Reviews for A Tale of the Woman
Genaveive chapter 12 . 2/27/2018
Would love to see another Mulan story from you. I hope you find inspiration.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/31/2016
Omg the ending was so heart breaking. It's so refreshing to read something different from rest. I hope you write a sequel with Mulan going on a secret rendezvous with Shang!
OneTrueWarrior chapter 12 . 3/21/2016
I thought the story ws great. It was a very interesting take on Mulan. Sometimws you forget about what it was realy like during that time period. However, I really dislike the ending: it was too short and not what the reader would most likely want to see
Guest chapter 12 . 5/28/2014
So yun killed the second wife? It was a bittersweet ending by the way is good since the tone of the story was dark.
the iz chapter 12 . 11/27/2013
i was disappointed at the ending... i would have liked the emotional connection between mulan and shang to have been better explored. they clearly did have one and, whether it was intentional or not, i found mulan's denial of any romantic feelings between them thoroughly unconvincing.
still, this story was really well put together and brilliantly handled :) lovely writing, you have a gift. nice use of the characterisation from the film too... they were themselves but they fit this story just as well. i loved it!
malucobanana chapter 12 . 6/27/2013
Just one word, Incredible.
The Red Leper chapter 12 . 5/1/2013
Wow! Great story... depressing ending, but definitely played out in context to what happened in the story. Good job!
Saphy18 chapter 12 . 3/17/2013
The ending is so sad. Oh my god...I feel so bad for Mulan. I never read a Mulan fan fiction like this but I really enjoyed reading it.
SamSalvatore26 chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
Excellent story! I was actually crying at the ending. Your writing is beautiful, and it stays true to the heart and to reality. I was happy that this story did not end with a classic fairy-tale ending. It ended with a realistic bitter-sweet conclusion. That being said, I feel that a sequel would be excellent to this story. I would love to read more of your writing and read more of Mulan and Shang's relationship. So please, consider a sequel! It would be much appreciated! Thanks for writing an awesome fanfic!
xxbegonedeidaraxx chapter 12 . 7/31/2012
Goddammit, now I need a sequel -.- THIS WAS SOO GOOD...the ending though...sooo depressing DDD:
IrisWill chapter 12 . 3/8/2012
This story probably strikes truest to history. As much as we would all like to think that Hua Mulan (or whomever her historical counterparts were) gained independence for herself after saving her nation, ancient Chinese society would never have allowed that. In your story, Mulan is admired by many men, but never respected. It pangs me to read that after all her troubles and heroics, she only goes from being a concubine to another concubine. But really, I am glad there is at least one writer on who recognizes the sad background of Mulan's story, had things not gone all Disney-perfect and according to legend. The way you work your personal additions into the story somehow adhered to the Disney canon and yet put an entirely new spin on the story is amazing. I think there were some details that I missed while reading, especially in the section where Mulan revisited her old home after running away. At that part, I think you may have lost some of the driving emotion of the story just a tad bit.

Story elements aside, your prose is beautiful. There were virtually no spelling mistakes (though I think once or twice a small typing blooper occurred), and the grammar was fluent and perfectly following strict English guidelines. But the images you paint, the subtle sentimentality of your language, and the understated dialogue...they are superb.

Thank you for giving us this lovely story, and keep on writing!
ArianaKristine chapter 12 . 2/28/2012
Wow. This was truly a well-written, involving, facinatingly fantastic story. I loved every bit of it, including the open-ended ending.

The beginning chapters reminded me nothing more of The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan. Something about the flow, the hidden secrets of concubine life, and the overall tone just resonated with that novel.

I love how the rest paralleled the Disney version while having a realistic angle.

In short? Excellent fic. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Kris chapter 12 . 2/22/2012
This story was wonderful, beautiful, and sorrowfully real. You kept a certain tone that lasted the entire story. You honestly could probably change the names and get this published since it is almost all of your own machinations.
Dr34ming chapter 12 . 1/28/2012
I loved the realism of this story. You took the plot far beyond that of Disney, and really expressed the sexism of the period in China far more effectively than Disney. :D Beautifully written.
kerricarri chapter 12 . 12/1/2011
I love how this is still true to the Disney version while at the same time telling the story without filters. The patriarchy is there, and so is the reality of sex. You brought the Li family to life within mere chapters and gave Shang a personality not just defined by military.

I like the plot changes you wrought: taking out the Disney supernatural aspects i.e. ancestors while still alluding to them, the major concubine subplot after the failed matchmaking as well as the openended emperor concubine ending, having Mulan's true sex be concealed from the army and greater public until the very end, and the more intimate and greatly nuanced relationship/sex between Mulan and Shang. I enjoyed reading this fic thoroughly and I did so all in one go. The tone is wonderfully kept throughout the fic.
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