This story is born from a random idea which I thought sounded very romantic...

Hope you like it!

Summary- 1918- Edward Masen and Isabella Swan were young and in love but they were cruelly ripped apart by a deadly pandemic. Present day- Isabella is the lost and lonely new girl in Forks but why does the mysterious Edward Cullen look so familiar? Twilight with a twist!


They lay on their sides, facing one another. Their beds pushed as close as would be allowed, close enough to hold hands. Edward watched her with all the passion and love that he could muster, it was for her that he was alive now. For her alone, he had no one left. Every breath that wheezed and shuddered and rattled through his lungs was for her. He told himself that if he kept himself strong, he could keep her strong too.

So he tried his best, taking the medicines and eating what he was fed, but not before she got her medicine, not before she got her food. Yes Edward was trying, desperately trying, to hang onto life because if he could hang on to his life, he could help her hang onto hers. However, Edward was failing. He tried not to acknowledge it at first, but it quickly became glaringly obvious. She wasn't getting any better, and worse than that, her health was deterriorating at a much quicker and more alarming rate than his.

The doctors did not tell him as much, but he saw how they looked at her, and what he did not see in their faces he saw in hers. Her lovely heart shaped face was now thin and drawn. Her skin, always peaches and cream, was pale and grey and when her pale lids were not closed over them, her once brilliant warm brown eyes looked dull and lifeless. He knew she was dying. He was dying as well. It wasn't fair. He was young and in love, lying on his death bed before he was even eighteen years old, looking at the pathetic form of the girl that would've been his wife. It wasn't fair.

She stirred gently in her sleep and her eyes blinked open. He watched the confusion stir in her eyes when she looked at him. Nowadays it took her longer to recognise him, her memories were made indistinct by her high fever and often times she would become confused and not remember where she was.

"Edward," she croaked eventually, her voice so soft and rough he could barely hear her.

"Hush my love," Edward said, his own voice was barely a whisper and unrecognisable to his own ears, "Do not strain your voice."

He held her hand in his, it felt so weak and lifeless in his grasp, so tiny. He summoned some energy to squeeze it gently.

" not...speak now," She said her breaths laboured and speech coming with great difficulty, "when...will I...get a...a chance?"

"We will have all the chances in the world," Edward said as soothingly as he could, trying to keep his face from crumpling, "Now rest."

"I will not," She said with more strength than she had done for many weeks, "No longer, I am going...going to leave Edward."

"No, no, you're not going anywhere," Edward said as fiercely as he could.

"Yes...I'm leave you," Her voice shook as she forced out her words, "but you mustn't give...give have to keep trying get better. Promise...promise me."

Edward shook his head slowly. He trembled from head to toe as he contemplated what she was asking him.

"You must!" She cried in her tiny voice, "You have...have to I can go."

Tears welled in his eyes and his body rebelled against the very thought. Without her there was no life.

"I can't," Edward said and a sob was wrenched from him, "I can't promise...without you, I can't...I have nothing to live for."

She panted for air as moved her frail body just a fraction of an ich closer to him. Her muscles ached and her bones cried out in protest but she needed to look right into his eyes.

"Don't...don't say that!" She cried gasping as she too began to cry, "you have to...go on without me, let me go in peace Edward, I...I won't be able to...unless you promise me."

Edward knew it was selfish of him to demand her to hang on to life, just so he would not suffer alone and broken hearted. She was suffering now, he could see the pain written all over her face. She was his angel for so long, she deserved peace, she deserved heaven.

"I promise...I'll try," Edward finally managed to choke out, his hand grasped her's as tightly as he dared, "but I don't know if I can...I love you so are my life."

"We'll see each other again," She said gently and a strangely tranquil expression came across her face as she smiled at him, "Now sleep my darling, sleep, and remember this if we ever meet again."

When Edward awoke his love was gone. Tall, still, silent and ever glorious, Dr Cullen stood by the empty bed. His expression as he looked at Edward was one of heart breaking sadness.

"I'm so sorry," he began but his words were halted when Edward turned away from him.

"She's at peace," were his only words.

After that, true to his word, Edward did not give up on trying to get better. His daily mantra was 'I promise'. However, his body grew weaker without her beside him, and each breath he took drained more energy, his will to survive decreased without his primary motivation, and soon, Edward was sure that it was his time to die.

As he breathed what he was sure was his last breath the final word on his lips was, "Isabella."

Ok, so this is a pretty sad start but things won't always be so gloomy. What do you think of the idea? let me know!