Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter, and Supernatural. oh, i suppose i ought to write something here. umm what can i say? i love writing and i'm such a fangirl, so i figured fanfiction was an obvious choice for me. imagine my delight when i discovered a website called ! closely followed by the discovery of deviantart!! now if only i was an artist too.. hehe. i only write when i feel like it so i'm a bit of a slow mover, but i put a LOT of thought into my work so hopefully, even if it takes ages, the finished product is at least half-decent. i ship a lot and for some stuff i only ship canon, like hp and dr who. however, with my newer fandoms i ship a lot of non-canon (zutara beats kataang any day) and slash (bubbeline is love, bubbeline is life). DESTIEL IS MY OTP which is actually so painful omg. this is why ive put off writing a bio-thingy; i have a tendency to ramble. so yeah, basics are im an adult female british-australian hufflepuff uni student, white, cis, bi/pan/idk. i love harry potter, dr who (mostly new but some classic), marvel stuff, starkid, sherlock, supernatural, firefly, misfits, game of thrones, LOTR/Hobbit, A:TLA/korra, adventure time, disney movies, obernewtyn, hunger games and my fave band is muse. i have VERY fixed ideas about the hp next gen, don't even get me started. i'm a shy writer but i guess i'm anonymous on here, so hopefully you'll hear more from me in the future :) keep reading! xox ooohhhh imma do one of these coz i always enjoy reading them on other peoples profiles. bear with me. Choose one subject of Fanfiction (ex: Harry Potter, etc.) and pick 10 of its characters. 1. Andromeda Tonks 2. Hermione Granger 3. Albus Dumbledore 4. Harry Potter 5. Luna Lovegood 6. James Potter I 7. Remus Lupin 8. Ron Weasley 9. Lily Potter I 10. Sirius Black 1. Have you ever read a One/Four romance? Would you? No, but I've seen summaries for them. Probs would if I was bored enough. 2. What would your reaction be if Six wanted to go out with Ten? Tbh I kinda see Sirius as having an unrequited love for James? But I'm a Jily shipper so I'd be pretty dismayed. 3. What would be the decription for an Eight/Three fic? After Harry is killed by Voldemort, Dumbledore decides that he's come too far to back down. Realising that the only person who's been through it all alongside Harry is Ron - apart from Hermione, but he never liked her - the headmaster recruits him as the Chosen One's replacement and gambles everything on one final showdown. But if it HAD to be a pairing: Ron's got a history of being unlucky concerning love potions intended for Harry so it's not entirely surprising that he's ended up drinking a particularly powerful one made by Dumbledore. But what in Merlin's name is Dumbledore going to do about his newfound attraction to his sudden admirer? Warning: contains slash and an obscene age difference. 4. What genre would you pick for a fic involving Two, Five, and Nine? Hmmm... adventure/friendship? If they travelled back in time and met up with Lily? I suppose you could throw a lesbian threesome in there if you WANTED to make things awkward with Hermione and Harry later. 5. If Seven played a sport, what would it be? Aww, Remus. Something fairly solitary... maybe tennis? Or swimming... hmm, I think swimming is definitely the best choice; better uniform... 6. Where would Two and Four go if they were dating? Straight off of my reading list, I'm not a Harmony shipper. Buuuuttt I guess, since they're both pretty boring, Hogsmeade for some Puddifoot's followed by fighting over the quidditch shop or the bookshop. 7. Do you or anyone you know think that Six is hot? Hell yeah! James is just pure, flirty entertainment. Laugh-a-minute. Go marauders! 8. Would you read an Eight/Five fic? Haha probs, if it was handled properly it could be pretty funny. Mostly I don't mind this pairing so much coz of an extremely cute piece of fan-art I saw involving a V-day card, a hopeful Luna and an adorably confused Ron. I'd definitely read one where Luna falls for Ron, but I can't really see him falling back. 9. What would the warning be on a Ten/Seven fic? Warning: this plot has been extremely overdone and includes slash, extreme angst and a very awkward love triangle. 10. Four is in a happy relationship with Nine, until Nine runs off to marry Five. Four is in a brief, unhappy relationship with Eight until Eight cheats on Four with Two. Four finally takes the advice of One and settles into a happy relationship with Three. Harry is in a happy relationship with his dead mother... nice... until she runs (?) off to marry Luna. Well, that's slightly better than necrophilic incest I guess. Harry is in a brief, unhappy relationship with Ron - I'll say, nothing tests the boundaries of a straight friendship more than unhappy gay sex - until Ron cheats on Harry with Hermione. Sorry, Harry, but even you should have seen that coming. Harry finally takes the advice of Andromeda and settles into a happy relationship with his elderly, in fact dead, headmaster. I think a pattern is emerging with Necrophiliac!Harry here. And Dromeda... I fear for little Teddy II. Twas fun! |
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