A/n: Hey Guys! Don't panic, because I am STILL planning the dance for Trials of the Heart and trying to get some school work done. This is just to hold you till I can get up chapter Fifteen! Thank you soooo much for the reviews, and I promise I'm working on it. Tell me what you think alright? Enjoy the story!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Co.
Title: Strange Occurrences
Summary: Inuyasha, a former juvenile delinquent trying to make night with his life, saves a clumsy foreigner from a fate worse than death. He wants nothing to do with her after that night, but divine intervention keeps bringing them together in the strangest places. Why can't he escape her? And why is she so weird? Inuyasha finds himself in a tangle of lies as he tries to explain her to his friends, family, and past gang members. Kagome is a girl from Ohio, moving to the big city. When a mystery guy saves her from being raped, she is eternally grateful to him. That is, until she sees him again and he completely ignores her. Now, everywhere she looks, there he is. How come she can't escape him!?! Only god knows.
Rating: P-13 to R. I haven't decided yet.
Some Damsel
"Good night guys." Inuyasha waved bye to his friends. He had to hurry and get home before his mother had a stroke. '21 and she still treats me like I'm 12.' The Chicago streets were always crowded, even at three in the morning. Work had lasted longer than he'd thought, and on top of that he had a test to exam to study for. "I could cut through the back alley on Mc. Author."
Inuyasha jumped a neighborhood fence, cursing for ruining his timberlands in the three inch snow. "Shit, I just bought these!" His complaints were cut off when he heard a small cry of protest. The sound was coming from a dimly lit alley.
Normally, he would let it pass and go about his business. What other people did on their own time was their business not his, no matter what the consequence. But for some reason this had been different. Something had been bugging him. 'Maybe it's the early Christmas spirit.'
Another shriek got his feet running in the right direction. Hopefully he got there and a beautiful damsel in distress would be waiting for him like in every classic love story in history.
"Unhand me you brute!" A young woman struggled against three men who were currently trying to find the way to rip her out of her complicated outfit.
"Hurry up man!" the extra skinny one called out. He'd just showed up for the purse snatching. The one who was feeling up on her wanted to get a decent lay, and the bigger one holding her down was just in it for the scam. 'WHY OH WHY, did I choose to come this way?"
"Shut up Benny. Lemme do dis!! You got what you wanted rememba". Benny looked around frantically. "But I aint tryin to go down for rape and murder one Carl." Carl whipped around smacking Benny. "Don't you EVER use my government name!!! THE name is SKULLZ!!"
"Well Skullz, dontcha think you need to let the lady go?" A deep voice came from the shadows. Skullz rolled his eyes. "What is this, a tea party? Look pal, no one invited you and this is our prize. Go play supa-save-a-hoe somewhere else!"
The Bigger brute of the three laughed. "Hey Skullz, let's show 'em how you got yo name." Skullz smiled wickedly. "Hey Benny, watch the girl." Benny took out a blade and held it to her throat.
The mystery man stepped out the shadows. "Now now fellas, I ain't tryin to fight. I'm just tryin to show you how pointless raping this woman is. First off, she has on the ugliest outfit." Big Brute and Skullz glanced back at the girl. Mystery guy had a point.
"Secondly," he continued, "She wears those old 70 bifocals, and probably is cross-eyed once you knock them off. Third, look at that figure. She ain't got one curve, not shit. Have some fuckin dignity. If you're gonna rape someone, take a little pride in it. I mean, this bitch is going to be on the 10 o'clock news and everyone in Chicago is gonna sit there and wonder who are the idiots that bothered to even look at her."
Skullz thought about this, looking back from the mystery guy to the girl. He looked at Benny, who shrugged in agreement. "He does have a point. She is pretty fugly." Skullz glanced to Big Brute who shook his head in agreement. "Aiight Benny, let 'er go. Hey, thanks man." Benny took the knife from her throat and the three men walked off.
The girl stood, trying to smooth out her mess of wrinkled clothes and curly hair. It was useless. She glanced at her so called "savior" and snorted. "I guess I should thank you."
He shrugged. "That's usually how it works." "Yeah well good luck wit that." She started to walk off, but then realized that she was lost. 'Damnit K.G. you're not getting anything done today.' She turned back to mystery man, her pride completely shattered. He smirked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong? Lost?"
K.G. rolled her eyes and muttered a very harsh, "yes". "What?" He put his hand to his ear. "Yes, alright?! I'm lost." Mystery man shrugged and started to walk off. "Well, good luck wit that." He disappeared into the shadows.
Inuyasha snickered about the situation. When he had arrived at the scene, the damsel was nothing like in the movies. She was tacky, clumsy, and rude. He had almost debated on turning back around, but he knew that would be wrong. So instead of flexing muscle, he just persuaded the bad guys to see what he saw. And once they saw it, they came in their right mind that she wasn't worth it.
He was almost at the other end of the alley when he heard a voice call out "WAIT!". Inuyasha sighed, knowing she'd follow him. He wasn't in the mood for company. He had done his good deed for the New Year and now wanted to be left alone. He turned slightly to see her running up behind him. She stopped when she reach within five feet of him, trying to catch her breath.
"Listen....I'm....sorry." she panted. Inuyasha rolled his eyes heavenward, knowing his dad would have his head if he left a girl alone in the middle of nowhere. 'I'm doing this for you old man.'
"What's your name?" The girl looked up with a questionable look in her eyes but she answered him. "Kagome. Kagome Higurashi. Yours?"
Inuyasha glanced at her. "Bert." It was a lie, he knew, but he surely never gave his name to a girl unless he planned on sleeping with her, and even then, he'd forget hers.
Kagome stood up straight and extended her hand. "Well, its nice meeting you Bert, and thank you for saving my life back there. I was-". Inuyasha held up his hand, and she stopped.
"Your house." "Excuse me?" "Your house, place of residence, where do you live?" Inuyasha stressed. For a northerner she sure didn't catch on fast. 'God she's slow.'
Kagome took out a sheet of paper. "I just moved here from Ohio so I'm not sure. The lady gave me an apartment at this address but I couldn't find it."
Inuyasha took the piece of paper and read the address. 'Hope Hollow Dr. Hmm.....She's on the other side of the city!' "Did you have a map with you when you read the directions?" he asked.
Kagome took a map out of her coat pocket and handed it to him. Inuyasha almost burst out laughing. From the way she handed it to him, he could tell that she had been reading the map backwards AND upside down.
"When did you get here?" "I got here yesterday, but I went to look out for work today at ten and have been lost ever since." Kagome replied tiredly.
"So basically you have been wondering the Chicago streets, alone, with no protection, for thirteen hours." He didn't know why it bothered him so much, but it did. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he shouted.
Kagome jumped back, on the verge of tears. She knew she had been stupid to come out here and try and find her own independence. 'Who the hell am I kidding?! I can't even find my way around a kitchen!" Now, on top of everything else, some stranger was yelling at her too, Just like her father always did.
"I know I'm stupid for being so careless, but please, I really just want to get home." Inuyasha heard her plea and decided to back off little.
"Come on." He led her back down to the club he played at, knowing there would be cabs there. He leaned into one of the cars, dapping up the cabdriver.
"Whassup Loui. I need a favor." The cabdriver laughed. "What? Another one of your girl toys...." Loui stopped short at seeing Kagome.
Inuyasha sighed. "No. I need you to take her home. She's been out for thirteen hours straight."
Loui raised an eyebrow and Inuyasha nodded. "Man, you owe me for this one. Big time." Inuyasha smirked. "I know. Seeya man."
Inuyasha walked back over to Kagome, and handed her the paper. "Give this to the cabdriver. His name is Loui and he's a good friend of mine. He'll take ya home. "He handed her the map and showed her how to use it., then was off.
Kagome walked toward the taxi, feeling somewhat embarrassed, relieved and unusually sad. Yes, Bert had been an egotistical, cocky jerk, but he was the only person out of millions in this city willing to help her.
BEEP, BEEP!! "Come on lady! I aint got all night!!" Loui called. Kagome stumbled into the car, hurting her knee. "Ouch!"
Loui looked at her as if she were crazy. How on earth did this girl hit a parked car?! Kagome came around to the back seat and gave him the address. "Take me home sir."
As the cab pulled off, she looked out the window toward the bright buildings that lit up the sky. It didn't look as scary as it had earlier. In fact, it was the most magnificent thing she ever saw. And she had Bert to thank for that.
A/n: So how did you like the chapter? Yay or Nay? I promise to god that I'm working on the chapter 15 for Trials of the Heart. I just have school and other shit to do so it's taking a little longer. Please Review and give me an opinion. My screenname is SouthernATLien if you need to yell at me.
peace easy,