Reviews for White Blank Page
ConstantEpiphany chapter 16 . 8/23
A bittersweet ending and I'm happy that Bella was as happy as she could be in the end and that paul started to treat her better and himself
The story has left me emotionally drained but not in a bad way so (shrugs)
ConstantEpiphany chapter 7 . 8/23
I am honestly just angry right now, why is paul so toxic and controlling
forbidding her to have friends and ordering her about and Bella in the end meekly allowing this is not cute and then I'm also pissed because of how easily Bella forgave him he was really cruel in the beginning and Bella was like its OkAy?
Um no it's not but *okay*
alright that's my rant over
pegasus5406 chapter 16 . 5/21
I loved this story. Sad and hurtful at times, but it turned out okay...thanks for sharing it with us...I hope to be reading more of your stories real soon...huggs. Peggy
Guest chapter 2 . 4/29
good but i have a question does she ever get skinny
Inu Tashiro p chapter 3 . 4/12
I honestly can’t get pass chapter three ️
Kmpcarter chapter 6 . 3/14
I wish people would stop calling Bella fat and WHY is Paul such an ass all the time?
Elisabeth123 chapter 16 . 3/5
You’re an excellent writing but Paul’s abuse was just too much for me to imagine him forgiving and I just felt unresolved at the end with how Paul caught for alpha Won & walks away AND no resolution with Bloody Renee! But that’s just me!
Kemq chapter 16 . 2/22
great story.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 1 . 1/29
I don't mind insecurities, but I have to say that I really dislike your overweight Bella. I also don't know why you made Bella OOC when you could have just used an OC since your Bella is not even Bella, but a whole other character that simply shares her name and nothing else.
Fastace2429 chapter 11 . 6/25/2019
He needs his pack maybe a fair for there first date of a picnic at the beach or cliffs even! ! And yes I am liking Paul better now that he is more open! Please update soon!
FanFicLover2407 chapter 16 . 2/3/2019
I actually really loved this. At times it was hard to read and get through the parts where Paul was so horrible but that’s the sort of person he was. I loved you how you didn’t have him automatically change. It was a process for both of them and I found that aspect so very real! Thank you for an amazing story!
futurecullen26 chapter 16 . 12/27/2018
Aww I thoroughly enjoyed this story and this Paul is yummy when he's not being a complete douchebag. And I very much appreciate this Bella in all her size 14 glory, she rocks :)
futurecullen26 chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
I'm so torn. Until this chapter I was team "Paul can go screw himself and Bella should kick him where it hurts" but now I'm like. Dang he's cute. Sigh. Such is fanfiction
wolf-girl-only-in-my-dreams chapter 16 . 9/24/2018
I actually loved this story.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/4/2018
Fat unhealthy bitch
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