AN: I know I'm supposed to be working on Attempting to Be Happy for Her Happiness aka AtBH, but this plot bunny's been on my mind since the debut of Cheer Perfection on TLC. I'm an ex-cheerleader who loves Sherlock and thought the combination in the fan fic world would be fun.
This fic is AU and possibly a bit silly. It is John/Mary and will eventually be Sherlolly.
AtBH will be up soon, I promise!
Clearly, I don't own Sherlock or Cheer Perfection... "do your research" :)
There seems to be dozens of handbooks for everything: How to Visually Learn to Crochet, The Idiot's Guide to Twitter, etc.
But why wasn't there a Coming Back from the Dead for Dummies?
Granted, it must be a very small market.
Sherlock certainly could have used a book like that. Perhaps he'd write a guide on it (after he worked on his bee keeping book).
If jumping off of the roof of St Bartholomew's had been the most difficult thing he'd ever done in his life, then coming back from the dead had to be the second most difficult.
First there was the messy bit of repairing the bridges that he'd inadvertently burnt by faking a suicide. Then there was the media circus (though watching Kitty Riley eat dirt had been incredibly satisfying). Bits of London had changed in three years thanks to gentrification.
The most drastic change though, was in the lives of his friends and acquaintances.
Mrs. Hudson was a grandmother now, and was constantly chattering on about nappies, formula, and knitting.
Recently divorced and reinstated Detective Inspector Lestrade had a new team of detectives at his disposal.
Soon after returning and working their first case, Sherlock's blogger and best friend had met and married the love of his life, Mary Morstan.
Oh, and Molly Hooper, the woman who counted, was a mum.
To a 12 year old orphan.
Yes, that one had been a bit of a shock. He would definitely dedicate a chapter of the book to how to handle discovering that the woman one (secretly) loves is now raising a child.
Sherlock had just gotten back from taking down the last agent in Moriarty's web, in Columbia and decided he needed to see Molly. It had been three years, but he hadn't expected much to have changed in her life. Maybe a few more failed relationships, and Toby would be bigger, but that was it.
So, he'd been a bit shocked to walk into the flat and find Molly serving dinner (polenta and prawns, with grilled veg) to a blonde child that had her eyes.
The girl was named Nadia. She was the daughter of Molly's brother Michael, a general practitioner in Edinburgh, and Lavinia, her Romanian born sister-in-law who coached gymnastics. The young parents had died in a car accident while out celebrating their anniversary, leaving Molly as Nadia's guardian, a few weeks after Sherlock had left to dismantle Moriarty's network.
The consulting detective soon became accustomed to seeing the girl who dreamed of being an elite gymnast quietly studying in Molly's office or in the lab while her aunt worked. If she wasn't there, she'd be at the gymnastics lessons Molly had signed her up for.
Learning to adjust to someone else taking precedence in Molly's life had been difficult, but Sherlock was coping.
Though many things had changed, some things remained the same.
Such as Mycroft's meddling in his life and career.
"I think I'm having déjà vu," John Watson said as he walked into the sitting room of 221B Baker Street.
The scene was nearly identical to one that had played out years before in that very room. Mycroft Holmes sat to tea with his younger brother. The elder brother was outwardly cool, but he was about to snap in annoyance at any minute. Sherlock on the other hand seemed absolutely disinterested.
Mycroft turned to the doctor and nodded to him in greeting, while Sherlock plucked at his violin.
"One must get used to that sensation if involved in Sherlock's life, as he never changes"
"That's rich," Sherlock said with a scoff, "you've been attempting to micromanage my life since I was an infant"
John inhaled deeply and shook his head, quite accustomed to the brothers' interactions, "Right then, anyone want a fresh cuppa?"
The government nodded as the consulting detective shook his head.
"What brings you here Mycroft; a new case," John asked from the kitchen
"Yes, I was just telling my brother that I need assistance in solving a string of smuggling crimes"
"That doesn't seem to be too difficult. You don't have any cases Sherlock," John said as he returned to the room with tea. Sherlock glared at his brother, "What he isn't telling you John, is that the case is for the American's, and requires us to go undercover in Texas"
John plopped down on his favored arm chair and shrugged, "Still don't see the problem. We've worked on more difficult cases"
Sherlock turned towards his brother to fill John in on the rest. Mycroft rolled his eyes, "Really Sherlock, you're being overly dramatic. You all will be perfectly safe, I guarantee it.
"I'm not worried about the Watson's, Hooper's and my safety. I've put my life on the line for them before and would gladly do it again"
Realization started to dawn upon John's features, "Wait, this will also involve Mary, Molly and Nadia? Is that why you're worried Sherlock?"
Mycroft gave a tight smile, "partially. But what really bother's him is your cover story. You're being quite foolish Sherlock. You are a skilled actor"
Sherlock's eyes flared as he jumped up, "I have my limits! And playing the role of Cheer Dad surpasses those limits!"
Reviews are like preventative writers block medication... please review!