Author has written 17 stories for Cats, Doctor Who, Labyrinth, Breakfast Club, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Grey's Anatomy, Hellsing, Queen of The Damned, Sherlock, and Supernatural. Hey, I'm Jenn a.k.a fizzwizz15 and I have been writing fan-fiction for four years now so I have improved lots. Hmmm. I love writing for whatever fandom interests me so the world is my oyster when it comes to that. But I love writing for Doctor Who, the Breakfast Club, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cats, Grey's Anatomy and other things. I love writing stories and I love it so much I don't care if I don't get reviews, although they are nice to get lol. But I write solely for the joy of it, that and I get to play god in the realms of my fandoms and make whatever I want happen. Gotta love the power of fiction. :D |
AlreadyPainfullyGone (110) audreyii-fic (51) Evenlodes Friend (56) | greenlemons (20) KieshaIshtar (6) Maddie-san (37) RedVinesFTW (29) | Rhonda Night (3) Zen Clarke (2) Zoffoli (12) |