd act like this."

He snorted, "Yeah, a lowlife like me, right? I can't understand your world, is that it? The champagne, the BMWs, the idiotic 'functions' " John air-quoted. "Well, I got news for you. It's not that I don't understand it, Cherry. I'm just not moronic enough to join it. So, maybe you should go find a Tad or Biff, or hey, I bet you could find a Jean-Luc to treat you like shit in France. Then your parents would be real happy wouldn't they? ' Oh, Claire honey! We are so glad that you got wise and booted out that hoodlum. Now you can marry Jean-Luc and have a huge rock on your finger! Oh, and don't worry after you squeeze out a couple of babies and he doesn't seem to be home much – it's wisest for wives not to ask too many questions! Just go buy yourself a new house; it always does wonders for me!" he finished in a ridiculous falsetto tone.

"Yep, that's it exactly," she seethed. "But why should I do that when I could stoop lower and marry you? I mean I could work all day at a low paying job that I despise only to come home so that I can slave over a hot stove and make dinner for you and your drunken asshole friends. Then after they leave maybe you make your father proud and beat the shit out of me - "

"FUCK YOU!" Rage poured out of him.

Claire's eyes widened and she crumpled in the corner crying.

John stood shaking, flexing his fingers, trying to get in control of his anger. He closed his eyes a moment, steadying his breathing.

"Do whatever the hell you want." With that he left her there, a broken mess on the floor crying.