Author has written 9 stories for Twilight. I like to read and I cannot lie... You other brothers can't deny... LOL Anywho, I am silly. I love life. I dislike drama. I am opinionated. I love Twilight. That about covers it :) *UBER*IMPORTANT: I must warn you I'm a VERY, VERY slow updater, so if you want to wait until my stories are complete before reading that's fine by me. In fact, it would take some pressure off my shoulders. Thing is, writing fanfiction is a hobby for me, real life will always come first. My TWITTER if you feel like following. I am pretty random though, I must warn you! My Facebook if you want to friend me or something. (For some reason my profile only shows if you are already logged in to Facebook) Twilighted Thread for Âme Soeur started by Ms Rhian0000, lovely lady *sniffs* click here MY BLOGS: Stories' Blog: Here I post all of my stories as back up in case decides to pull them or something like that. You can see a list of all the places where I post my stories by clicking here. My Blog for Blinkie/Banner Requests : If you want to see Blinkies/Banners I've made. FOR YOUR BETA NEEDS: PTB (Project Team Beta) The Yoda Masters of all things grammar and plot: http:/// And last but not least, check out the Sparkly Red Pen for Betas, prereaders and all of your grammar needs: http:/// And if you are in for a quickie *winks* check out Emergency Beta for all your quick grammar questions: http:/// My thoughts on translating fics: I prefer it if you don't translate my Fics... I know I'll probably never find out if you do, but as someone who has studied translation I know that being fluent in a language is almost always not enough to translate. You need special training. So, please if you care about my wishes do not translate my stories. Like I said, I know I can't stop you but I would really love it if you didn't translate any of them. About downloading my stories, feel free to download if you want to read them on your e-reader (kindle, etc.) I'm not against it at all, and I'm not naive enough to think I can stop it. Once it's online I have little control over them. However, please don't go around and say you wrote any of my stories. That I would consider an affront and it would make me real sad. Please don't take the fun out of this hobby for me by plagiarizing any of my little fics. :( Thank you in advance. I've made my COMPLETED fics available for download here: http:///p/downloads.html FROM NOW ON ALL OUTFITS FOR MY STORIES UNLESS SPECIFIED WITH A PARTICULAR LINK WILL BE HOSTED ON THIS PAGE: Polyvore IF YOU WANT TO CHECK OUT THE BANNERS FOR MY STORIES THEY CAN ALL BE FOUND HERE: http:///p/stories-graphics.html THANKS TO ALL THE NICE PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE TIME TO DESIGN ONE FOR ME. THEIR NAMES ARE UNDER THE BANNERS :) |
Amethyst Jackson (103) AStarDanced77 (6) aWhiteBlankPage (4) DoUTrustMe (0) earthprincess4 (28) GatesKeeper (21) | halojones (5) JulesSC (22) m7707 (9) PrincessSerenity1976 (13) Rhian0000 (3) | Sare Liz (42) Sierra Sitruc (34) TheRainGirl (14) WhatsMyNomDePlume (17) wishimight (4) |
Community: | MUST READ by ANGE |
Focus: | Books Twilight |