Second part!

And because I got a few complaints about my last Mpreg story ('Welcome to Existence'), I included a scene that I wasn't originally thinking about, but it doesn't sound too bad for how it was least, that's what I got

Disclaimer: Still don't own squat. Only Kari, Kala, and the newest addition

"Ax…I know you can do this," Roxas said, squeezing his husband's hand a little. "Just a couple of more and we'll get to see our son."

Axel shook his head, clearly looking scared and tired. "Can't," he said softly. "Hurts too much…" If he had only known what a natural birth could feel like before he was actually giving life, he would've stuck with the c-section. A few tears of pain escaped from his eyes before he could stop them.

"C'mon Axel, you can do it," Demyx encouraged him, bringing a damp cloth to the red head's brow. "Just think, Kari and Kala are gonna be so excited when they see their little brother! So are Sora and Riku! And I wanna meet my godson."

This brought a small smile to Axel's face before he roared in pain, the life being squeezed out of Roxas' hand while Demyx brushed back his friend's hair from his face. When his screaming came to an end, the doctor told him to rest for a moment, then try again.

The red head tried to regulate his breathing, Roxas kissing his forehead. "I'm so proud of you," the blonde said quietly. "You've come so far. Only a little more and you'll get to hold him." He smiled down at his husband. Axel smiled back, resting his head against the pillow. He felt horrible, but he couldn't help but return Roxas' smile; his legs were shaking from trying to keep his legs apart, his lower half was in a lot of pain since the doctors didn't want to risk giving drugs to Axel after he was said to have the bleeding issue, and he was severely wishing that their son wasn't coming the way he had decided to…

But with Roxas and Demyx there to help him, maybe he could get through this.

Roxas sat in a chair next to Axel's bed, holding their new son as Axel slept.

Almost immediately after the red head had given birth, he passed out from exhaustion. At first, Roxas thought something was wrong with Axel, since he wasn't waking up, but the doctors said that he was fine; just everything from the last fifteen hours or so had caught up with him and he needed rest. After hearing that, Demyx left, saying he was going to go call Riku and Sora to tell them the good news so they could pass it onto the twins.

The red head hadn't woken up once since then, clearly in need of sleep. Roxas smiled a little. It's just like when Kari and Kala were born. He passed out during the procedure and didn't get to meet them first hand. I was kinda hoping that he'd get to hold our son first this time-

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a sleepy moan. Looking from his newborn son to the bed, Roxas saw that Axel was waking up.

Those lovely green emeralds emerged from underneath a sleepy veil. The red head looked around a moment before his eyes descended upon the blonde. "Rox?" he asked tiredly.

The blonde smiled. "Hey," he greeted. "I was wondering when you'd wake up…and I think so has our son."

He could see Axel's eyes brighten as he stood from his seat and came to his husband's bedside. "He's ok then?" Axel asked, voice sounding like it was about to break. Roxas smiled. "Yeah, he's just fine. A little earlier than scheduled, but just fine."

The red head held his arms out. "…can I hold him?"

Roxas laughed softly. "Why would I deny you that right?" he asked, carefully transferring their sleeping son into Axel's waiting arms. "You carried him for almost nine months. You're his 'mother'. There's no way I'd deny you of your right to hold him."

Axel just smiled, looking down at their son. Moving a piece of blanket away, he noticed the baby had a small tuft of red hair that was the same shade as his own. Axel nearly laughed at that; in all honesty, he had never expected any of his kids to have red hair. Kala had come close, what with hers being a dark red-orange, but not quite close enough.

"Has he woken up yet?" Axel asked, taking one of the boy's tiny hands with his index finger. Roxas shook his head. "Even the doctors who were giving him his check up said that the most he did was whimper or whine every once in awhile," he said. "Guess he'll be a heavy sleeper." They both smiled at that thought.

Axel felt the tiny baby in his arms wiggle a little. "Rox, I think he's waking up," Axel said, watching their son intently. Roxas' attention focused on the little boy as his eyes opened to reveal sapphire colored eyes, the same color that Roxas had.

The blonde couldn't help but smile at that little face that was trying to focus on his parents. "He looks a little like Reno, what with those eyes," Roxas commented. Axel shook his head. "No…he has your eyes. They're too dark to make him look like my brother." He kissed his son's forehead, earning a small, happy sound from the newborn. "Kari and Kala are gonna have a ball when they see him."

Roxas looked at him, confused. "Why's that?

Axel chuckled, their son continuing to stare up at his 'mother'. "Because they've been wondering who he'd look more like when he was born," he answered. "They've even been trying to name him, though in all honesty, none of the names the two came up with sounded that great."

Roxas smiled. "What do you think his name should be?"

"…Desmond," Axel answered. "In Celtic, it means 'man of the world'."

The blonde thought for a moment, then grinned. "I think I like that name," he said. "We can call him 'Des' for short."

Axel smiled down at their new son. "Welcome to the world Desmond." The baby smiled a little upon hearing this name, which in turn caused both parents to just grin at this precious little face.

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard. Roxas went over to open it, revealing Demyx, Sora, Riku, and the twins. "Hey guys, c'mon in," the blonde said, moving away to let everyone in. The girls immediately ran in and over to Axel's bedside. "Mommy!" they both exclaimed.

"Hey you two," Axel greeted, looking down at his girls. "Do you wanna meet your new brother?" The twins giggled, nodding. Riku and Demyx came over, picking the girls up and placing them on the bed next to Axel. As the girls fawned over their new baby brother, Riku smiled. "Feeling okay after last night?"

Axel looked up at his silver-haired best friend. "Yeah. Last night was a lot of work, but I got through it, as you can see." Then he had a thought. "Anyone called Reno?"

"Tried to this morning," Sora replied, coming to Riku's side, a hand resting on his six month belly. "But he got sent away about two days ago for work, so we couldn't reach him…sorry Ax."

The older red head sighed. "It's ok," he said, looking back down at his children. "Reno just wanted to be here when this little one came, but can't help it if Rufus sends him somewhere, right? Besides, Desmond was a little earlier than we thought."

"Desmond?" Demyx asked, walking around the bed to where Roxas now was. "How'd you come up with that name?"

"It was my dad's name," Axel replied, Roxas smiling. "It means 'man of the world', which my old man was since he used to travel everywhere before I was born. He used to tell me stories all the time when I was a kid about the different places he'd seen."

"Grandpa went everywhere?" Kari asked. The twins had not had the chance to really interact with their grandfather, or at least didn't remember him since they had been only one or two when the man died.

"Yeah, your grandpa used to travel a lot," Roxas said. "I'm sure if he were still here, you'd get to hear the stories too."

The rest of the afternoon was spent with friends and family, taking turns holding the newborn and chatting about how they were going to raise this newest addition; Demyx claimed the cooking slot for when Desmond was old enough (he wanted to teach his godson how to make Indian food), Kari and Kala promised to be the best big sisters they could, leaving Sora and Riku with promises of play dates/a playmate once their own kid was born.