Rating: M


Chapter 1

Summary: Continuation of Reckoning and How Long is Forever?
Axel had always done so much for me… was always there for me… and I found myself wanting to return the favor. After all… he deserved all the happiness in the world, for giving me mine. Akuroku. Roxas' POV.

A/n: Thank you so much for all of the feedback at the end of How Long is Forever? You made me so happy because I hadn't realized that so many fans cared so much about the story/ this pair, still. I will do my best not to disappoint you and I really hope that you will enjoy this as well.


I smiled at Axel, completely at peace, as he held me close. We danced, moving together as if we were one, and it was truly magical. I smiled up at him and then grinned widely, barely believing that June had come already and that we were at one of the most perfect weddings I'd ever been to in my entire life. It had been a beautiful, perfect, afternoon creating the foundation for a stunning wedding. Sora and Riku had married on the beach at Destiny Islands at sunset and the reception was now commencing as the last traces of twilight fell over us.

My smile widened as I got lost in his eyes, staring up at the stunning man who was holding me in his arms. Axel had always done so much for me… was always there for me… and I found myself wanting to return the favor. After all… he deserved all the happiness in the world, for giving me mine. My smile widened when he smiled back at me.

"Hey! Smile!" Demyx yelled, sneaking a picture. He laughed, smiling at the image on his digital camera. "You two are a vision of happiness again," he said, smiling. "It makes me so happy!" I smiled up at Axel and the red-head smiled back, each of us thinking the same thing. I stood on my toes, kissing him as he leant down, kissing me back. Demyx tried to take another picture of us and Axel snatched away his camera. The red-head tsked.

"Oh Demy, I've always been happy with my sweetheart." I smiled, hugging him.

"Me too." Demyx blinked.

"Now say you're sorry if you want your camera back." The blond smiled at us.

"Sorry, lovebirds," he said, giggling. Axel glanced at me.

"What do you think? Should we give it back to him?" I smiled, purposefully looking thoughtful.

"Well, he did ask nicely."

"Yeah, Axe," Demyx halfway whined. "Give it back!" The red-head looked amused.

"One condition."


"You have to give us copies of the pictures you take of us." Demyx smiled.

"Can do." Axel laughed and then gave him back his camera.

I smiled at the red-head. It was nice, seeing him so happy. It had taken quite a while for him to even leave my side, let alone look happy… but once he was satisfied with how my recovery was going, he had finally left me to take care of some 'things'. I knew that it had to do with his 'work' but… I hadn't pried. Instead I had hugged him to myself, requesting that he didn't leave me alone for too long. Ever since I had met Larxene… We had decided together that it would probably be better if I stayed home when he had to meet with people. Once he'd returned, by my request, he'd been trying to be more laid back and open with me as we decided to focus more on 'us'. I'd been working on doing the same and it seemed to be helping us a lot.

"Hey, guess what?" I whispered.

"What?" he whispered back. I smiled.

"I love you." Axel smiled back.

"I'm glad." My smile widened just before the song we were dancing to ended.

"Hey, I'll be right back, okay?"

"Alright." I slipped away, intending to find Demyx again. There was something that I had been meaning to ask him. I saw him by the cake and went to him.

"Dem?" The blond smiled at me, his aquamarine eyes alone told me how happy he was to see me. I was grateful that he wasn't judging me. Not everyone in Axel's gang was being so kind… But I didn't want to tell the red-head that. He didn't need to worry about my problems.

"Hey Roxas, how's it going?" I smiled to myself.

"Just fine. And you?" Demyx laughed.

"I'm doing wonderfully."

"Can I ask you something?" The older blond looked surprised.

"Yeah, of course you can."

"Our anniversary's in a few weeks and Axel's birthday is in August. I don't know what I want to do for our anniversary yet… but for his birthday, I want to throw a party for him and I want to surprise him, which is hard to do," I admitted. "Will you help me?" Demyx grinned.

"Of course I will!" I smiled up at him happily.

"Thank you so much!" I picked up a glass of punch.

"Any time Rox." My smile widened as I absentmindedly ran my thumb along the plastic glass' edge before I excused myself. I knew that Axel would suspect something if I was gone for too long. I made my way back to him and he searched my eyes.

"You look happy." I smiled up at him. He looked direly curious.

"That's because I am happy." My smile widened as I stared up at him. The soft glow that the setting sun gave him made him look stunning, but as the pale moonlight replaced it, he looked absolutely gorgeous. He was almost like a dream he was so beautiful… even flawless…

Flawless… that's what Axel's and my love was… and in just a few hours, I was going to surprise the most perfect red-head in the world with the most perfect gift that I could give him. Something that was just as beautiful and magnificent as he was. I smiled happily, glancing up at the cabinets as I worked on an arrangement of tiger lilies—they were Axel's favorite. I had a big surprise planned out for him today and I smiled to myself. Axel would never see it coming…

I gasped. Was that where I had hidden it? I'd searched my workshop three times already and had been quite disappointed to find nothing… as I had for months. However…I was certain that I'd hid it very well because I hadn't wanted Axel to ruin the surprise. Which he was very good at.

Axel looked a little worried. "What did you remember?" He asked. I had been remembering little things off and on because my memory hadn't come back fully… and Axel had learned what was happening by the expression I'd make as I remembered. I kissed his cheek.

"You know me too well." There was worry flickering in his eyes and so I smiled at him happily. "It's a surprise."

"Am I going to like this 'surprise'?" My smile widened as I set my punch down.

"I hope so." I hugged him and then watched Sora and Riku dance for the longest time. They looked absolutely perfect together and I truly hoped that we looked that perfect. "I'm glad that we got to come here."

"Me too." I smiled for a moment or two. "Do you want to go on a walk with me?"

"I'd love to." I grasped his hand and he laughed as I pulled him off of the dance floor and away from the wedding reception. We ended running along the beach, the waves crashing next to us, until we were out of sight. I smiled as we slowed and his hands gently grasped my waist as we caught our breaths. "I love you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.

"I love you too-" I whispered, stopping short. I wanted to use some type of endearing term like he always did for me… but I just… couldn't. It was like the word just… wouldn't come out. My face heated up and I bit my lower lip.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I shook my head.

"It's nothing." Axel sighed gently.

"What happened to being open?" I got quiet. "You can tell me anything sweetheart." My blush deepened and I gripped Axel's hand nervously.

"That's just it…"


"I-I want to call you s-sweetheart or d-darling," I whispered, reddening further, "but I get nervous or scared every time I try." I bit my lower lip. "I'm sorry…" I looked up at him. He was smiling sweetly.

"You don't have to be scared," he whispered softly. I swallowed.

"I know."

"Do you want me to make it easier for you?"

"H-how?" I whispered, blushing.

"Say something sweet and endearing to me and I'll reward you." He grasped my hips, pulling me close. "The more I like it and the bolder you are, the better your reward will be," he whispered in my ear softly. I blushed deeper, my heart rate accelerating.

"B-but Axel, someone could walk along and see us," I whispered back.

"I'm not afraid to show the world how much you mean to me. If the world doesn't like it, it can look away." I swallowed, trying to think of what to say.

"You're right… darling," I whispered, my heart pounding incredibly fast. Soft lips pressed to my cheek and I felt a little better. Saying it hadn't been as terrible as my mind had made it seem it would be.

"Why are you so nervous, my love?" I stared up into his eyes, my heart racing.

"Because you're so gorgeous, my darling husband," I whispered back before hesitating. Axel's hand gently touched my face, his warm breath fanning across my lips before his molded to mine. My eyes slid shut as he patiently waited for me to open my mouth. My jaw relaxed and as his tongue slid into my unresisting mouth, I shuddered. Axel tilted my chin, angling it and deepening the kiss, "a-and I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing, sweetheart," I whispered, breathlessly when he pulled back. The red-head smiled, gently touching my face before kissing me again. We pulled apart to the flashing of a camera. Axel's forehead pressed to mine.

"Fuck," he muttered as the man ran away, obviously recognizing what was happening.

"What was that?" I murmured curiously. Axel sighed.

"A photographer for one of Hollow Bastion's tabloids... just ignore it..." I closed my eyes, nodding.

"Axel, look! There's a picture of our wedding in this magazine," I started to point out but stopped as I read it. 'Whore gets a happily ever after?' My face flushed and my eyes watered.

"Don't read-" He began, biting his lower lip when he realized that it was too late. I gripped the milk I was holding tightly but was silent for a long time.

"Why are those people telling lies, Axel? It's so mean…" Axel sighed softly and closed his eyes.

"They like to pick apart rich or famous people… And along with being talented yourself, you just so happen to be married to one." Tears slid down my face.

"T-that's not fair… they don't know anything about me…" Axel gripped my chin, raising it, right in the middle of the checkout line in the grocery store.

"No, they don't." He kissed me softly. "My guess is that they're just dying to see you fall." I bit my lower lip. "Keep your chin up, gorgeous. They're just jealous of you."I hugged the red-head, trying to forget about the tabloid.

"There's actually been a lot of controversy because of that article."

"What? You knew about this?" Axel nodded.

"A reporter named Olette did an article about Hollow Bastion's gangs recently… and she had an interview with me… She showed me this first and I was horrified to see it. She asked me about it so I brought to light the sad truth that your father was selling you before I took you under my wing. I think that her article got that writer fired. Stores are supposed to be removing that issue from their shelves," he said, glaring at the clerk at the counter who had been eavesdropping and looked utterly terrified of him.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know if you'd be mad at me for saying something… and I couldn't stand seeing your name being drug in the mud…" I hugged him.

"I'm not mad."

I bit my lower lip as I remembered.

"I'm sorry... I thought we were careful, coming here. Maybe we should go back to the hotel in case they're still lingering." I nodded, knowing that he would be pummeling the photographer if he found him or her, along with smashing their camera and then lighting the film on fire. I didn't really want him to get into trouble.



A/n: Hello there! I hope you like this so far. Tell me your thoughts and I'll try to update soon~ thanks so much :D