
Monday mornings were a good time for General George Hammond. He always made sure to arrive early that morning so he could go over his reports of the week; making sure everything was perfect with not only his reports but those of the various department heads under him so that they wouldn't have any of the old stuff to worry about in the week to come and could focus on anything new that was thrown at them.

Pretty much finished with all his work – which was good because time was now creeping up on him and the base would be coming to life any time now – Hammond sighed and set Colonel Jack O'Neill's latest stack of half-completed paperwork down on his desk once more. He'd have to take it back to O'Neill and have him finish it before he forgot – how could the man overlook the names of those on his team? It wasn't like there were all that many of them, after all!

Reaching for the phone on his desk – not the red one – he pressed a number on the keypad, and waited for one of the guards at the main gate to answer.

"Main Gate, Staff Sergeant Richards speaking, sir." The answer came almost immediately, which Hammond approved of.

"Sergeant, this is General Hammond. Has Colonel O'Neill checked in yet this morning?"

"No, sir."

"When he does, have him come to my office, please."

"Aye, aye, sir."

"Thank you."

Hammond hung up the phone, and returned to what he'd been doing.


Twenty minutes later there was a light rap on his door, and he looked up. And saw that not only was Colonel O'Neill outside waiting to be admitted, but so were Daniel Jackson and Major Carter. He frowned, but waved them all in.

"I didn't need to see your entire team, Colonel."

Jack nodded as Hammond waved them into chairs.

"I know, sir. Sergeant Richards told me you wanted to see me. But I thought we might as well report on the weekend."

Oh, yes. Hammond looked at all of them.

"Where's Teal'c?"

"He'll be along, General," Daniel said. "He said he had to go talk to someone, first."

"How did the weekend go, then?" Hammond asked. "Did you get him straightened out?"

Jack frowned – as did Carter and Daniel.

"Actually, sir," Sam said, slowly. "It… um…"

"Turned out Teal'c was right all along," Daniel finished.

"Excuse me?"

"This whole Harry Potter thing," Jack said, shrugging. "It's all real."


"It's not exactly like the books portray it to be, but it's pretty close." Sam said.

"You're not serious."

"We are," Daniel said. "We've met some of them – and spoke with them and-"

"You met actors dressed up like the characters in the books, you mean?"

"No, sir," Jack said. "We met them. The people. Including Harry Potter himself."

"And Professor Dumbledore," Sam added.

"And Lord Voldemort." Daniel told him.

Hammond stared at them for a long time. And then he reached for the phone.

"Doctor Fraiser? I'd like-"

"We're not crazy," Jack interrupted, scowling. "It happened. We saw them, okay?"

Hammond hesitated, searching the face of his second in command. O'Neill looked annoyed, but he didn't look any crazier than he had Friday afternoon. Neither did Carter or Jackson. He sighed.

"Never mind, Doctor."

Hanging the phone up, Hammond looked at all three of them again, wondering if this was some kind of joke.

"Tell me what happened…"

He hadn't expected something like this, of course, but hey… that was what Mondays were for, right?


"Think he believed us?"

Jack shrugged, looking over at Daniel.

"I wouldn't, if I were him. I still don't, really – and I was there."

They both knew he wasn't completely serious, of course. Nothing like having breakfast with a kid who doesn't exist to make one believe that, yeah, he might really exist.

"At least he didn't call in the white coats," Sam said.


And he hadn't made that big of a deal out of Jack's previously unknown relationship to Voldemort – although Jack knew that Hammond was going to do some checking into his background, now, to make sure that what Jack himself had been told was really the truth. If nothing else, they might just compare blood types with Jack's parents. If he didn't match either of them, then that would tell them immediately that his parentage was in doubt – and would open the realm of possibility a bit more. But that wasn't going to happen that day… and Jack wasn't worried about it in any rate.

"I think he's too surprised to do anything right now," Daniel said. "Maybe when the shock wears off…"

"Then it'll just turn into disbelief," Jack said. "When that wears off… well, we'll see."

They were quiet as they walked towards the elevator, and as they reached it, Teal'c emerged, looming impossibly large in the corridor – as always. In his hand he held a book, which he was looking at as he walked.

"What do you have there, Teal'c?" Daniel asked. "Another Harry Potter book?"

The Jaffa shook his head.

"I finished the series last night," Teal'c told them. "Until the next one is released, I am finished reading them."

"So what do you have there?" Sam asked.

"It is a book that Sergeant Silar has loaned me," Teal'c said, holding it up. "Perhaps you have heard of it? It is called The Hobbit."

Jack reached out and snatched the book from his hand – an impressive feat given the Jaffa's reflexes.

"Oh, no," he said scowling. "You're not reading this."

He turned to head down the corridor, the book still clenched in his hand.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"To beat Silar over the head with this thing. The last thing I need is an adventure to Middle Earth!"

And given the way things had been going around the SGC lately, you just never knew, did you?


Author's Note:

Okay, so that's the end of my very first attempt at a crossover! Thanks for reading it, and I hope you liked it! Obviously, there is a very wide open ending, and once the next HP book comes out and I read it, we'll see if there's the possibility for me to write a sequel to this one – I won't rule it out, but I wanted to wait and see where the book goes. Let me kno what you thought, please!