![]() Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. You may call me Reine. I'm much more of a reader than a writer (it's easier to do ;) ). Fandoms I read: Mostly Harry Potter. The few stand-alone fandoms that I have favorited are Assassin's Creed (*high-pitched squeal*), Jak and Daxter (gotta love those two), Star Trek 2009 (all the men are gorgeous! And even Zoe Saldana is lovely, so I often leave her with Spock), and Pokemon (very nostalgic for me, even now I play it/watch the tv series, even though the new games/episodes are crap). Even so, it's all mostly HP. And mostly slash. Teehee. I'll sometimes look at Transformers (movieverse. I've seen the animated series, but that was looooooong ago), Bleach, Naruto, One Piece fics (series that I know but don't not as well as HP. Still, the slashing possibilities are mostly endless.) Stuff I don't read/write: Pairings I don't read/write: Pairings I read/write: My news: I'm not dead. If you only had my posting history to go on, you'd think so, but I'm not ;) Future projects: a couple of HP-Twilight crossovers (but with a twist obviously. Can't be one of those people that have a weak-and-submissive-Harry-finds-true-love-in-a-possessive-and-brooding-vampire-whose-whiny-Mary-Sue-girlfriend-has-conviently-moved-on fics), a HP/SS fic (because I need to have one up), a LV/SS fic, a political-and-plot-heavy fic, a RL/vampire!SS, not to mention I seem to be writing loads of random sex scenes that could eventually be incorporated into stories, etc. My stories: (General DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter. (If I did, do you really think the story would have turned out the way it did???? Man, I could write pages of what I would have changed!) I don't make any money off of the stories I post either. I must admit though, I do enjoy twisting these characters around in an extraordinarily painful way... if they were my own characters, I don't think I'd be so cruel...) I suppose I must mention that UPDATES ARE ERRATIC AT BEST. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand/like something! Invisible For A Day!: Ok, I lied when I said I didn't write Harry/Ginny. But if I had put Harry with, say, Severus, then I'd have to change around a lot of things. It was just simpler to keep things canon. I'm thinking about a sequel, but not something fluffy or even humorous, something dark and angsty... But I doubt it'll come soon (it took me 4 months to do Invisible For A Day, and it wasn't even a lack of inspiration, it was a lack of concentration!) Extreme Ways: The title is taken from the Moby song. The story has SLASH!!! A side note: I was posting a new fic, and, because I'm impatient, went to check my stats minutes after it was confirmed posted. The numbers for the new fic weren't surprising (5 hits in about 30 minutes...and I think they were all from me...), but the numbers for EW kinda struck me: nearly 90 000! And then I checked out my profile (I do that a lot) and this fic has been up since 2010! I don't want to say that it's abandoned, but I've come to dislike the route that I've taken with EW, and I've been wanting to change directions for a while. I realize now that there was a lot of fan service involved, and that my story should, logically, be a lot different than from canon. Again, I don't want to say it's abandoned, but I've got a pretty sporadic attention span...I can write out the entire plot of a story in one sitting, but over time, the nuances and subplots will be worked on but will bore me. I do have a 'reboot' chapter (because I don't plan on continuing the version that's up) but it's not done satisfactorily...in fact I really haven't been thinking about it in a while...so, yet again, I don't want to say it's abandoned, but it sort of looks that way, doesn't it? Nagedemort: This is a little cute story. I encourage you to read it. One reader even told me that Snape and Voldemort were sexy in it, even though I didn't actively write them that way. Oh well...in my subconcious I know that Snape is sexy... October: I don't have any RL/SS fics up, which is a shame because it's my favorite HP pairing. Plus I wanted to put something up, since I've been so inactive for the last year and a half. One Day In Your Life...: A TwiHarry crossover. It's complete (the only reason I'm posting it), but I'm quite iffy about the title as I didn't put nearly as much thought into it as I did the actual story. |