Disclaimers: Yu-Yu Hakusho is the property of Yoshihiro Togashi, Shueisha "Jump Comics", and some other people. I don't own it (though I wish I did)! ^_- This is a romance fic between Yusuke and Keiko. Sweet and fluffy. There's a bit of a lemon-y suprise later on, but I won't tell you where it is 'till you get there. ^_^

Quick Info: In this story I made Yusuke 17, Keiko 17, and Kuwabara 17 instead of 14 like they are in the Animé. It's like Rugrats All Growed Up ain't it?! *Giggles* ^_^ And I made Keiko a little dirty, if nobody minds. She can't stay good forever, especially now that she's older. ^_~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- PROLOGUE

"Shotgun!!" Urameshi Yusuke shouted. His Spirit Energy was draining quickly, as was his blood. Several cuts bled on his face, chest, and arms, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out. 'I've gotta make it!! Keiko-chan is waiting for me!!' he told himself, thinking of his girlfriend Keiko. Filled with new determination, he rushed at the demon he was fighting. It laughed throatily. "Do as you may Detective, but your Energy is almost gone. You don't stand a chance!!" "I don't remember telling you to speak!!" Yusuke snapped. He leaped at the thing and with a single motion, he pointed at it and cried, "SPIRIT GUN!!" Unable to dodge the bullet at such close range, the demon gasped and fell to the ground, dead. Breathing heavily, Yusuke stumbled away from the scene, leaving the dead creature for Koenma's team to take care of.


Poooh!" Yukimura Keiko looked up from her homework. "What is it Pooh?" He flew over to her and landed on her books. "Poooh!!" She giggled and scratched his head. "Your such a cutie. Much like your tough-guy other half. Where is he anyway?" "Poooh..." The little Spirit Beast's eyes suddenly dimmed. "What is it Pooh? Is something wrong with Yusuke?!" Keiko picked him up. He squirmed and tried to escape from her grasp. "Poooh!!" he cried. He crawled out of her arms and flew towards the open window. "Pooh come back!!" She ran to the window and watched the bird-like animal flutter away into the night. Glancing at her bedroom door, which was closed, Keiko sighed and stepped out of her window quietly, as to avoid her parents noticing, and climbed down the tree that stood in front of her room. She'd done this many times before in order to see Yusuke, so she managed to leap from the tree's large branches almost expertly. She ran following the purple creature as he flew through the sky. After about five minutes of tailing him, she saw Yusuke limping down the street. "Yusuke...!!" she cried running to him. He collapsed in her arms and she lowered him to the ground, supporting his head and shoulders in her lap. "Keiko..." he rasped. "Yusuke-koiishi what happened?" she asked, tenderly wiping the blood and sweat of his face with her sleeve. "Just...a typical...day at the office." he said grinning though he was in pain. "Poooh!" The Spirit Beast down into Yusuke's lap. "Hey little guy. Takin care of my girl?" "Poooh!" he chimed happily. Keiko laughed. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." She helped him stand and he wrapped his arm around her as she walked him to her house. She got him up the tree and into her room without much incident. She sat him on the bed, got a first aid kit from her bathroom, and lovingly doctored his wounds. She cleaned up the cuts on his face and arms, then removed his shirt and began bandaging his chest. He winced in pain as she dabbed medicine on a perticularly deep gash on his abdomen. "Gomen..." she said, blowing on it gently to try to stop the stinging. "Daijobu Kirei-ko. Hontou. It stings a little, but I'll live. How'd you know where I was anyway?" "Pooh started going nuts and flew out the window. I jumped out and followed him." "You jumped? From the tree? Keiko, that tree is too far from the ground!! You could've gotten hurt!!" "I'm fine." she soothed him. "See? Not a scratch on me." "But still what if you'd fallen and broke something!" "But I didn't. I'm in perfect condition, which I really can't say for you." "I'm fine now that you've patched me up." he grinned slyly. "Oh really?" she giggled as he pulled her on his lap, her legs wrapped around his back. "Yeah." he growled in her ear. She purred and accepted his reaching lips. Passion erupted and stirred in her heart, and she could tell it was the same for him. He broke the kiss off gently and she leaned against his chest. He sighed in content and lay her down, wrapping an arm around her waist protectively. She faced him and he stroked her hair tenderly. "Aishiteru." he said softly. "Aishiteru..." she whispered, feeling comforted and loved. He kissed her forehead and they settled into a deep slumber.