Reviews for The Virtue to Which We Aspire
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 6 . 6/21/2016
I just reread this whole thng and it just made me smile and happy and everything just gods
SoulMore chapter 6 . 6/9/2016
fiesa chapter 6 . 6/4/2016
This was an amazing story!

Very, very well-written, with an intriguing setup and masterful plot twists, and a very, very good, detailed and accurate characterization of the protagonists.

I don't know the other genre you used, the one Justice and Phoenix come from. But it fit perfectly, adding a wonderful framework and a number of deeper thoughts that linger even after the end of the story. The chronological setup of the chapters was well-done, with the backflash in the middle and the development of the story around it. The plot-twists were ingenious, especially the one that revealed Justice and the way Charles escaped from the facility, as well as the smaller but nevertheless equally important ones regarding his hallucinations. When it comes to other details, I especially loved the mental library and the way parts of the story played in it - Erik visiting it and, with it, Charles' memories, the way Charles uses it as a hideout, the way Justice is present in it. The way it represents so much of Charles' mind - reading those parts was beautiful. Another masterful thing was the hint at Charles having broken his wrist even though nobody knew and he couldn't remember: his muscle memory flinching at the memory of pain when Erik gripped his wrist, even though it didn't hurt anymore. I wondered about that when the scene occured but reasoned I had just forgotten the fact that he was hurt. When it became clear later on that he had been beaten in the lab everything fell into place: one heck of a good plot planning!

Character-wise, I think you got both Erik and Charles spot-on, with all their emotions, reasons for fighting, their feelings for each other and their conflicts and disagreements. I especially liked the scene in which Charles told Erik that he had changed, even if Erik hadn't noticed. Their talk after Charles finally remembered everything was one of my favorite discussions, I think, because it showed how close they were even though the world stood between them. Other than them, I also very much loved Raven (and the way her and Charles' relationship developed over the story), Hank, Alex and the Doctor (not writing down his name fearing I'll misspell). Emma Frost was intriguing, I know her mostly as Charles' adversary and the way they arranged themselves with each other was really interesting to watch. Justice, as something so foreign, utterly different, above all human instincts and full of knowledge and power, became more and more important for me, as well. I mourned with Charles when he left. And finally, Jean was another plot twist I hadn't expected. I'm glad she was included and was able to gain hope in the end. I hope everything will be alright for her, now.

Regarding the last chapter: I didn't miss the sex scenes. I think the kisses and the intimacy you wrote about were far better than the smut some other people write. :) Also, I saw nothing faulty in your German. I think this might even be the first time I read a story in which Erik did not butcher his native language. Thanks for the ö in Königin, too! *laugh*

Should you ever revisit this fandom, I'd be sure to be back. Thank you for a wonderful story and a beautiful read, and for all the work that went into it up to sharing it here: you totally made my Friday night. Staying up late was completely worth it.
the iz chapter 6 . 2/8/2016
this was so, so masterfully written and frankly, just really cool! I wish the story could have gone like this for charles and erik. the only thing that doesn't really add up for me is how chill everyone is about them? surely in the time they're living in, they would come up against at least a couple of people with prejudices, but there's never even a mention of concerns about that stuff. I know that mutant life probably shifts one's perspectives to some degree but it seems like a bit much to hope that being a mutant just totally frees one from discrimination such as homophobia.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2015
hope for more to come
Van39MaxKatAlex4 chapter 2 . 7/6/2014
THAT WAS AMAZING! Best story I have read in a very long time.
weemcg33 chapter 2 . 7/5/2014
WOW! I was on the edge of my seat up to the end there and was like, noooooooo...please continue. I need to know what happens next!
This chapter was awesome, loved the conversation between Raven and Charles, I like it when they joke around with one another, the way it should be. Also loved Charles and Erik's talk, you write both really well.
Can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
hope to see those... :)
weemcg33 chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
This is so well written, I couldn't stop reading. Though I do hope you plan to post the rest? It's awesome!
Macceh chapter 1 . 3/30/2014
Wow! I really love this, and sincerely hope you haven't abandoned this, because I really want to read more!
Lotariel chapter 1 . 11/18/2013
Wh... WHOAAAAH ! Your story is pretty good my dear ! In fact ... I'm crazy about it ! You have such a good skill for writing interesting plot ! You're amazing ! See you soon ! Kiss
Fan chapter 1 . 9/6/2013
Perfection! What a story! I want to know more...
PhineasFlynns chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Holy. Crap. This is amazing! Oh I can't wait for more!
Nitzdragon chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
This is brilliant! I absoulutely love it.
It is very well written and well polished. Also, the characters aren't OOC, a hard thing to accomplish. I am waiting expectantly for the next update :) please update soon.

Guest chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
This tragic and beautiful, I really want to read more and I have a hunch but well, nothing's better than having to read it.