Summary: Dreams can be deceiving, like faces are to hearts. Elle Hirsch learns this the hard way when she 'stumbles' into a friendship with Tom Riddle. TM/OC

A/N: Please leave me a tiny review! It makes my day : D

And one little thing: "Togged to the Bricks" means "dressed very nicely." It's 40s slang. : P

Chapter One: An Introduction

Elle fingered the silver and black badge pinned to her sweater vest as she studied her image in a small hand mirror. On the badge, a large "P" was embossed upon a snake, uncoiled and tongue hissing. It looked as though it belonged there, on her chest. She smiled proudly and turned her attention to her face. She frowned in disappointment and bit her lips, reddening them.

"Hand it over; I want to see how my badge looks, too," the girl sitting beside her said, grabbing the mirror out of Elle's hand.

"I'm sure it looks the same as it did last year, Lucretia Black, you vain thing," Elle quipped, turning her gaze to the passing landscape, now darkened by night.

"Well, Elle Hirsch, I'm sure when you're made prefect two years in a row, just like you beautiful, brilliant best friend, you'll be just as vain."

"Let he who pats himself of the back dislocate his shoulder. Or she. And who says I'll be made prefect again next year?"

Lucretia accusingly turned her shadowy grey eyes to Elle "It's common sense." Elle smiled, smugly satisfied. Reaching into the small, square, wooden cage next to her, she pulled out a large, fat, grey rat.

"Hello, Abercrombie. You big ol' fatty," Elle cooed. Lucretia chuckled.

"I wish I had a rat. Any pet, really," she offered.

"Speaking of rats; Riddle was made a prefect, too."

"I know. I was at the meeting with you, remember?" Lucretia reminded Elle. "It won't be so bad. He's sharp as a whip and quite the looker. Best looking Slytherin, easily. Beside Ignatius, of course"

"Well, he just better keep his head when we're doing rounds. I heard he's got a temper." Elle opened the book she held on her lap and proceeded to read for a few minutes before a tall, ginger-haired boy walked into the compartment.

"Hello, Head Boy!" Lucretia mischievously smiled before sauntering over to the boy and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Ignatius Prewett, you're togged to the bricks this year, aren't you?" She grinned and pecked him on the cheek. Closing the compartment door behind him, Ignatius took a seat across from Elle. Lucretia followed suit.

"As soon as I was owled the badge, Mum took me straight away to Twillfit and Tatling's. Bought me ten new sets of robes," he explained, pulling Lucretia onto his lap. Elle turned away as her face flushed. Lucretia gently slapped Ignatius on the cheek.

"Ingatius, you know I'm a lady," she seductively drawled.

"Only when Elle's around," he returned. "Anyway, it's time to survey the compartments. Lu, you're sixth year. Sixth years are exempt from train rounds. Elle, do you need my help? Or you think you can handle?" he asked.

"I've got it. It's simple. Just tell all the Slytherins to get their robes on. How hard could it be?" she smirked. Ignatius shrugged.

"Well, find Riddle and take him with you if you're so on-the-ball," he ordered with an arrogant edge. Elle sighed and put her things down. Getting up, she walked to the compartment door and hesitatingly walked through. She looked back to find Lucretia scooting closer towards Ingatius while he slid a hand around her waist. Elle furrowed her brow and slammed the door. She let out a disgusted sigh and took off in search of Riddle.

Making her way towards the end of the cab, Elle figured Tom was probably in the last compartment, as it was said to be bad luck and where Tom Riddle is, luck isn't. After knocking on the compartment door and receiving no answer, she turned the knob and walked into a wand. She let a small gasp escape before pushing it down and away from her.

"What do you want, Hirsch?" he spoke monotonously as he took his seat again.

"Ignatius says we've got to make rounds. All we have to do is-"

"I know what rounds are, Hirsch," he interrupted. Elle rolled her eyes.

"Well, then you should know we have to make them. And we have to make them now," she quipped. Tom stood up and without even sending her another glace, walked passed her and into the hall.

"Let's get it over with, then. We'll split up. We'll finish faster that way."

"Well, we're supposed to do it together," Elle said. Tom flared his nostrils and cast his eyes at domineeringly at Elle.

"It wasn't a suggestion. You're a bit dim, aren't you? We're splitting up."

"You know what, Riddle? Blowing out my candle doesn't make yours any brighter," she spoke in a low, rich voice. Tom conned a grin.

"Maybe not. But it certainly puts you at a disadvantage, doesn't it?"