Reviews for Other
evildandy chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
oh my god this one shot broke my heart
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Oh my god! You definitely should write another one but, anyways it's already too late for that but your fics were amazing!
veroOrea18 chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
Wow, just wow. You're an excellent writer, I love well you describe their emotions and the situation.
You are a true blessing for the OQ fandom
Guest chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Wow this fic is exactly what im looking for. Love it! I wish i could find another fic just like these
sequoiabuttrfly chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
The moment Robin said "She is the woman I want." speaking of Marian, I literally said WTF! If I were Regina at that moment, I would have told him to get out! She has given all of her heart and soul to this man and he has the audacity to tell her that he still wants Marian. UUGGHH! Regina doesn't deserve to hear him say that at all. God, it makes me so damn angry. He wants his cake and eat it too and he can't have both. It's not fair to anyone, especially to Regina. It's just sad and it couldn't have been easy to be with him a second time that night just for him to leave her bed and go back to the woman he claims isn't all of what he thought she was.
D.M.A.S chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
A part of me hates you. Really hates you for making this so goddamn real. Making this so personal. At least to me.
Reminding me that this is what I've been through .. or am going through or however you want to put it when you're in this messed up Soulmate situtation crap like Robin and Regina were in in Season 4.. still are now and I don't know which season finale (3 or 4) was worse.

This is so real. It really hits home to me. And I totally love the way you wrote it. It's quite precisely this. Nothing more nor less. Just this. Painfully true. Hitting one like a brick in the face.

I love reading all you OQ stories but this one really got me.

Because it's not like she wants to be in this situation but she's in there. And it's hard to get out... It takes a lot of willpower and eventually for all the things you mentioned you can only give in. Because it's too much. Too much to handle.
Too much much everything.
Too much pixie dust.
And because deep down she knows that even if he'd leave her for Marian entirely... that even then she couldn't let go.
Because she doesn't just love him with all her heart. But with her soul as well.
And that's too much of a combination against lines like 'the right thing to do' or 'she's his wife'.
Therefore every other day is not one of those days.

I love how you worded all this... all that. And how she tries to justify her own actions to herself. How she almost convinces herself. At least for those moments being with him.

I'd love to read more things like this one from you.
I'd like to read your thoughts on the season 4 ending. I'm not only saying finale but what happened from NYC on... maybe even 4B onwards... in Regina's POV.
That would be really lovely.

Nevertheless... I totally love this little oneshot. ) Beautifully written, as always.
livstablers chapter 1 . 9/27/2014
I really want another chapter
the iz chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
this was excellent, and a realistic look at the situation. i have no idea how they'll deal with it in the show but i bet it won't be as gritty as this. well done!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 1 . 8/8/2014 poor baby! Why can't she just find happiness and keep it? :(
This is so perfect and beautiful and I don't know if I want this to be real over her being truly happy forever.
Is it her pain that makes her who she is? Or is she who she is regardless of her circumstances?
If she would have had a beautiful growin up and life, would she still be the Regina we love?
I just want her to be happy! This makes me cry and also puts a happy swirling feeling inside me from how pain I feel. Ugh, that doesn't even make sense but it's what this story did to me!
CaptainPantsuit chapter 1 . 8/6/2014
First time ever I read something to dislike Robin (a lot). Still, the situation they are in is so absurd and uncontrollable that I can't help but wish for time to go back and somehow A&E change their minds :/
Anyway, great work here.
HeartyJessica chapter 1 . 6/26/2014
Oh geez. These are all really good. And painful and conflicted. And just really really good.
Voguevamp chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
This was amazing! Would love for this to turn into more than a one-shot. In fact, I would love for this to happen on the show next season! lol
Remnant Stars chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
I was never a fan of Regina's until she met Robin. The season finale surprised me because I was suddenly in her corner, secretly wishing Marian had died because Regina never seems to get her happy ending. How realistic is my hope Robin will leave Marian? It's not because they've done that storyline already with Charming and Snow. How well could they pull it off a second time? And Robin actually loves (loved?) Marian. Thanks for this story. It was so well written and I feel you portrayed Regina perfectly. Still with her evil tendencies but trying to be better.
OncerinLoVe chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
Wow this is beautiful and incredibley written and just perfect.
Tess chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Nuuuu my bby
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