This was THE hardest thing I have EVER written… hence it has taken sooo long lol… I don't know if it's any good = /

If you liked the ending of chapter 10 just how it was don't read this!

Its like 12 years later and the twins are graduating from the Ninja Academy, I've used all the clichés, Naruto is the Hokage, Sasuke is in the Anbu, the usual crap: D

Anyway I hope you enjoy it x3

Warning: contains sasunaru pairing, KakaIru pairing, mentions of sex, language etc. Yaoi, don't like don't reeeaad! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto its characters or plot this is a fan written fiction which I will make no profit from writing ^^



Epilogue: How times have changed…

Naruto Uzumaki sat on the shag-pile carpet of the sitting room of the Uchiha-Uzumaki mansion the home that he'd shared with Uchiha Sasuke for the last fifteen years now. The blonde man pulled his Hokage robe up over his shoulders as he flicked through a number of large, leather bound photo albums, the first picture was of him and Sasuke, the Uchiha was very pale and thin, bruised and fatigued, it was taken shortly after his arrival back in the village… it showed Naruto with his arms around the delicate sixteen year old as he scowled at Kakashi who had been holding the camera, hating the public affection. As he flicked through the pages Sasuke grew stronger and his scars faded… each photo showing him the tiniest bit happy, becoming more and more comfortable in Naruto's embraces. He paused at one photo, it showed the blonde very heavily pregnant with the twins, pouting at the camera while Sasuke kissed the rounded bump, arms twisted around the blonde so different from the first photo.

He watched the pictures showing the twins grow from tiny newborns sleeping in Sasuke's arms to grinning toddlers in their little matching Pyjamas with the Uchiha-Uzumaki symbol on the front, excitedly destroying the wrapping paper of Christmas presents under a ridiculously huge decorated tree that Naruto insisted on every year. The next was of Sasuke the day after he made Anbu; Ryuu was sat on his shoulders legs wrapped round his neck while Sasuke held four year old kitsune's chibi hand as she looked up at him with a dedicated admiration. Kitsune was exactly like Sasuke, tall, dark, beautiful always cool, calm and collected and very talented. Naruto would forget the day when she skipped in to the kitchen one day at the age of nine with her eyes emblazoned with the sharingan she had simply tugged at Sasuke's sleeve and said "I did it daddy." Ryuu had glared at her across the kitchen table and refused to speak for the rest of the day… he was always living in his sister's shadow.

Next was Naruto's favorite photo, his wedding photo. The couple decided to tie the knot aged twenty three when the twins were five years old. Ryuu was dressed in a cute little black tux, kitsune wearing a pale blue bride's maid dress identical to Sakura and Hinata's she was tugging it down scowling at the camera, even at that young age she hated wearing girly clothes. Sasuke wore a black suit with a white shirt and tie whilst Naruto wore a white suit with a black shirt and tie, the ying and yang theme had been Sakura's idea, obviously. He came to a photo of the twins at the first day of the academy, then another of his favorites, his Hokage ceremony, wearing the robes once worn by his father.

As he reminisced over a picture of little kitsune as a toddler waving one of his kunais while Sasuke held onto Ryuu who was squirming and yelling with jealousy he was interrupted by a heavy pair of bounding footsteps he looked up to see his twelve year old son, grinning at him whilst adjusting a pair of green goggles on his forehead. He wore a high colour black jacket over a black fishnet vest with the Uchiha-Uzumaki symbol stitched onto the back, with cut off black pants and ninja sandals, he looked exactly like a young Naruto, tan skin and spiked hair but pitch black like his Sasuke's.

"Hey Ryuu, are you excited for graduation today?" Naruto smiled, closing the album and standing up to ruffle Ryuu's hair.

"Sure dad! I'm gunna pass! Believe it! But…I bet I'll be upstaged by kitsune, again…" Naruto laughed and rolled his eyes at the pouting boy, the pair were always competing with each other just like he and Sasuke used to.

They both looked up as another pair of foot steps approached; these were light, almost dancing as their owner glided into the room. Kitsune was certainly Sasuke's daughter, utterly breath taking. Despite being only twelve, kitsune was tall thin and well developed, making her popular with the boys at the academy, much to her fathers' distain. Her hair cascaded down her back like a sheet of ebony but the top was cut short and scruffy, sticking up like spikes. Her skin was soft and pale, porcelain like Sasuke's. The only features of Naruto were the glistening sapphire eyes and faint whisker marks on her cheeks. Kitsune wore a short black dress with red sleeves, over white shorts and fishnet bands round her elbows and knees.

"Father." She said with a curt nod. The plain simple words rang out like a symphony orchestra of angels.

Kitsune and Ryuu were so different, yet completely inseparable. They hated the fact they would be split up for their squads. Even at the age of twelve the siblings could still be found curled up together asleep on the sofa, after a long day. Ryuu always craved attention from both of his parents and usually causing trouble or complaining about something. Whereas Kitsune was quite the opposite, calm and withdrawn with few real friends, preferring to learn and train on her own. However on very rare occasions when where she would silently lay her head on Naruto's lap or put her arms around him for a cuddle but only when she was tired or upset. Naruto and Sasuke too, relished this rare affection from their ice princess; it was certainly an occurrence to be cherished.

"Ryuu. It's time to leave" she said flatly, nudging her brother in the ribs.

"I know I know!" see you soon dad!" He gave his father a quick hug and sprung out of the door, followed by kitsune after a VERY swift kiss on the cheek. Naruto smiled after them. Sasuke passed the kids in the hall and Naruto heard the sound of mundane Uchiha conversation outside and a soft thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey daddy." Came the silky cool voice of Sasuke in his right ear, making the blonde shudder as usual. He snaked his arms around Naruto's waist.

"Teme… you don't have to call me that when the kid's aren't around…" he whispered back, blushing a little.

Sasuke chuckled slightly and pulled the Hokage into a passionate kiss. Naruto blushed more violently and pulled away.

"What!?" Sasuke exclaimed. "Just because we're thirty year old parents of teenage twins doesn't mean I can't show my gorgeous husband a little affection?"

Naruto groaned. "Don't remind me of my age!" Sasuke smiled and nibbled the tan neck, receiving a happy little purr.

"We should get going little Naruto…" He said flatly, just as Naruto went into 'uber-horny-I-want-you on-the-floor' mode. "It wouldn't look good if the Hokage was late for the ceremony would it?"

Naruto cast Sasuke the coldest stare possible matched with a low growl but then sighed and nodded, pushing his arms into the sleeves of his cloak. Sasuke bit his lip as he watched.

"What?!" scowled the blonde, adjusting the high collar and ruffling his hair.

"Nothing…" The dark haired man chuckled. "I just can't believe I'm the one who gets to fuck the Hokage!" he smirked, slapping the blonde playfully on the behind.

"Ouch! Gee teme! Can't you just go back to being a miserable ass like usual? Why are you being so weird?"

Sasuke shrugged, face instantly blank.

"I'm just happy? It does happen from time to time you know… our kids are graduating from the academy and heading out into the big wide world and I happen to be married to the most gorgeous, and most powerful piece of as in the whole village, wait.. The whole of fire country!"

Naruto blushed so much he was now near to resembling an embarrassed tomato.

"That okay with you? Hokage… Sama?" Sasuke smirked again, pushing the blonde down onto the sofa and ambushing his tender pouting lips rather roughly.


Eventually the pair made it to the academy, a little flushed with messy hair, which didn't go un-noticed judging by the raised eye brows and disapproving looks they got. The students were assembled outside, waiting for the ceremony to start, whilst friends and families talked amongst themselves. Naruto and Sasuke spotted Kakashi and Iruka and headed over to them. Sakura and Lee's daughter, Kyoko stood nattering away to kitsune while the older girl simply sighed and nodded tolerating the brat. Kyoko was eight and absolutely adored Kitsune, as did most people, and shadowed her like a little puppy. Fortunately, both she and her brother Gai took after their mother on the looks front, but four year old Gai had Lee's black hair. All of Sasuke and Naruto's friends and fallen head over heals for the twins and nearly all of them had children of there own now.

Shikamaru son Haru was also graduating today being ten months younger than the twins. And, being a Nara, he stood idly gazing at the clouds, hands in pockets whilst Ryuu yelled in his ear all about the missions they would be embarking on and how he would "kick his sister's ass" in the graduation exam… Ino was deep in conversation with sakura, holding a sleeping, blonde, twin girl in each arm while Shikamaru went to meet with the other squad leaders.

Kiba and Hinata also had a son, Ritsu, he was eight and clutching a fluffy puppy in his coat while Hinata tied his shoe laces. A heavily pregnant Tenten then appeared, desperately trying to separate a wailing toddler from her father's leg protesting that Neji leave to be a squad leader. Naruto chuckled, how things had changed.

The blonde's attention was caught suddenly when Iruka grabbed him into a firm hug.

"Oh Naruto…" said the older man. "I remember when you graduated the academy, I was so proud! You were such a little knucklehead… how look at you, Hokage, watching your own kids graduate…I am so happy"

Naruto gave a sheepish grin. "Hey…don't cry on me sensei." He laughed.

"Hn. You're a knucklehead dobe…" Sasuke smirked

"Well at least I didn't go round in a big purple ass ribbon!" Naruto replied icily.

"At least I didn't used to yell 'BELIEVE IT!' in the middle of sex..." Naruto glared at Sasuke's dead pan expression in horror, utterly mortified. Kakashi burst into fits of hysterics while Iruka blushed furiously.

Naruto's face filled with red. As if someone was pouring cherryade into the top of his head, the blonde stalked off, casting Sasuke the harshest of cold stares.

Sasuke smirked as Kakashi finally calmed himself.

"I'll never let him forget that" the silver haired man chuckled. Everyone looked to the class sensei as he cleared his throat; the sensei happened to be Konohamaru, Naruto's child hood apprentice, he had taught at the academy for three years now but was still adamant on becoming Hokage someday. Naruto sat with the elders in a large chair at the front, still pouting about Sasuke's outrageously embarrassing comment. The young students all lined up side by side in front of the gathered parents and villagers.

"Okay, now all students will be required to perform a Jutsu that they've learnt that they think is worthy of them graduating to become Genin. Which I will then score based on their performance combined with the written exam grade."

The students all performed low key relatively mundane jutsu, transformations, substitutions etc. Haru of course executed his father's shadow possession jutsu perfectly and was placed in Kiba's squad, squad seven. Next was Kitsune, everyone held their breath, eager to see what Konoha's new child prodigy would produce. The girl calmly made a few hand signs and spoke softly in her angelic tone.

"Fire style, fire ball jutsu." A flourish of scarlet and amber flames protruded from her lips, stopping just short of the crowd. Everyone cheered and applauded while Kitsune simply nodded to her sensei and took the black head band the beaming man gave her. Kakashi looked to Sasuke who gave a 'Hn' and a microscopic smile, but he knew inwardly he was bursting with pride. Kitsune had been out for hours every night perfecting that jutsu, he's taught Ryuu too, but as usual the hyper boy didn't get it first time so gave up.

Next, was Ryuu. Naruto bit his lip anxiously as he caught sight of a cheeky glint in his son's eye.

"Don't be an idiot Ry…" He mumbled.

The blonde groaned as he recognized the hand signs Ryuu was expertly using, to his dismay.

"Harem Jutsu!" He yelled, there was a large puff of smoke which then cleared to reveal a dozen naked girls, tanned with long black pig tails giggling and provocatively surrounding Konohamaru, blowing him kisses.

"Ryuu!" exclaimed a blushing Konohamaru, shielding his eyes. The girls disappeared. Leaving behind an innocent, scruffy haired boy grinning sheepishly as the audience tutted disapprovingly. His sister, now standing with her new sensei, Neji. Cast him a harsh glare, shaking her head at him, as did Sasuke. Ryuu was a talented Ninja, we did he have to be such a joker?

Konohamaru frowned down at the boy.

"Well… it's not exactly a highly regarded jutsu, though it's not hard to see where you learnt it." He glanced at Naruto who shrank into his seat gingerly. "However, you did incorporate a pretty advanced shadow cloned jutsu; therefore I have no choice but to pass you as a genin." He handed Ryuu his head band. "Squad seven." He smiled slightly as Ryuu punched the air, yelling with excitement. Then tying his head band round his forehead with pride.

Sasuke smiled too, still shaking his head.

"He is just like Naruto…" mumbled Kakashi.

When everyone was placed into their squads the crown applauded then dispersed slowly, proudly embracing their new little genins. Ryuu bounded over to his Daddies, still playing with his head band. Kitsune followed, somberly, hands in her pockets.

"Well done." Said Sasuke quietly. "I am very proud of you" He glanced at Ryuu. "Both of you, despite your… unorthodox manner Ryuu." The young boy grinned sheepishly.

"Blame Papa! He's the one who taught it to me!" He waggled an accusing finger at his father. Sasuke rolled his eyes and glared over at Naruto.

"What a surprise… how come you never pay any attention to my training?" He sighed. Kitsune smirked at her brother.

"Yeah Ryuu, then you could be more like me." She leered.

Before he could yell a retort Naruto came over and pulled his twins into a huge hug, smothering the tops of their heads with kisses.

"Dad!" Kitsune groaned, wriggling free.

"Papa! Don't geeez! We're genin now… babies!" Ryuu scowled, indicating his head band.

Naruto frowned "sorry… I guess, my little babies are all grown up…" Sasuke laughed as tears filled the blue eyes as he looked down at his 'babies' who would be heading off on their first missions.

"So I guess you won't wanna go for ramen with your old dad to celebrate?" Ryuu's eyes lit up, kitsune on the other hand scowled.

"No I'm never too old for ramen with you dad! Can we go to Ichiraku's?" He whined, bouncing up and down.

"God Ryuu… we eat at Ichiraku like every week…" Sighed Kitsune. "I don't even like ramen… can't we go somewhere else for a change?"

"Kit's right, lets go to that new restaurant, the really posh expensive one. And don't worry, they do serve ramen, I checked." said Sasuke, wrapping an arm around Naruto's waist and laughing at the pouting expressions on Naruto and Ryuu's faces.

"Fine…" mumbled Naruto, entwining fingers with Sasuke sulkily. Sasuke wrapped his free arm around Ryuu as Naruto did the same with Kitsune.

The family walked off together into the village, the setting sun casting long shadows behind them.

Kakashi twisted his fingers in Iruka's as he watched them go. Iruka smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

"Who'd have thought it… legacy of the fourth and the littlest Uchiha…married with twins." Kakashi laughed.

Iruka nodded slowly as he gazed after the man who had been like a son to him… now married with children, and the Hokage too.

"Mhm. seems like only yesterday he was a dopey little blonde, glaring at Sasuke across the class room like he wanted to kill him." He sighed.

"Or screw him…" said Kakashi flatly. "Anyway, he's still dopey and blonde…"

*~THE END!~*


Well… It's officially over =[

No more Kyuubi's gift… ever

It's taken me freaking ages!

Anywaaay! I hope you all really enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it ^^ Please read my future stuff.


Now please review the whole story for all my hard work ^^ lol

Byee xxx