A/N ok this is my third fic so have fun with it. Disclaimer: I don't own
007? Yeah right the beginning
Kagome's POV
"Kagome get out of there now!" Inuyasha screamed... 'ok so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Kagome and I'm a secret agent for the U.S. I never used to be one till I met my boss and was put through all these tests. I'm wanted in 5 different countries all for the same thing, murders. I'm an ex-assassin, that was way before I was a secret agent. My boss (who's a real pain in the ass) is my partner (who you'll find out more about later.)'s brother. I be you're wondering why I'm in this situation right?
Well it all started.....' Author's POV
It started off as a normal day for Kagome, just getting out of jail for one of her stunts.
'As usual somebody always calls the cops.' She thought as she was driving away from the courthouse. 'But what can I do about it?'
She completely forgot it was her birthday but when you pull off a stunt like that wouldn't you?
She drove into her apartment parking lot in her sliver spider, she noticed something different but she couldn't put her finger on it. She walked in and pushed to elevator button and waited,
She pushed the button for her floor and waited for the doors to shut and go up. Top floor, 7th to be exact, got off and walked down the long hall of door till she reached 723 put the key in and turned the knob and walked into a dark room.
'That's funny I thought I left the lights on.'
"What the fuck?" She asked with a shocked expression on her face.
"Kagome, I can't believe you forgot your birthday." Sango, her best friend said.
"Yeah really, but we saw you on the news and..are you trying to kill yourself or something?" Miroku a "good" friend of Sango and her. (he just wishes it was more with Sango.
"No I kinda didn't plan for anyone to call the cops and it's a little hard to miss a black and dark purple parashoot flying through the air." She said and walked around to see who was there, Kouga, Hiten and his brother, (A/N I'll be damned if I could remember his name) Shippo and Keade (I know that' not right).
"Kagome, baby." A very familier voice said.
"Kouga." Kagome said in one of those fake-I'm-so-glad-to-see-you kinda ways.
"So.." He said and circled her like a vulture circles his prey. "You going to take me up on my offer yet?"
"What to be your girlfriend?" Kagome asked following the direction he was going.
"No I and I don't think I will."
"Well why not?" Getting close to her face like the vulture swooping down to the prey.
She looked around to find a way out of this situation, "Um. I'll have to get back to you on that one, but I'll talk to ya later ok?" She walked over to the bar and got a drink. When this white-haired amber-eyed well-built guy came over and stood next to her.
"Having guy problems?" He asked.
"Yeah..so what's your name I don't think I've met you." Kagome asked.
"My name's Inuyasha and I'm a TV producer and with that stunt you pulled how about you having your own show?"
"Well my name's Kagome and as long as I don't get put in jail any more sure what the hell."
They shook hands in agreement. The lights went off suddenly.
" I guess I forgot to pay the electric bill." Kagome said then the windows were busted through.
"It was only a week late." She said being hit with a tranquilizing dart. She fell to the ground when everybody was running out of the apartment. After a little while later she awoke to a bright light in her face. "What the fuck I never knew people were so serious about the electric bill." She said still groggy.
"You think this about a bill?" A voice said but she couldn't put it to a face..
"Who are you and what do you want?" She said noticing she was tied to a chair. (A/N and not in the way you think she is you bunch of perverts)
"Just to be your boss and put you through some tests to see if you can cut it." The voice said.
"Boss? And cut it in what?" She asked.
"Oh you'll see. Boys."
And with that she was knocked out again.
A/N please push the little button that says submit review or something like that please till next chapter I'm out.
007? Yeah right the beginning
Kagome's POV
"Kagome get out of there now!" Inuyasha screamed... 'ok so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Kagome and I'm a secret agent for the U.S. I never used to be one till I met my boss and was put through all these tests. I'm wanted in 5 different countries all for the same thing, murders. I'm an ex-assassin, that was way before I was a secret agent. My boss (who's a real pain in the ass) is my partner (who you'll find out more about later.)'s brother. I be you're wondering why I'm in this situation right?
Well it all started.....' Author's POV
It started off as a normal day for Kagome, just getting out of jail for one of her stunts.
'As usual somebody always calls the cops.' She thought as she was driving away from the courthouse. 'But what can I do about it?'
She completely forgot it was her birthday but when you pull off a stunt like that wouldn't you?
She drove into her apartment parking lot in her sliver spider, she noticed something different but she couldn't put her finger on it. She walked in and pushed to elevator button and waited,
She pushed the button for her floor and waited for the doors to shut and go up. Top floor, 7th to be exact, got off and walked down the long hall of door till she reached 723 put the key in and turned the knob and walked into a dark room.
'That's funny I thought I left the lights on.'
"What the fuck?" She asked with a shocked expression on her face.
"Kagome, I can't believe you forgot your birthday." Sango, her best friend said.
"Yeah really, but we saw you on the news and..are you trying to kill yourself or something?" Miroku a "good" friend of Sango and her. (he just wishes it was more with Sango.
"No I kinda didn't plan for anyone to call the cops and it's a little hard to miss a black and dark purple parashoot flying through the air." She said and walked around to see who was there, Kouga, Hiten and his brother, (A/N I'll be damned if I could remember his name) Shippo and Keade (I know that' not right).
"Kagome, baby." A very familier voice said.
"Kouga." Kagome said in one of those fake-I'm-so-glad-to-see-you kinda ways.
"So.." He said and circled her like a vulture circles his prey. "You going to take me up on my offer yet?"
"What to be your girlfriend?" Kagome asked following the direction he was going.
"No I and I don't think I will."
"Well why not?" Getting close to her face like the vulture swooping down to the prey.
She looked around to find a way out of this situation, "Um. I'll have to get back to you on that one, but I'll talk to ya later ok?" She walked over to the bar and got a drink. When this white-haired amber-eyed well-built guy came over and stood next to her.
"Having guy problems?" He asked.
"Yeah..so what's your name I don't think I've met you." Kagome asked.
"My name's Inuyasha and I'm a TV producer and with that stunt you pulled how about you having your own show?"
"Well my name's Kagome and as long as I don't get put in jail any more sure what the hell."
They shook hands in agreement. The lights went off suddenly.
" I guess I forgot to pay the electric bill." Kagome said then the windows were busted through.
"It was only a week late." She said being hit with a tranquilizing dart. She fell to the ground when everybody was running out of the apartment. After a little while later she awoke to a bright light in her face. "What the fuck I never knew people were so serious about the electric bill." She said still groggy.
"You think this about a bill?" A voice said but she couldn't put it to a face..
"Who are you and what do you want?" She said noticing she was tied to a chair. (A/N and not in the way you think she is you bunch of perverts)
"Just to be your boss and put you through some tests to see if you can cut it." The voice said.
"Boss? And cut it in what?" She asked.
"Oh you'll see. Boys."
And with that she was knocked out again.
A/N please push the little button that says submit review or something like that please till next chapter I'm out.