![]() Author has written 10 stories for X-Men: Evolution, Mighty Ducks, Fruits Basket, Harry Potter, Wrestling, and Sherlock. Hey all, this is the author formerly known as spunky-hyper-girl. I'm still spunky & hyper but writing under a name which once held a very important meaning - now it just represnts hope. I should be focusing on finishing my stories, but it's been a difficult time for me. Things are looking way better now, so you'll see updates soon. I know where all my fics are going and I have a few later chapters written for each. A little bit about me: I have my BS in psychology and am working on an addiction counseling certification and applying for my masters clinical psychology. I'm truly a psych geek. My goal has always been to move to the UK, and that's where I hope psychology takes me. I was born an Anglophile which is why my twitter name/instagram/pinterest/tumbler name is FauxBrit (feel free to follow me, and let me know so I can follow back). Most of my fave tv shows, films, and actors are from the UK - Sherlock (my life), Law & Order: UK (the British legal system is far superior in this series), Luther (such a genius), Whitechapel, Jane Eyre (featuring Toby Stephens and Ruth Wilson - the ONLY Jane Eyre & Rochester IMO). A cup of tea solves everything. I try to ration my Hobnobs, Penguins, Bacon Butty's, Crisps (Walkers cheese & onion) as the British shop is an hour away from my home - I rarely succeed hah. Fave male wrestlers: Prince Devitt, Kassius OhNo aka Chris Hero, Antonio Cesario aka Claudio Casstagnoli, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelly, John Morrison, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, and of course the Ayatola of Rock n' Rolla himself Chris Jericho. RIP Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero Fave female wrestlers: Sara Del Rey, Angelina Love, Rebecca Knox, Cheerleader Melissa/Raisha Sahied/ Alissa Flash, Awesome Kong, Daizy Haze, Victoria/Tara, Gail Kim, Melina, Beth Phoenix, and Nattie. I Love You, I Loved You All Along |