A/n: Welcome back! This is like the Epilogue to Operation Cerberus. Unlike most epilogues with one chapter, I wanted to create a little chaos for Captain/Swan. If you haven't read the story of Operation: Cerberus please do! It will help clear up some you could just read it as is. Your choice

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time.

Chapter I: A True Hero

"THAT was one hell of a kiss." Killian answered with a charming smile. His eyes were filled with recognition, and love, and more importantly, hope.

Emma couldn't stop her tears as she clung to him. Her sobs echoed in the otherwise quiet lagoon which had become her prison. She didn't ask how or why because she didn't care. It was really him!

"Easy luv. It's alright, shh…"Killian whispered, his forehead gently pressed against hers. He stroked her soft golden hair, trying to sooth her. "…you found me."

"D-did you…ever doubt I would?" She answered back in stutters, causing him to chuckle.

Killian shrugged. "The Underworld did give me pause."

Then Emma did something she hadn't done in months, which pleased him even more.

"Ah, there it is." His hushed tones soothing her soul. "…the smile I've missed so much."

For a while, neither of them spoke, just stood there in the lake, holding each other-pelvis to pelvis, shoulder to shoulder, heartbeat to heartbeat. Emma didn't trust her own voice, afraid that if she spoke, if she opened her eyes, she'd wake up and it was all a dream.

Killian didn't release his grip on her. It was all so much to take in. From the moment they first kissed, he knew he'd found something special. But never in all his 300 years, did he ever believe he'd find true love.

He'd been too retched, too undeserving. He'd killed his father, and many men in between. He'd been selfish, arrogant, and reckless. Now, he was standing in the middle of a lagoon with a princess-his princess. Hell of a life.

Thinking of hell, he finally released his hold slightly, to look her in the eyes. "I told you to let me go."

"I…couldn't." Emma admitted.

"Why?" he demanded to know, shaking her a bit. "Dammit, Emma! You risked your life, and that of your family, again!"

Emma knew he'd be pissed at her. If the roles had been reversed, she'd be more than a little annoyed by his disobedience. But she'd come too far to lose yet another love.

"I almost lost you once and it nearly killed me." She confessed. "I wasn't going to let it happen again-not when I could save you."

Killian just shook his head. "You should have saved Neal. Henry deserves his father, and Balefire was more of a hero than I ever was!"

Emma chewed the side of her lip. Taking a breath, she confessed, "Neal wasn't there, and even if he was-the plan was for you, Killian."

She then pressed her hand against his chest. The steady beat of life brought tears to her eyes. "You hear that?" she murmured. "How can you be away from that-from us?"

Killian closed his eyes momentarily, listening to Emma's heart in his chest. "I can't be away from us." He confessed finally. "It's the only hope I had in the Underworld."

"Don't die on me again!" Emma scorned, her tone bode no bullshit.

"If you promise not to kill me." Killian countered, raising a devilishly handsome brow.

"Promise not to get hurt and I won't have to!" She shot back.

"Promise not to sacrifice yourself by going dark." He said easily, knowing he could play the blame game with her for all eternity. Eventually, he'd let her win because he loved her so much, that the battle didn't matter.

Emma failed to have a comeback for that small truth. Admittedly, it was her choices that set off the current chaotic series of unfortunate events. If she hadn't tried to save Gold from the darkness of his misdeeds, she wouldn't have lost Killian in the process.

"How many times must I tell you luv?" Killian chuckled. "I'm a survivor. Not even death could keep me away."

Emma placed her shaking hands on either side of his face, pulling his lips down to hers. She was relieved when he took over, his tongue gently stroking hers, his breath mingled with her own. The soft suction of his mouth, the allure of his gently persistence. He felt like Killian, he felt like…home.

"I love you." she breathed, finally coming up for air.

"And I, you Swan." He said breathily. "Which is why there's something I need to say. I've wanted say, ever since I died, but never thought I'd have the chance to tell you."

Emma saw the storm in his normally clear blue eyes. She watched him carefully as he seemed to have some impeding debate in his mind.

"What is it?" Emma urged, wanting to know. "Whatever it is, you can tell me."

Killian appeared to be gathering his courage, and Emma braced herself. Whatever the news was, she could take it. Maybe he was still upset with her for not letting him go.

"Emma…." He began.


Emma turned to see her family running towards her in the early morning light. Her mother and Henry reached her at the same time, followed by her father.

Regina and Robin came up behind, placing warm hands on her back.

"Glad you're back." Regina smiled. "I'm all out of bread."

Emma laughed, rolling her eyes. Robin smirked, handing over her classic red leather jacket. "Figured you might need this."

"Thanks." Emma accepted the jacket, but didn't put it on just yet. She wanted to feel the air against her own skin and not feathers.

"I can't believe we defeated the shadow man!" Henry exclaimed.

"How?" She found herself asking again. Last thing she remembered was kissing Derrick at the ball.

Henry nodded towards Hook. "He figured out how to use the medallion."

Emma was slightly shocked. "So now you're the new Hercules?"

Hook snorted. "Not in the least, Swan."

Snow touched her daughter's cheek. "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength…."

"But by the strength of his heart." David finished, clapping Hook on the shoulder. Hook laughed a bit, knowing Emma's father finally approved.

"Strength of the heart…" Emma said, and then the realization hit her. Derrick had to pay the price. 'I can never see you again…' and it was true.

Derrick Norrington, would never get to see her again. A twinge of her heart broke as she asked,"You were willing to die for me?"

"Again, you mean?" Killian asked pointedly. "And yes. Which brings me to what I wanted to tell you."

Emma cleared her throat. "Okay." Turning back to her family huddle, she asked, "Um, guys can you give us a minute?"

"Is everything alright?" Snow asked.

"Emma." Killian called out, but she didn't turn around.

"Give me a sec." she answered, still trying to convince everyone there was no imminent danger. "Yes, everything is fine. Let's all meet for breakfast at Granny's."

"Emma." Killian called out again, a bit exasperated from waiting. She raised her arm, waving him off for a moment.

David didn't look convinced. "We can handle it, no more secrets in this family."

Emma nodded. "I understand, and I promise I will explain later. Killian and I have a lot to work out…"

"Uh…Emma?" Snow called distracted. Emma saw her speechless expression and frowned slightly.

"Mom? What's…" she turned to see Killian, in the water, on one bended knee, holding an opened velvet black box.

Emma slowing faced him, her eyes bulging out of her head. Killian just gazed up at her.

"Well, now that I have your undivided attention…" he said dryly. Then his voice went deep with emotion, his eyes full of love, his heart beating like a drum. "Will you marry me, Emma Swan?"

Words failed her as she took a step towards him. He remained kneeled, and she knew he wouldn't stand without an answer-no matter what it was.

"…Yes!" She finally replied, and she could hear the sighs of relief from her family. Followed by Killian jumping up, swinging her around in his arms. She held on tight as water plashed around.

"Thank God." He exhaled happily. "The last time I presented a ring, you nearly had a seizure."

"I wanted to say yes then, too." Emma admitted. "But I wasn't ready, I was…scared."

"I know." He smiled, kissing her sweetly. Turning to David and Snow, he raised a hand to gesture to them. "If I may have the honor your majesties…"

As old fashioned as the notion seemed, Emma blushed at Killian's obvious chivalry. She was secretly happy that the curse hadn't affected his 17th century thinking.

Snow was beaming as David nodded happily. "You may." He acquiesced.

Robin gave Hook a brotherly handshake as Regina pulled Emma a hug. "Congratulations!"

Everyone was so happy about the recent turn of events that no one seemed to notice a certain 13 year old had disappeared in the chaos.

A/n: Chapter One…small intro, but I wanted you to see the happy beginning of this story. Don't worry-there is more trouble ahead than you think. Stay tuned! *side note-this little mini story is set up to line up other stories (hint, hint) so it may only be 5-6 chapters and they will be very long.

