![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. Hi I'm not all that interesting, just joined to see what other lovers of books etc have come up with. Hopefully, you'll enjoy what I do! My thoughts on Twilight: Okay, so when I first read Twilight I fell in love with Edward. Who wouldn't? He is perfect, well...apart from being a vampire that is, and even so... Anyway I thought New Moon and Eclipse were okay, although I did find them annoying for obvious reasons (Edward was gone in most of NM and there was all that crap about Jacob in Eclipse, wth!). My thoughts on the last book, Breaking Dawn, are that it simply should be ignored as being a part of the series. It is just terrible! Here are my reasons for saying so: 1. Bella gets pregnant when it was clear all along that this was a sacrifice she would have to make if she wanted to be with Edward. She also gets to stay friends with Jake and still have her father in her life. In others words she doesn't have to make any sacrifices at all and everything turns out perfectly. What is this spineless book?! 2. When the baby is born Jacob falls inlove with it, Eww. This is both disturbing and, mysteriously, convenient as it now means the wolf pack and the Cullens can be friends, how perfect! *note my eyes rolling* 3. The name Renesmee just might be the worst name ever given to a child in fiction or the real world. Also, I do not believe it fits in with Bella's character to give her daughter such an awful made-up name. Bella likes reading classic stories like Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights for goodness sakes! Does that sound like the sort of person who would give their child a name like Renesmee? How impossibly naff! Another point to make is that the baby looks like Edward who looks like his mother who's name was Elizabeth. I guess the poor woman who with her dying breath wished for her only son's life to be saved didn't get much consideration in the naming process. Elizabeth is a lovely classic name, unlike Renesmee which sounds like some sort of rare disease, or the medicine to cure that disease. I also do not think that Edward would have allowed Bella to give his daughter the name Renesmee, she was obviously not in her right mind at the time and he has better sense than to allow that ridiculous name. As you can see from the length of this rant this name is a major reason why I do not like BD. 4. After the baby is born and Bella spends the recquired amount of time saying how much she loves it, both she and Edward spend most of the rest of the novel passing her off for other people to take care of. I'm surprised 'Nessie' (oh god! I am almost gagging although it is an improvement... ) didn't end up calling Rosalie or Esme, 'momma', and Jacob, 'daddy'. This novel also lacks any real description of how Edward feels about his one and only daughter, Bella loves the girl, although not as much as she loves her husband because she quite clearly says that if he died she would find a way to die also. Yeah, never mind your new baby...priorities, priorities...Anyway, like I was saying, there is decidedly a lack of interaction between Edward and his daughter which I find extremely frustrating and unbelievable. It is quite clear that he prefers to be in Bella's company and his feelings for Renesmee do not seem exceed beyond a certain 'fondness'. The same was seemingly true for Renesmee as it says in the book that the people in the forefront of her mind were Bella and Jacob. Oh happy families! 5. There is a huge buildup for an epic battle,in which many useless and unneccessary characters are introduced, however when the time comes...nothing happens...Well, that was anti-climatic. I honestly stared at the page for about five minutes wondering if this book was an elaborate hoax. Finally, I realised it *sadly* was not and continued to read. Nothing worth reading happens in this book! The ending is unrealistically, nauseatingly happy and the whole novel lacks depth in everyway. All in all I felt as though this book was an utter waste of time and I while I do recommend the Twilight Saga to any teenaged girl I know, who hasn't read them yet, I discourage the reading of BD because it ruined my opinion of the books and its characters. All in all if you want to read a suitable ending to the saga there are loads of them on this very site which fit the bill much more comfortably, not to mention beliveably. Thank you for reading this rant and sorry if I have offended any lovers of BD and/or the name 'Renesmee' (although if anyone actually does like that name they need help and I pray for their children, but I digress). I still love the Edward from Twilight, the first and best book of the Twilight Saga, and I continue to read and write fanfiction because I cannot relinquish him. My Thoughts on Harry Potter: Hands down the best fantasy series I have ever and, most likely, will ever come across! Enough said. Characters for my HP fanfics (I'll add more once I find pics that look closest to my imagination): Lily Potter (it took me ages to find someone who looked sort of how I envision Lily! This actress actually has very red hair though it looks dark in this pic): http:///uploads/karen_gillan_BBC_photoshoot_doctor_who_006.jpg James Potter ( so, update! I've decided to replace Clark Kent as James...sorry superman...instead I'm using Matthew Bomer, this pic is one with him wearing glasses, yesness! I've found James!)- http:///tumblr_l6ogigPTD81qzx3tno1_400.jpg Remus Lupin (finally found him! I wanted someone who had a kind but sort of tired look about them. The guy I chose is a little better looking than JK probably meant for Remus to be but in the land of fiction everyone can be hot right?) - http:///d/mensfashion/1/0/q/v/sb10069821x-001.jpg Sirius Black (I've also decided to recast Sirius, this model is much more how I imagine Sirius to look. Just think darker hair)- http:///people/189/000162700/gabriel-aubry-1-sized.jpg Twilight Characters: Bella (first off, I cannot stand Kristen Stewart as Bella. Was Bella supposed to be moody and pissed off all the time? No. A little desperate and emotional...but, except for in 'New Moon', she was not angry and depressed constantly like how KStew has been portraying her since the first movie!) okay now that that rant's over...here's the actress I think would've been perfect for Bella, give her brown contacts and...voila!- http:///blogs/beauty-on-a-dime/Michelle_Trachtenberg_31_2009.jpg option 2 (who I think is probably even more perfect)- http:///e/emily_browning_53315-1400x1050.jpg Edward (zut alor! I have two options!) #1- http:///images/movie/player/Henry_Cavill_1280085090.jpg (This is the guy who SM wanted to play Edward, he looks about right!) ...and option #2 - http:///d/menshair/1/7/t/9/-/-/curly02.jpg (I think Aaron Johnson would've done a great job too!) Just a note, both options are British actors and so is Robpat funnily enough...I suppose Edward is just meant to be English! Rosalie (Diana Agron is just too pretty not to be Rosalie! Just look at some pictures of her and you'll see. Talk about a hit on self esteem...lol)- http:///wp-content/uploads/2010/09/dianna-agron.jpg Jasper (Charlie Hunnan looks almost just as I imagined Jasper, in this pic he's actually wearing 19th century clothing, how's that for Jasper!)- http:///d/movies/1/0/X/j/1/nicholasnicklebypubd.jpg Tanya (fun trying to find her I must say...This model looks alot like how I envision Tanya, right down to her freckles, just think longer, slightly straighter hair)- http:///images/medium-curly-hair-cut-.jpg option 2 - Eleanor Tomlinson is also quite close to how I imagine Tanya looking just think fairer, wavier hair- http:///upload/preview/images/cr_actors/4/4/4/8b39de5f15b7e115a5d7c9a46421cb8c.jpg Emmett (Just think longer curlier hair)- http:///_LrJDl5rBDxc/SxR864bt5eI/AAAAAAAAASQ/gw1V56wMtSM/s400/Sean_Bourke-011.jpg Alice (just think short hair)-http:///image/1895108/600full-katie-findlay.jpg More Soon... NOTE- My fic, originally called 'Isabella Swan and the Magic Within', has now been re-titled 'Whatever Happens'. I did this because I felt the old name didn't properly represent what the story is about. Hope this doesn't cause any confusion. Thanks to everyone who reads and reviews! |