Disclaimer: I don't own nothin'. It's all Tolkiens. I aint that smert to create something like he did.
What I do own: I own Bella and Frank and the shotgun! So dont steal 'em! (yeah like anyone wood want too.
(A/N): Okay, this is my first story pretty much. It's gonna start out slow, but hey, you need the beginning information to get the story started. I hope you'll bear with me, It's gonna have some strong language in it, sorry, but you can't really do this chapter w/o it. Anyways, please be kind, and push that lil' review button on the bottom. The doctor said it should be clicked at least 40 times a day =D anyways, enjoy……………….
The sky was already full of morning light when Bella rode her junkie Camero into the driveway at 6:30. The heat was already reaching the 80's and Bella sluggardly got out of the car and slammed the rusty door behind her. She stood in front of the house gazing at. It was a sorry excuse for a house. A run-down wooden shack was what it really was. The white paint was discolored and peeling off. The windowpanes hung from their hinges and some of the windows were boarded up. A few floor boards on the porch were missing and the right railing was laying on the dirty ground in pieces. A few dried and withered bushes lay scattered around the house and behind it for miles lay the open desert.
Bella gave an exhausted sigh and climbed the three stairs of the porch; the last one almost breaking through when she placed her weight on it. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her house key and opened the door. A stale odor escaped as she walked into the house. It was all dark except for the dusty light that crept in through the cracks of the blinds to her left. In front of her on the couch lay a groaning lump of a figure.
Bella walked over to it and knelt by it, taking a pack of camels from his back pocket. She opened it taking one out and placing it between her lips. As she lighted she stood up and gave the lump a kick in the side with her heel.
"You daft bastard, hung-over again?" she said while taking a deep drag of her cigarette.
A groan escaped the lips of the lump on the couch. "Hell woman, I think I'm still drunk," he chuckled drunkenly.
Bella let out an angry sigh and threw her purse and keys on the cluttered kitchen table. She went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of V8.
"Where the hell have you been," said the drunk heatedly.
"Where the hell have I been?" Bella exclaimed loudly, turning around and slamming the bottle of V8 on the counter. "Where the hell have I been? I've been at my job you lazy son-of-a-bitch. You know, a place where people go to work so they can pay for food and for bills. Hell Frank, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. Y'aint never had a job your whole miserable fucking life. And I," finally yelling, "I'm out there every fucking night singing my heart out at some shitty local bar while drunk men try to shove dollar bills down my pants and touch me with their filthy hands." Bella stared at him it furiously. The man only stared back at her in a drunken stupor. She sighed and turned back away from him.
"Baby," Frank said seriously, "I'm sorry, come over here and let daddy make it all better" he said as he patted his lap.
Bella reluctantly walked towards him and sat on his lap. She wearily put her head on Franks shoulder and sighed. Frank wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss her. Bella shrugged him off, the smell of stale beer and whisky began to make her stomach turn.
"C'mon baby, whatsa matter? You know you just want some good luvin'."
"Frank, I ain't in the mood. Knock it off will ya" she said.
But Frank kept at it. He began to turn her over onto the couch and finally had her pinned against. He kept kissing her and began to run his grimy hands over her body, pinching and squeezing at her breats. Bella tried to push his hands away but they slowly made their way down to her pants. She cried out for him to stop but he slapped her and held her viciously by the neck saying she should shut her mouth if she knew what was good for her. Just as Frank was about to undo her pants and enter in she got a hand free and slugged him as hard as she possible could in the groin. Frank let out a cry of pain and tumbled off of her, clutching at his genitals.
"You no-good, son-of-a-bitch!" Bella cried standing up and kicking him hard in the stomach. Frank let out another cry of pain and tried to grab Bella, but Bella backed away quick and went for the shotgun on the mantel. She picked it up and cocked it, pointing it straight at Frank's forehead.
"You get your filthy ass out of here right now goddamnit! Don't you ever touch me again or I'm calling the cops, now get out! NOW!," Bella screamed at him.
Frank stood up slowly with a wicked scowl on his face, hands above his head. "I hope y'know what you're doin' woman," he spat.
"I know damn well what I'm doin', now get the fuck of the house!" Bella exclaimed shotgun still pointed at Frank. She slowly backed up toward the kitchen table, keeping a watchful eye on Frank. Bella reached behind her slowly and picked up the keys to his Ford and threw them at him. Frank slowly bent down and picked them up.
"I'll be goin' fer now you stupid whore," he growled, "but I'll be back, and when I get back you better be here waiting for me. I gots some issues to work out with you. I'm not finished with you woman." He looked her up and down and went out slamming the front door behind him.
Bella heard the rusty sound of Frank getting into his truck and drive off. She remained frozen until she couldn't hear the sound of the engine anymore and then she leaned back against the wall. Sliding down slowly she dropped the gun and began to convulse with silent sobs.
(A/N): okay hey! I know this chapter seems very well, I dunno, not happy. But it's just the beginning. If anyone has any advice, please, tell me. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but mean criticism will be used to make a camp fire so I can make shmoes, I mean s'mores.