![]() Author has written 57 stories for Kingdom Hearts, World Ends With You, Digimon, Naruto, Pokémon, Final Fantasy XV, Kamisama Kiss/神様はじめました, and Final Fantasy VII. I use my dragon characters for my fanfictions, just so you know. I'll write AkuRoku ones, too, because they're my favorite and one kind of main pairing type of fanfic I'll read. Just an FYI, I also love Joshua/Neku & Yamachi, SasuNaru, and N/Black, and I absolutely ADORE Mpreg fics, hehe Also, I wrote some of my fanfictions from my OC, Night's, POV. He's a silver version of Shadow, my first ever OC. Check my DA account if you're wondering what my dragons look like and whatnot. Here's my account username: shadowdragon0421 I LOVE DRAGONS!!! Personal Quote: In my heart, Light conquers all. ANNOUNCEMENT (5-1-19): I'm sorry if anyone is expecting a KH3 fic with Shadow and co., but it's not going to happen just yet. I haven't even started on rewriting the other KH Dragon OC fics, so...yeah. I'm sorry. I've been busy with work (I work overnight shifts), trying to keep my Crohn's disease in check, and trying to get enough sleep so I'm not exhausted by the time my weekend rolls around. I've got other things going on in my life, too, and they're rather personal so I'd rather not share, so please don't rush me, because I'm one of those passive-aggressive people that will purposely slow down if I'm rushed. I'm sorry once again to disappoint, but that's what's going on. Please understand, I'm not blowing anyone off, I'm not trying to ditch my fics on here, I'm just busy with life. I don't know when I will update any of my fics, I'll be completely honest. |